FactCheck.org→ NRA Exec’s False Gun Claim

The head of the National Rifle Association’s political and lobbying arm incorrectly described a repealed Social Security Administration reporting requirement for gun background checks as targeting senior citizens “who asked for help handlin Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump Misleads on Corker

President Donald Trump misleadingly claimed Sen. Bob Corker “gave us the Iran Deal.” Corker, who opposed the nuclear deal with Iran negotiated by the Obama administration, helped craft a bipartisan bill that allowed the House and Senate to Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump Nixed Gun-Control Rule

Q: Did President Donald Trump repeal a rule that aims to block some people with mental disorders from buying guns? A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a fed Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Obama’s Final Numbers

Summary The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed. The economy gained a net 11.5 million jobs. The unemploym Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Natural Born Bunk

Q: Have Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Keith Olbermann introduced a bill that would do away with the requirement that the U.S. president be a natural born citizen? A: No. Pelosi’s office confirmed that she has not, and Olbermann is not even a member of C Go to site post…»