FactCheck.org→ Congressional Race Scorecard

There have been eight congressional special elections since Donald Trump was inaugurated, and Republicans have won five of them. But the president spun that into a 5-0 record “up until last week” in a speech at a National Republican Congres Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ NRCC’s Weak Case

In the March 13 special House election in Pennsylvania, a pair of Republican Party TV ads attack Democratic candidate Conor Lamb as a weak prosecutor who can’t be trusted. But the GOP’s evidence is flimsy and misleading. Both ads fault Lamb Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump’s Numbers

Summary Now that President Donald Trump has been in office for one day shy of a full year, it’s time to take a look at how well his boasts  — and his critics’ complaints — stack up against hard data. Here we offer key measures Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Debunking False Vaccine Claim

Q: Has the Food and Drug Administration announced that vaccines cause autism? A: No. FDA statements are grounded in scientific evidence. There is no evidence that vaccination is linked to autism. FULL QUESTION FDA ANNOUNCED THAT VACCINES ARE CAUSIN Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Obama’s Final Numbers

Summary The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed. The economy gained a net 11.5 million jobs. The unemploym Go to site post…»