FactCheck.org→ Trump vs. Comey

Summary In the weeks leading up to his decision to fire FBI Director James Comey, President Donald Trump met with Comey on at least two occasions and discussed the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign. But Trump’s version of what was said at t Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump Distorts Stimulus

While calling for new infrastructure investments, President Donald Trump distorted the facts about President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus bill. Trump described it as an “infrastructure bill” but “[n]obody ever saw anything being Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump’s Job Boast

At an Oval Office ceremony, President Donald Trump boasted that Charter Communications “has just committed to investing $25 billion” and creating 20,000 jobs in the U.S. — the latest example of companies, he said, that are investing i Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Land Loss in Louisiana

Q: Is Louisiana losing a football field of land to the ocean every hour? A: Yes. Both natural processes and human activities contribute to the land loss, though humans are primarily to blame.  FULL QUESTION Is Louisiana losing a football field of Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump Twists Jobs Numbers

President Donald Trump says his agenda is all about “jobs, jobs, jobs.” But at a rally in Nashville, and a speech earlier the same day in Detroit, Trump made several misleading claims about jobs, and the effect he has had on them since taki Go to site post…»