Full Fact→ The UK’s tax revenue isn’t £40 billion less than it used to be “because of Brexit”.
A now-corrected article in The Guardian fails to make clear that a figure estimating the impact of Brexit on UK tax revenues is based on a counterfactual analysis.
Logically→ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ಚುನಾವಣೆಗೆ ಮುನ್ನ ‘ಮೋದಿ ಹಟಾವೋ, ದೇಶ್ ಬಚಾವೋ’ ಘೋಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಲು ಜಾಹಿರಾತೊಂದನ್ನು ಡಿಜಿಟಲಿ ಎಡಿಟ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ
Washington Post→ Trump conjures up a phony dispute with Ron DeSantis over China tariffs
The former president claims Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis opposed his tariffs on China and his aid to farmers. That's false.
The Dispatch→ The Great Couch Detectives
Shaking hands with Frank Sinatra.
The Dispatch→ AO on K Street
No Summer Associates were harmed during this recording.
The Dispatch→ Surprise and Frustration at the NATO Summit
Turkey drops its opposition to Swedish accession, but Ukraine is left with uncertainty.
The Dispatch→ Process Over Outcomes
The Supreme Court’s upcoming Second Amendment case is just as much about due process.
The Dispatch→ Why Nikki Haley Is Feeling Confident
She explains in an interview with The Dispatch why she’s looking beyond polling to measure her campaign’s success.
Logically→ No, France is not limiting people’s travel
ABC News / AP Fact Check→ Wisconsin’s turnout of registered voters in the 2020 election was not suspicious or abnormal
CLAIM: The turnout of registered voters in Wisconsin in the 2020 election was 94%, which suggests something suspicious about the results.
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: National Geographic Did NOT Publish December 2020 Magazine Cover With ‘White People’ Headline — It’s Fake
Does a National Geographic magazine cover purportedly published in December 2020 display what appears to be two adults and two children who are all white-complexioned beside a headline that reads "WHITE PEOPLE"? No, that's not true: A Nat
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: ‘1.4% Of Americans Owned Slaves’ Does NOT Accurately Represent Scope Of Slavery In 1860
Does the idea that 1.4 percent of Americans owned slaves in 1860 represent the true extent of slavery at that time? No, that's not true: That statistic isn't meaningful. By 1860, slave ownership was concentrated in the southern U.S., maki
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Dutch PM Mark Rutte Did NOT Try To ‘Seize Over 3000 Farms’ To ‘Free Land For Immigrants’
Did Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte try to "seize over 3000 farms" to "free land for immigrants" during the unsuccessful negotiations over immigration shortly before the government's collapse in July 2023? No, that's not true: The c
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: US Government Does NOT Approve Sale Of ‘Lab-Grown’ Meat ‘Without Any Labeling’ — Labels Will Say ‘Cell-Cultivated’
Did the U.S. government approve the sale of "lab-grown" meat "without any labeling"? No, that's not true: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced on June 14, 2023, that it gave label approval to GOOD Meat and UPSIDE Foods; com
ABC News / AP Fact Check→ Parody tweet about the Titanic submersible falsely attributed to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
CLAIM: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene published a Twitter post reading, “How can the Titanic submersible run out of air if you breathe both in and out?
Truth or Fiction?→ WGA Strike: ‘The Endgame is to Allow Things to Drag On Until Union Members Start Losing’ Their Homes
On July 11 2023 (two months into a Writers Guild of America strike), Deadline quoted a studio executive as saying that the endgame for Hollywood executives “is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and los
FactCheck.org→ Online Post Misrepresents 2020 Wisconsin Voter Data, Turnout
Quick Take Nearly 3.3 million votes were cast in the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin, which the state calculated as a record turnout of 73%. A social media post tries to cast doubt on the results by citing incomplete data and claiming it sh
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: There IS Scientific Consensus That Climate Change Is Happening And Caused Primarily By Human Activities
Is there no scientific consensus that climate change is happening? No, that's not true: A scientific survey of more than 88,000 climate-related studies found that more than 99 percent of research agrees that climate change is real and pri
ABC News / AP Fact Check→ FACT FOCUS: A story about a deadly TikTok boat-jumping challenge went viral. Then it fell apart
News outlets are warning of a deadly TikTok challenge that involves people jumping off speeding boats.
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: ‘WEF Agent’ Is NOT Calling For Cashless Society To Keep ‘Less Desirable’ People Out — He Is Warning Against It
Is a "WEF agent" revealing a plan to exclude "less desirable" people from digital currency that will take over the world? No, that's not true: The man in the first clip in the video is a renowned Cornell University professor who was speak
PolitiFact→ Facebook posts – No se ha aprobado un programa nuevo para obtener una ‘green card’
“Nuevo programa de Green Card” aprobado.
The Dispatch→ When We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know
No one should be confident in their opinion of the Hunter Biden allegations.
PolitiFact→ Viral image – Take a breath: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene didn’t say this about the Titan submersible
U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said, “How can the Titanic submersible run out of air if you breathe both in and out? I feel like this is more fake news BS.”
The Dispatch→ The Tucker Cattle Call
Everything that’s wrong with the GOP in one forum.
ABC News / AP Fact Check→ Video doesn’t show World Economic Forum speaker calling for a cashless society
CLAIM: A video shows a “World Economic Forum agent” calling for a cashless society and saying those determined “less desirable” will be locked out.
PolitiFact→ Facebook posts – People weren’t holding up turned-off phones at Biden’s July 4 event
A video shows people holding up their phones to film President Joe Biden, but “every phone there is turned off.”
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: There Is NO Quote Under Ron DeSantis’ Yearbook Photo
Did Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' high school yearbook photo have a quote underneath that reads, "My Mount Rushmore is Jesus, Sir-Mixes-a-Lot, and Nintendo 64"? No, that's not true: The photo in a post making that claim is real, but "there i
Truth or Fiction?→ Moms for Liberty’s ‘Americans and Jews’ Tweet
On July 12 2023, a screenshot of a tweet addressing “Americans and Jews” was attributed to the far-right activist group Moms for Liberty. It was quickly shared to Reddit’s r/WhitePeopleTwitter and r/MarchAgainstNazis: “Am
PolitiFact→ TikTok posts – No, Texas y Florida no anunciaron que van a darle ‘papeles’ a inmigrantes ilegalmente en EE.UU.
"Tejas, Florida y otros estados acaban de anunciar que le darán papeles a todos los inmigrantes indocumentados".
The Dispatch→ ‘The Bear’ Is a Tribute to Dynamism—and What Blocks It
The regulatory nightmare of opening a restaurant.
PolitiFact→ Florida immigration law: Do new employment rules affect workers in seasonal, agricultural jobs?
Florida’s new immigration law includes penalties for employers who hire people not legally authorized to work in the U.S. Experts said they expect that some of the new rules apply to seasonal workers, though those workers are not specifically mention
PolitiFact→ Facebook posts – Don’t believe this flushing falsehood. People in Switzerland may flush toilets after 10 p.m.
“In Switzerland, it is illegal to flush the toilet after 10 p.m. in apartments to avoid disturbing neighbors.”
The Dispatch→ Fact Checking Claims About Vaccine Testing by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The Democratic presidential candidate made a misleading statement in a Fox News interview.
PolitiFact→ Viral image – Tesla shareholder meeting video altered to misrepresent CEO Elon Musk’s comments
Video shows Elon Musk “urging everyone in the UK to take advantage of this great opportunity before the big banks close completely.”
PolitiFact→ Instagram posts – Progress pride flag flew in San Diego, but its colors don’t represent pedophiles
Video shows the city of San Diego displaying a flag supportive of pedophilia.
Full Fact→ False claims of links between vaccines and HIV spread online
A social media post falsely links Dr Anthony Fauci to the origins of the AIDS epidemic and repeats a long debunked theory that the smallpox vaccine causes HIV.
PolitiFact→ Facebook posts – Video of old Senate committee hearing is sensationalized, and mischaracterized, on social media
Video shows a Senate committee hearing witness who “cries to Josh Hawley for ‘no jailtime.’”
PolitiFact→ Viral image – Baseless clone claims replicate on social media
Photos prove former Vice President Mike Pence and King Charles III have clones.
Full Fact→ Hoax missing boy post uses picture of animal rescue volunteer in Philippines
Fake appeals for information about a supposedly missing five-year-old have been shared in UK Facebook groups.