FactCheck.org→ Misquoting FactCheck.org

To set the record straight, FactCheck.org did not call the allegation that longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone had advance notice about hacked Democratic emails “false,” as Stone claimed in a recent op-ed. We said it is “not a Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump’s U.N. Speech

Summary In his first speech to the U.N. General Assembly, President Donald Trump reprised misleading talking points on everything from job growth to defense spending. We’ve written about variations of some of these claims numerous times, but sinc Go to site post…»

PolitiFact→ Mailbag: 'You look ridiculous'

Once again, President Donald Trump has been the dominant topic in reader emails to PolitiFact, though we’ve found that Hillary Clinton remains on the minds of some readers as well. Here’s a sampling of reader emails over the past few weeks, Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Phony Pelosi Drug Arrests

Q: Were Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s daughters arrested for smuggling cocaine into the U.S.? A: No. That story and several spin-offs were intended as satire. FULL QUESTION Were Nancy Pelosi’s daughters really arrested for drug possession? FULL ANSWER Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Debunking Fake News

In late December, FactCheck.org agreed to help identify and label viral fake news stories flagged by Facebook users. We are one of several organizations that are part of Facebook’s initiative to combat the spread of viral deceptions. We are now inc Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Mailbag: The Comey Hearing

This week, readers sent us comments about former FBI Director James Comey, who testified before the Senate intelligence committee about private conversations he had with President Donald Trump regarding the agency’s Russia investigation. In the Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ A Fake Tom Price Quote

Q: Did Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price say “it’s better for our budget if cancer patients die more quickly”? A: No. That’s another made-up quote from a “news/satire” website. FULL QUESTION Did Tom Pr Go to site post…»