FactCheck.org→ Misquoting FactCheck.org

To set the record straight, FactCheck.org did not call the allegation that longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone had advance notice about hacked Democratic emails “false,” as Stone claimed in a recent op-ed. We said it is “not a Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump’s Tweets Twist Facts

In the wake of another terrorist attack in Britain, President Donald Trump fired off several tweets about the need for his court-blocked travel ban, contradicting statements from members of his own administration and distorting the facts in the process Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ 100 Days of Whoppers

Summary Donald Trump — whom we crowned the “King of Whoppers” when he was a long-shot candidate in 2015 — has held true to form during his first 100 days as president of the United States. In his first hour as president, he pain Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Spinning the Intel Hearing

Summary The White House made a series of misleading statements in an effort to put its best spin on a House intelligence committee hearing into Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign: During the hearing, the official White Go to site post…»