Logically→ Nej, Sverige bygger inte ett fängelse för 5 000 invandrare och kan inte heller fängsla muslimer utan giltiga skäl
Logically→ Nej, den svenska socialtjänsten kidnappar inte 50.000 barn per år baserat på den nazistiska “Lebensborn”-ideologin om att återbefolka nationen.
Logically→ 2013 video of PM Narendra Modi used to falsely claim he expressed support for INDIA bloc
Logically→ Nej, Sverige är inte ett registrerat företag som inte stiftar lagar utan företagspolicys
Logically→ Nej, Sveriges Television är inte ett privat företag som ägs av en stiftelse med dolda ägare
Logically→ Kvicksilver är giftigt och kan inte användas för antigravitationsteknik
Logically→ Nej, havsmossa kan inte bota diabetes
Logically→ नागपुर के सांस्कृतिक केंद्र का वीडियो अयोध्या में राम मंदिर का अंदरूनी दृश्य बताकर वायरल
Logically→ Nej, det har inte hittats mikrochip som bevisar existensen av en uråldrig avancerad civilisation.
The Dispatch→ Another Migrant Surge
The Biden administration’s border policies strain under a new wave of migrants.
Logically→ Nej, det var inte en “Airborne-laser” (ABL) eller andra energivapen som orsakade bränderna på Maui
Logically→ Jordbävningen i Marocko berodde på rörelser i de tektoniska plattorna, inte på HAARP
Logically→ চিলিৰ পুৰণি ভিডিঅ’ ‘ডেনিয়েল’ ধুমুহায়ে লিবিয়াত কৰা ধ্বংসৰ দৃশ্য বুলি ভাইৰেল
Logically→ Media misreports Canada updated travel advisory for India amid standoff
Logically→ Donald Rumsfeld rapporterade inte att 2,3 biljoner dollar saknades i Pentagon dagen före den 11 september 2001
Logically→ No, this photo was not taken in Istanbul during British occupation in the 1920s
Logically→ Migrationsministerns påståenden om statistik över bidrag till invandrare är missvisande
Health Feedback→ CDC data didn’t show an increased risk of hospitalization in people vaccinated against COVID-19, contrary to claim by Alex Berenson
REVIEW Casting doubt on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines has been a recurring theme of misinformation since the vaccination rollout in December 2020. Health Feedback has covered this subject in several previous reviews, explaining why claims t
Logically→ Scripted video of woman tearing down Pride flag passed off as real
Full Fact→ Conservative estimate that UK would take 100,000 migrants a year under Labour plan is not reliable
It’s not clear how many more migrants might come as a result of any future returns agreement with the EU, but the 100,000 figure is based on a number of assumptions.
The Dispatch→ Last Exit to Wheeling
The forgotten man.
The Dispatch→ House Republicans Saddle Up for More Chaos
Even their own colleagues aren’t sure of what the GOP holdouts want from the spending impasse.
The Dispatch→ Could McCarthy Really Pull Off Impeaching Biden?
It’s stupid politics, but it might just work.
PolitiFact→ Instagram posts – No proof the World Economic Forum called for ‘COVID-19 concentration camps’
The World Economic Forum is calling “for COVID concentration camps.”
PolitiFact→ Social Media – Video shows Sen. John Fetterman, not a body double, with tattoos intact
Video proves Sen. John Fetterman has a body double.
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Biden’s Family Did NOT Say He Died And Was Replaced By Actor In 2019
Did President Joe Biden's family say he died and was replaced by an actor in 2019? No, that's not true: This article and accompanying video from The People's Voice is baseless. There is no member of the Biden family who has claimed that J
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: California Bill Does NOT Make It Illegal To Confront Or Fight Back Against Looters, Burglars And Shoplifters
Does California Senate Bill 553 make it illegal to confront or fight back against looters, burglars and shoplifters? No, that's not true: California SB 553 does not fine employees who confront shoplifters, the senator who sponsored the bi
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: WEF Does NOT Call For ‘COVID Concentration Camps’ To Jail Those Who Question Official Narrative
Did the World Economic Forum (WEF) call on governments to establish "COVID concentration camps" globally for individuals who do not comply with the "official narrative" related to COVID-19? No, that's not true: A WEF representative called
ABC News / AP Fact Check→ New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is not trying to create ‘quarantine camps’
CLAIM: New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is trying to create “quarantine camps” in which people can be held against their will if they have COVID-19 or other diseases.
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: CDC Study Did NOT Confirm ‘COVID Jab Lowers Male Life Expectancy By 24 Years’
Did a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirm that men who receive COVID-19 vaccines "will tragically suffer a 24-year loss in their life expectancy"? No, that's not true: Dr. Nabin Shrestha, an inf
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: "Tweets" Between Michelle Obama And Trump Are NOT Real — They’re Fake Messages
Are the tweets between Michelle Obama and Donald Trump about "destroying the country" and inviting "Mike" to play basketball real? No, that's not true: No such tweets from the former first lady's official account nor the former president'
PolitiFact→ Joe Biden – Does Trump support punishments for women who get abortions? Biden ad uses old, retracted remark
Video shows Donald Trump believes “there has to be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions.
The Dispatch→ The ‘Mean to Mitt’ Theory
Enough already.
PolitiFact→ Facebook posts – Don’t fall for social media posts promising free money from Walmart
“Walmart must pay $500 to customers who made purchases in the last 180 days.”
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Video Does NOT Show A Real Argument Between ‘Trans Person’ And Flight Attendant — It’s A Skit With Actors
Does this video show a real flight attendant and a "trans person" arguing over pronouns on a passenger aircraft? No, that's not true: This video was made by the comedian and content creator Jibrizy. The video is a clip from a longer Jibri
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: U.S. Did NOT ‘Accidentally’ Send $6 Billion To Ukraine — Funds Will Be Used For Future Aid
Did the United States transfer $6 billion to Ukraine by mistake? No, that's not true: In the summer of 2023, the Pentagon admitted that it overestimated the value of military gear sent to Ukraine due to an accounting mistake but the money
PolitiFact→ Viral image – No, Donald Trump didn’t call Michelle Obama ‘Mike’ in a tweet
Former President Donald Trump called Michelle Obama “Mike” in this tweet.
PolitiFact→ Instagram posts – Videos of LGBTQ+ arguments aren’t real. They’re from skits
Videos show confrontation over LGBTQ+ representation.
PolitiFact→ Las falsedades de Trump en 'Meet the Press' sobre el aborto, el 6 de enero y el precio del tocino
En Español: Las afirmaciones falsas y engañosas de Donald Trump en "Meet the Press" sobre el ataque al Capitolio del 6 de enero, el aborto y las elecciones de 2020.