FactCheck.org→ ‘Buy America’ Spin

Sen. Tammy Baldwin goes too far when she says U.S. steelworkers were “left behind” last year by Republican leaders who killed her “buy America” bill. Baldwin’s bill would have required U.S. steel to be used on projects funded by the Drink Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump’s GDP Puffery

President Donald Trump wrongly described the estimated 2.6 percent growth in the nation’s gross domestic product for the second quarter as “a number that nobody thought they’d see for a long period of time.” In fact, real GDP gr Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Smith Spins NASA Funding

Rep. Lamar Smith said that, after national security agencies, “NASA received the most favorable budget request from the Trump administration.” True, but President Donald Trump’s 2018 proposal would still cut NASA’s budget by a Go to site post…»