FactCheck.org→ The Comey Hearing

After former FBI Director James Comey testified about his private conversations with President Donald Trump regarding the agency’s Russia investigation, the president’s lawyer gave a brief statement that contained inaccurate and disputed cl Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump’s Tweets Twist Facts

In the wake of another terrorist attack in Britain, President Donald Trump fired off several tweets about the need for his court-blocked travel ban, contradicting statements from members of his own administration and distorting the facts in the process Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Double-Counting Growth

How does President Donald Trump’s proposed budget reach a balance in 10 years, as the administration says it will? With 3 percent economic growth, says Mick Mulvaney, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget. How does Trump pla Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Hollywood Strike Hoax

Q: Did Hollywood celebrities threaten to strike until President Donald Trump resigns? A: No. That story was made up by a “HYBRID site of news and satire.” FULL QUESTION Are eminent Hollywood celebrities preparing for a massive strike in Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Video: Trump vs. Comey

This much we know: President Donald Trump and former FBI Director James Comey privately discussed the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign during at least two White House meetings. But Trump’s version of what was said at those private meetings i Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Special Counsel Q&A

On May 17, the Justice Department announced the appointment of former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III as special counsel to investigate any possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government’s efforts to influence the 201 Go to site post…»