The Fox News host did interview a man who has worked as an actor, but he did not hire an actor to play a protest organizer.
Snopes→ Anti-Defamation League Headquarters Receives Bomb Threat
After denouncing a wave of anti-Semitic incidents across the country, the ADL's headquarters in New York City were targeted.→ Trump Official’s Misplaced Gitmo Blame
Sebastian Gorka, a deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, botched two facts when speaking on Fox News about a released Guantanamo Bay detainee responsible for a recent suicide bombing in Iraq: First, Gorka wrongly suggested the man was released b
Snopes→ Did Trump Sign An Order Barring Undocumented Immigrants From Receiving Welfare?
Claims that welfare recipients without documentation would be "sent home" came from hoax news stories.
PolitiFact→ The possible ties between Trump and Russia, explained
President Donald Trump recently dismissed reports about his possible ties to Russia as a "scam" by the media and bitter political opponents. Yet as the stories pile up, calls are coming from both sides of the aisle for congressional investiga
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘My Friend Cayla’ Doll Being Hacked, Used for Espionage-Truth! & Disputed!
‘My Friend Cayla’ Doll Being Hacked, Used for Espionage-Truth! & Disputed! Summary of eRumor: A doll called “My Friend Cayla” contains a connected bluetooth listening device that is being used to spy on children and record
Truth or Fiction?→ Cooking with Aluminum Foil Causes Alzheimer’s Disease-Unproven!
Cooking with Aluminum Foil Causes Alzheimer’s Disease-Unproven! Summary of eRumor: Cooking with aluminum pots and pans or aluminum foil causes Alzheimer’s disease. The Truth: Theories that exposure to aluminum has been linked to Alzheime
Snopes→ Are Carjackers Using Discarded Shirts as Bait to Lure Victims?
News reports conflated a genuine incident of human trafficking with a completely unrelated claim that traffickers used shirts on windshields as bait.
Snopes→ Did Stephen Miller Throw a White Power Sign?
A photograph showing Stephen Miller with his hands in an odd configuration is real, but is not proof that the White House advisor was using a "white power" hand symbol.
Snopes→ Riot Breaks Out in Immigrant Suburb of Stockholm, Sweden
Days after President Trump referenced a nonexistent instance of immigrant violence in Sweden, a riot broke out in a predominantly immigrant district of Stockholm.
Snopes→ Federal Hiring Freeze Affects Military Childcare Programs
Letters circulating on Facebook indicate that military bases plan to reduce childcare programs because of a federal hiring freeze.
Snopes→ Does a Photograph Show Ivanka Trump with Vladimir Putin and Wendi Murdoch?
A picture showing First Daughter Ivanka Trump posing with Vladimir Putin and Wendi Murdoch was digitally manipulated.
Snopes→ Did President Trump Sign Visa-Free Travel Policies for Various Countries?
Fake news sites pumped out false stories about President Trump's signing visa-free travel policies for residents of a number of different countries.
Washington Post→ Democrats persist with the slippery claim of a ’60-vote standard’ for Supreme Court nominees
“One of things I talked with him [Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch] about is the standard which every other Supreme Court nominee has had to meet, and that is earning 60 bipartisan votes in the United States Senate.” — Sen. Tamm
Hoax-Slayer→ No, The “Owner of Audi” is NOT Going to Give You A Car For Liking and Sharing
"Audi Passion" Facebook Page claims that one Kevin M James, "Owner of AUDI" is giving away two Audi cars. And, all you need to do for a chance to win, claims the Page, is to like and share and then add the comment "Done".
Snopes→ Did President Trump Sign a Law Restricting Welfare for ‘Deadbeats’?
President Trump did not sign an executive order cutting off welfare to "deadbeats, drug addicts and scam artists."
Snopes→ Did Pat Robertson Say ‘Staring’ at Melania Trump ‘Can Heal Gays’?
A 'hybrid' fake news site built on real comments made by Pat Robertson to assert the televangelist said looking at Melania Trump could 'cure gays.'
Snopes→ Study: Same-Sex Marriage Legalization Associated With Reduced Adolescent Suicide Attempts
An exhaustive study demonstrated significant and immediate declines in teenage suicide attempts following state-by-state legalization of same sex marriage.
Truth or Fiction?→ Congressional Black Caucus Proposes White Tax-Fiction!
Congressional Black Caucus Proposes White Tax-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) has proposed that white people should have to pay a “black tax” or a “white tax” for not having enough melanin in th→ Bogus Visa Waiver Stories
Q: Did President Trump sign an executive order allowing foreign nationals from various countries to enter the U.S. without a visa? A: No. That bogus claim was made in a series of articles published by fake news websites. FULL QUESTION Is it t
Washington Post→ 100 days of Trump claims
The Fact Checker has launched a new interactive graphic that will track every suspect claim made by the president in his first 100 days in office. Donald Trump earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings as a presidential candidate. Now that he’s p
Truth or Fiction?→ Rosemary Labonte Letter to the Editor: New Immigrants vs Old Immigrants-Opinion!
Rosemary Labonte Letter to the Editor: New Immigrants vs Old Immigrants-Opinion! Summary of eRumor: David Labonte has forwarded a letter to the editor written by his wife, Rosemary Labonte, about “new immigrants.” The Truth: Rosemary Labont
Snopes→ Andy Rooney’s Political Views
A transcript of the late '60 Minutes' commentator Andy Rooney's explaining his political views is a fabrication.
Washington Post→ The White House claim that Obama-era regulations have cost $890 billion
“The resolution is a start of rolling back harmful Obama-era regulations, which have cost the American business consumers a staggering $890 billion, making our companies less competitive and even driving some of them out of busin
Hoax-Slayer→ Camera Radar “Negligent Driving” Malware Email
"Negligent driving" email that includes an image apparently taken from a traffic camera claims that you have been issued with a driver violation and should click a link to read a notification.
Hoax-Slayer→ “First Time In Facebook History” Car Giveaway Scams Continue
Facebook Page that calls itself "Audi & Bmw & Mercedes" claims that, for the first time in Facebook history, you can win one of two "Beautiful Mercedes C" just by liking, sharing, commenting, and supplying your name and email address.
Hoax-Slayer→ HOAX – “Recommended by a Lawyer” Facebook Privacy Statement
Circulating message claims that, because Facebook is now a public entity, all members should post a privacy statement on Facebook to protect their photographs and other information from being used without their permission. Supposedly, posting the state
Snopes→ Attempted Tomato Assassination of George Washington
The tale of a cook who attempted to poison George Washington by feeding him tomatoes comes from a mystery magazine, not history.→ Trump Exaggerates Swedish Crime
Swedish authorities and criminologists say President Donald Trump is exaggerating crime in Sweden as a result of its liberal policy of accepting refugees from Syria and other Middle Eastern countries. Statistics show there has been an uptick in some
PolitiFact→ What the statistics say about Sweden, immigration and crime
When it comes to immigration and national security, President Donald Trump often points to other countries as case studies of policies he believes work and don’t work. Who’s done a great job securing their borders? Israel, Trump says. Who&r
Snopes→ President Donald Trump and Sweden
An 18 February 2017 address Trump gave in Florida caused widespread confusion with his reference to an unspecified (and seemingly nonexistent) incident in Sweden.
Snopes→ Kentucky Lawmaker Introduced Bill Requiring Men to Get Wives’ Permission to Take Viagra
Kentucky Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, who is also a registered nurse, joked that she introduced the tongue-in-cheek 2016 legislation 'to protect these men from themselves.'
Snopes→ Did George Washington Have Wooden Teeth?
We cannot tell a lie: George Washington's false teeth weren't made out of wood, though the materials actually used weren't all that appealing, either.
PolitiFact→ Are leaks about Russia contacts 'illegal,' as Trump says?
Amid a slew of reports suggesting improper contact between members of President Donald Trump’s inner circle and Russia, Trump says the media is missing the real problem: leaks. "Illegal" leaks, to be specific. Trump confusingly said tha
Hoax-Slayer→ PayPal “Cancel Payment” Phishing Scam
Email purporting to be from PayPal claims that the recipient has sent a payment to a specified merchant and offers instructions for cancelling the payment if required.
Hoax-Slayer→ Virgin Airlines Australia “Holiday Giveaway” Facebook Scam
Facebook Page calling itself "Virgin Airlines Australia" claims that a family of three has just pulled out of a trip to Bali so Virgin has decided to give away the holiday to a fan. Supposedly, all you need to do for a chance to win is like and share t
Snopes→ ‘Violin Island’ in Costa Rica?
An image purportedly showing a 'Violin Island' off Costa Rica is actually a digitally created optical illusion.
Snopes→ Did Ben Carson Say That Illegal Immigrants Caught Voting Should Lose Their U.S. Citizenship?
Dr. Ben Carson wrote in a 2014 article that anyone caught voting illegally should be stripped of their citizenship and deported.
Snopes→ Magic Johnson’s Celebrity Crew Arrive at the NBA Playoffs?
A photograph showing a star-studded group arriving at the NBA playoffs is a composite of several photographs.
Hoax-Slayer→ Hoax – ATM Security Advice Message : ‘Enter PIN In Reverse to Call Police’
Message claims that if you are forced by robbers to withdraw money from an ATM, you can secretly alert police by entering your PIN in reverse.