According to reports, three unnamed witnesses heard Bush refer to the 45th president's inauguration using the phrase.
Snopes→ Three Reasons You Should Stop Eating Peanut Butter Cups?
A viral post misrepresents the science behind three additives in the popular peanut butter and chocolate treat.
Snopes→ Is a ‘Do Not Cross This Field’ Bull Warning Sign Real?
Although a photograph showing a bull warning sign is frequently shared with a claim that it was digitally altered, the sign is actually real.
Snopes→ Crime in Sweden, Part III: Does Sweden Have ‘No-Go Zones’ Where the Police Can’t Enter?
Swedish police have identified “problem areas,” but say there is no such thing as a “no-go zone.”→ Sessions’ Dubious Drug Claims
In an address to law enforcement, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions made two dubious claims about marijuana and opioids: Sessions said marijuana is “only slightly less awful” than heroin, an illicit opioid. Experts says heroin is thre
Truth or Fiction?→ With S.J. Res 34, Congress Allows Internet Providers to Sell Your Browsing History-Truth! & Misleading!
With S.J. Res. 34, Congress Allows Internet Providers to Sell Your Browsing History-Truth! & Misleading! Summary of eRumor: Congress has approved S.J. Res. 34, which would repeal an Obama-era internet privacy rule that prevented Internet service p→ Partisan Spin on Gorsuch Vote
As the Senate considers Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, senators on both sides have engaged in partisan spin over the number of votes required to approve his nomination: Sen. Bernie Sanders falsely claimed the Senate “requires 60 votes
Hoax-Slayer→ Nike Giveaway Facebook Scam
Facebook Page that calls itself Nike Mercurial claims that you can win expensive Nike shoes just by sharing and liking a post and adding the comment "Win".
Washington Post→ Tim Kaine’s claim about whether Judge Neil Gorsuch views contraception as a ‘wrongdoing of others’
“As in Hobby Lobby and Little Sisters of the Poor, his own view on ‘the wrongdoing of others’ — i.e., women making their own health care choices — shows through the relatively straightforward legal issue raised by the case. …
Hoax-Slayer→ “Get 2 Free Cebu Pacific Tickets” Facebook Scam
Circulating Facebook post claims that you can click to get two free air tickets to fly anywhere courtesy of the Philippines based airline Cebu Pacific.
Hoax-Slayer→ Fake ATO “Tax Declaration” Emails Want You to Download a File
Australian residents are currently receiving emails that claim to be from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The emails warn that a review of your 2016 tax return has revealed "several inconsistencies".
Snopes→ Activists Threaten to Spill Congress’ Browsing Histories After Privacy Rollback Vote
One activist says he plans to create a searchable tool that allows constituents to look up legislators' browsing histories.
Snopes→ Rollins College Controversy Described as ‘Fake News’
Reports that a Rollins College student was suspended for disagreeing with a Muslim professor lacked some important background information.
Hoax-Slayer→ Watch Out For “Confirmation Letter Enclosed” Malware Emails
Malicious emails that claim to have a confirmation letter enclosed are currently being distributed by online criminals.
Hoax-Slayer→ Charles F. Feeney ‘Grant Donation’ Advance Fee Scam
Email purporting to be from millionaire philanthropist Charles Francis Feeney claims that the recipient has been awarded a grant of 1.9 million US dollars based on the random selection of his or her email address online.
Hoax-Slayer→ No, Morrisons is Not Giving Everyone a Free £85 Coupon
According to a post currently being shared on Facebook, you can click to get a free voucher worth £85 from UK supermarket chain Morrisons.
Snopes→ Did an Antifascist Group Put Up Anti-White Posters in Seattle?
A photograph showing a 'When You Date a White' poster in Seattle is real, but Emerald City Antifa said that they were not responsible for the message.
Snopes→ Did 244 Inmates Escape From a Fijian Prison?
A dubious news site fabricated a story about a mass escape — but it couldn't even keep its details straight.
Snopes→ Crime in Sweden, Part II: Are Refugee Men Overrepresented in Swedish Crime?
Claims that newly-arrived asylum seekers are causing a crime wave in Sweden are not supported by data or local officials.
PolitiFact→ Fight for the Future – Congress let Internet providers 'spy on' your underwear purchases, advocacy group says
The Truth-o-Meter says: Mostly True | Congress let Internet providers 'spy on' your underwear purchases, advocacy group says Your Internet service provider has intimate knowledge about your intimates, and a bill headed to President Donald Trump&rsq
Truth or Fiction?→ Warning from Shell Oil Company About Climate Change-Truth!
Warning from Shell Oil Company About Climate Change-Truth! Summary of eRumor: Shell Oil Company released a 1991 video about the “catastrophic risks” of climate change that warned about rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, cli
Truth or Fiction?→ Obama Aide Evelyn Farkas Admits Spying on Donald Trump’s Team-Mostly Fiction!
Obama Aide Evelyn Farkas Admits Spying on Donald Trump’s Team-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Former Obama administration aide Evelyn Farkas admitted in an appearance on MSNBC that she helped President Obama spy on President Trump’s ca
Snopes→ Human Waste Reportedly Found in Coke Cans in Northern Ireland Bottling Plant
A police investigation is underway to determine how empty cans allegedly contaminated with human feces wound up at a bottling facility near Belfast.
Snopes→ Homeless Couple Found Living in Walmart Attic with Hot Plate, Meth Lab, and 42″ LED TV?
Reports that twp homeless people were discovered living and cooking meth in the attic of a Tennessee Walmart store are fake news.
PolitiFact→ Why April 2 is International Fact-Checking Day
Editor's note: Sunday, April 2, is International Fact-checking Day. To mark the day, PolitiFact will conduct a "fact-check-a-thon" on fake news. Here, our editor Angie Drobnic Holan explains the need for an International Fact-ch
Snopes→ Did Evelyn Farkas Just Leak Information Confirming President Obama Spied on President Trump?
Evelyn Farkas' 2 March 2017 MSNBC interview was decoupled from its context involving a 1 March 2017 article about efforts to preserve Obama-era intelligence.
PolitiFact→ Jeff Sessions – Jeff Sessions exaggerates claim about 'sanctuary' policies and violating federal law
The Truth-o-Meter says: Mostly False | Jeff Sessions exaggerates claim about 'sanctuary' policies and violating federal law Attorney General Jeff Sessions said "sanctuary cities" that won’t cooperate immigration authorities are
Hoax-Slayer→ Still Using AOL Email? Keep an Eye Out For These Phishing Scams
Right now, AOL email users need to watch for fake "Assistant Message" emails purporting to be from AOL help. The emails cite a supposed account problem and suggest that you access more information by following a link to the AOL Help website.
Hoax-Slayer→ HOAX – ‘Cosmic Rays Entering Earth From Mars’
Circulating message warns that potentially dangerous cosmic rays will be entering the Earth from Mars between 10:30 pm (or 12:30 am) and 3:30 am tonight and users should switch off their mobile devices. The message claims that the information comes fro
Washington Post→ The White House’s claim that the carbon emissions rule ‘could cost up to $39 billion a year’
“The previous administration’s Clean Power Plan could cost up to $39 billion a year … according to NERA Economic Consulting.” –White House fact sheet, March 28, 2017 President Trump has started rolling back Obama-e
Snopes→ The Roots of United States Immigration Policy
Anti-immigration policy hardliners evolved cheek by jowl with pro-eugenics and conservation groups.
Snopes→ Is Devin Nunes Invested in a Wine Company That Does Business in Russia?
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee owns stock in a California winery that says they sold 22 cases of wine to a Russian distributor in 2013.
Snopes→ Is a Maine Crematorium Offering Free Cremations?
Downeast Direct Cremations has offered the service for free to contest winners, attracting the attention of meme groups.
Snopes→ Great White Sharks Spotted in Mississippi River?
A photograph purporting to show two great white sharks swimming in the Mississippi River depicts bull sharks, not great whites, and was taken in Costa Rica.
Snopes→ Chair of House Science Committee Says the Journal ‘Science’ Is Not Objective
Chairman Lamar Smith dismissed commentary presented during testimony on climate change because it came from the journal Science — one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific publications in existence.
Truth or Fiction?→ Hillary Clinton Sold 20 Percent of World’s Uranium to Russia-Fiction!
Hillary Clinton Sold 20 Percent of America’s Uranium to Russia-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: President Donald Trump has repeated the claim that Hillary Clinton sold 20 percent of America’s Uranium to Russia while secretary of stat
Snopes→ Did the Trump Administration Remove LBGT Categories from the 2020 Census?
LGBT data were not previously included in any U.S. census, but an altered report suggested the Census Bureau was considering the topic for inclusion for 2020.
Snopes→ U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions Disbarred for Misconduct?
Hyperpartisan web sites spread the false claim that Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be disbarred thanks to a letter of complaint signed by 2,000 U.S. lawyers.
Snopes→ Crime In Sweden, Part I: Is Sweden the ‘Rape Capital’ of Europe?
Not according to the data.
PolitiFact→ Is the fight to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act dead?
The White House is delivering mixed messages on whether it will keep trying to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, while other Republicans say they are committed to that plan. In their first attempt since President Donald Trump took office, Hou