FactCheck.org→ The Data on DACA and Crime

Hours before the Supreme Court heard oral arguments over whether the Trump administration could end a deferred deportation program for so-called “Dreamers,” the president tweeted that “some” of those receiving that protection &# Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump’s Shaky $5,000 Boast

President Donald Trump is on shaky ground when he claims that annual income for the typical household is up by an inflation-adjusted $5,000 since he took office. That turns out to be based on an erratic series of estimates drawn from a government surve Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump Twists Impeachment Polls

A number of national polls show more Americans want President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office than those who don’t. In swing states, however, a majority opposes removing Trump from office via impeachment, even as a majority support Go to site post…»