FactCheck.org→ Hitler and Chemical Weapons

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has apologized profusely for his much-criticized comparison of Syria’s Bashar Assad to Adolf Hitler, but his clarification that he meant Hitler did not drop chemical bombs from airplanes requires some histo Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Land Loss in Louisiana

Q: Is Louisiana losing a football field of land to the ocean every hour? A: Yes. Both natural processes and human activities contribute to the land loss, though humans are primarily to blame.  FULL QUESTION Is Louisiana losing a football field of Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump’s False Gitmo Blame

President Donald Trump wrongly tweeted that “122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield.” Actually, it’s only nine former detainees. The other 113 were released under President George Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Precision in Climate Science

The Line: Scientists cannot precisely measure climate change nor the impact of human activity on climate change. The Party: Republican In the past, some Republicans have denied that global warming and climate change are occurring — calling the f Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Trump’s Address to Congress

Summary In his first address to a joint session of Congress, President Donald Trump stuck closely to his prepared remarks, but ran afoul of the facts in some cases. Trump said the U.S. has spent $6 trillion in the Middle East and “with this $6 t Go to site post…»