FactCheck.org→ GOP, Democrats Spin Tax Plan

Summary House Republicans on Nov. 2 introduced a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s tax code, and almost immediately both parties distorted the facts about the plan to advance their partisan agendas: The tax plan isn’t the “biggest tax cut in Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Obama’s Final Numbers

Summary The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed. The economy gained a net 11.5 million jobs. The unemploym Go to site post…»

FactCheck.org→ Does Glyphosate Cause Cancer?

Q: Does the herbicide glyphosate cause cancer?  A: There is evidence to suggest it may cause cancer at very high doses, but not at the low doses typically found in foods. FULL QUESTION A FoodBabe.com article says glyphosate has been found in prepa Go to site post…»