An intern could be seen making the "OK" gesture in an official photograph with the president, but denied he was making a white supremacist gesture.
Publication: white supremacists
Snopes→ Charlottesville Police Chief Resigns Amidst Criticism
Al Thomas abruptly resigned after months of criticism for how the department handled the white supremacist rally that left one woman dead this summer.
Snopes→ Oldest White Supremacist Site Shut Down After Complaint had more than 300,000 registered users with traffic increasing since a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Snopes→ Did a Black Lives Matter Activist ‘Demand’ That White People Give Up Their Homes?
Chanelle Helm wrote a list of recommendations about what wealthy white people can do to help eradicate racial injustice — if they want.
Snopes→ White Supremacist Christopher Cantwell Turns Himself in to Police in Virginia
Cantwell was wanted on three felony charges, including malicious bodily injury, for pepper-spraying a counter-protester at a Charlottesville rally.
Snopes→ Anger About White Supremacist Rally Boils Over at Charlottesville City Council Meeting
After a series of disruptions by members of the public, councillors held an impromptu town hall-style meeting.
Snopes→ Counter-Demonstrators Didn’t Have Permits in Charlottesville?
Counter-demonstrators had permits for two parks, while the "alt-right" was granted an injunction allowing them to use Emancipation Park.
Snopes→ Rosanne Cash Posts Message for Charlottesville Marcher in Johnny Cash Shirt
She shared the letter about her father and his legacy to social media after a neo-Nazi wore the shirt during a television appearance.
Snopes→ Were Police ‘Outgunned’ by White Supremacists Who Stashed Weapons Around Charlottesville?
Virginia's homeland security secretary said the governor's comments were based in fact.
Snopes→ Are ‘Antifa’ and the Alt-Right Equally Violent?
Violence has been ratcheting up on all sides during white supremacist rallies in recent months — but "antifa" is not planning the rallies, and statistically poses a lesser danger.
Snopes→ Were Police Told to ‘Stand Down’ Amid Violence in Charlottesville?
Despite rumors, there was no "stand-down" order issued to police overseeing a white supremacist rally turned deadly in Virginia.
Snopes→ Alt-Right Turns Against ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Jason Kessler, Labels Him ‘Soros/Deep State Plant’
In the aftermath of the violence-plagued Charlottesville rally, former white nationalist allies peddled a conspiracy theory suggesting Kessler is a left-wing provocateur.
Snopes→ Donald Trump Criticizes “Foolish” Removal of Confederate Monuments
The President also attacked Republican Senators who had been critical of his comments about white supremacists and neo-Nazis.
Snopes→ Did ‘Antifa’ Stab a Vermont Man for Not Condemning a Nazi?
Sam Wormer contradicted a dubious account of an injury he posted on social media.
Snopes→ Was White Supremacist Who Killed Protester a Democrat Who Visited Obama in Oval Office?
Fake news web sites floated an incoherent story alleging that a white supremacist arrested for vehicular attack in Charlottesville, Virginia is a Democrat who met with Obama in the White House.
Snopes→ Donald Trump Again Blames ‘Both Sides’ for Charlottesville Violence
The President appeared to cancel out his earlier unequivocal condemnation of white supremacists and neo-Nazis, provoking widespread criticism.
Snopes→ Did the Attorney General of Alabama Once Tell the Ku Klux Klan to ‘Kiss My Ass’?
Bill Baxley wrote the famously succinct letter to a KKK Grand Dragon in 1976 in response to threats intended to intimidate him.
Snopes→ Was a Crowd Hire Company Involved in Protests Against a White Supremacist Rally?
Internet speculation about a Craigslist advertisement does not appear to be based on any concrete evidence.
Snopes→ Trump’s Denouncement Disappoints, Angers White Nationalists
Snopes→ Did a 1940s U.S. War Department Film Compare Anti-Minority Hate Speech to Nazi Propaganda?
The World War II-era short film "Don't Be a Sucker" cited Nazi propaganda as an example of how hatred of minority groups is used to stoke political fanaticism.
Snopes→ The Daily Caller Removes ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Jason Kessler’s Bylines From Web Site
The conservative site has deleted articles by a white supremacist who organized the deadly rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Snopes→ Who is More of a Threat: Far-Right or Muslim Extremists?
A pattern of white supremacist-related killings has provoked discussion about the definition of terrorism, and dangers to the public.
Snopes→ Does the FBI Have Evidence That 62 Million Trump Voters Are Russian Agents?
A fake, satirical story originally published by a white supremacist web site has been republished several times as fact.