A push for a national popular presidential vote faces constitutional problems. Continue reading An Attempt to Upend the Electoral College, Explained »
Publication: voting
Logically→ Young people cannot use Oyster cards as ID to vote in the local elections
Truth or Fiction?→ Is Ohio State University Advising Students Against Voting in Person on Election Day for Reasons Related to Financial Aid?
On March 27 2023, journalist Sam Levine tweeted about Ohio State University’s purported warning to students about “voting in person on election day” and their financial aid packages: Wow — Ohio State University is advising stu
The Dispatch→ Ranked Choice Voting Is Working in Alaska
Results took longer to come in, but the ultimate outcome makes sense. The post Ranked Choice Voting Is Working in Alaska appeared first on The Dispatch.
Poynter→ Detroit voters were not told at polls that they had already voted
On the afternoon of Election Day, former President Donald Trump suggested that problems at polling places in Michigan’s largest city, a Democratic stronghold, were preventing voters from casting their ballots […] The post Detroit voters were no
The Dispatch→ Fact Checking Claims About Voting in Detroit
A claim by Donald Trump is misleading. The post Fact Checking Claims About Voting in Detroit appeared first on The Dispatch.
The Dispatch→ How Soon Will We Know Who Won the Senate?
If things look close, don’t stay up Tuesday night: A Dispatch Explainer.The post How Soon Will We Know Who Won the Senate? appeared first on The Dispatch.
Poynter→ 5 media literacy tips to avoid election misinformation, from Carl Azuz and Hasley Pitman
Media Literacy Week starts Monday. Follow @MediaWise on TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube for resources to make sure you go to the polls with the facts Nov. 8. Check out […] The post 5 media literacy tips to avoid election misinformation, fr
Poynter→ Marco Rubio said someone could blow up a ballot drop box, ignoring safe track record
Millions of Americans are casting mail ballots via drop boxes. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said that’s dangerous. “There’s danger involved in drop boxes,” Rubio said in the Oct. 18 debate with his […] The post Marco Rubio said som
Snopes→ Do Senators Who Support Voting Reform Bill Represent 43M More People Than Those Against?
A filibuster by Senate Republicans halted a major piece of Democratic legislation, the For the People Act, in June 2021.
Truth or Fiction?→ Are Georgia Runoff Voters Being Told Voting Machines Are ‘Malfunctioning’?
Georgia’s long-anticipated runoff elections were slated for January 5 2020; that day, the disreputable site TrendingPolitics.com published an item headlined, “BREAKING: Georgia Voters Sound the Alarm, Claim They’re Being Told Votin
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘George Soros With the Owner of Smartmatic’
As conspiracy theorists continued trying to convince themselves that Donald Trump did not definitively lose the November 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden, they also found another way to recycle — yet again — a reliable boogeyman in
Poynter→ Why a lengthy vote count is a fact-checker’s nightmare
Factually is a newsletter about fact-checking and misinformation from Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network & the American Press Institute’s Accountability Project. Sign up here. Fighting the vacuum This tweet from Factually’s foundin
Poynter→ The cynical campaign to turn human error into ballot ‘fraud’
Factually is a newsletter about fact-checking and misinformation from Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network & the American Press Institute’s Accountability Project. Sign up here. Planting the seeds of election doubt Humans make mistakes
Poynter→ Faked emails show the power of simple hoaxes
Factually is a newsletter about fact-checking and misinformation from Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network & the American Press Institute’s Accountability Project. Sign up here. It doesn’t have to be complicated Amid all the discussi
Poynter→ The Catch-22 for journalists in Trump’s pleas for poll-watchers
Factually is a newsletter about fact-checking and misinformation from Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network & the American Press Institute’s Accountability Project. Sign up here. Trump’s disinformation triple bank shot The call from P
Poynter→ What the Postal Service story can teach us about misinformation
Factually is a newsletter about fact-checking and accountability journalism, from Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network & the American Press Institute’s Accountability Project. Sign up here A microcosm of misinformation The current conv
Truth or Fiction?→ Attempted Voter Suppression in Edison, New Jersey?
On Election Day 2019, a Facebook user shared a photograph alongside a post (archived here) claiming the woman in the photo was an election worker who attempted to prevent someone from voting without identification. In a post, Kristen Vaught Cavuto imp
Truth or Fiction?→ Was a North Carolina Teenager Registering People to Vote at a Popeye’s Chicken?
A teenager in Charlotte, North Carolina has received online interest and attention for showing ingenuity in the midst of a separate social media-driven trend by using it to register people to vote. David Ledbetter, a 17-year-old high school senior, be
Snopes→ Iowa Democrats Propose ‘Virtual’ Caucuses in 2020
If approved, the measure would allow people to caucus using telephones or smart devices during the days leading up to caucus night.
Snopes→ Things Every Voter Should Know
Don't get caught off guard at the polls. Know where your state stands on these commonly confused voting rules.
Truth or Fiction?→ Voting Rights and Provisional Ballots
The United States’ 2018 midterm elections approached with far more fanfare than is normal for what is usually a relatively sleepy electoral affair, including an unusual focus on voter disenfranchisement. Stories of people discovering that they we
Voting Rights and Provisional Ballots
The United States’ 2018 midterm elections approached with far more fanfare than is normal for what is usually a relatively sleepy electoral affair, including an unusual focus on voter disenfranchisement. Stories of people discovering that they were suddenly not eligible to vote and and other voter suppression tactics appeared over and over again: In Georgia, a coalition of […]
The post Voting Rights and Provisional Ballots appeared first on What’s True?.
Snopes→ Does Chicago’s Identification Card Program Allow Undocumented Immigrants to Vote?
Election officials rejected the possibility that CityKey cards could cause an upswing in voter fraud.
Snopes→ Georgia Attorney General Quits Defense in Server Wiping Case
The state's voting technology does not provide an auditable paper trail.
Snopes→ Did Jared Kushner Register to Vote in New York as a Woman?
The New York City Board of Elections has said that their computer system is to blame for a mix-up over Jared Kushner’s gender in New York’s voter rolls.
Snopes→ Virginia Man Pleads Guilty to Falsely Registering Dead People as Voters
Andrew J. Spieles admitted to filling out eighteen fake voter registration forms.
Snopes→ Did 5.7 Million ‘Illegal Immigrants’ Vote in the 2008 U.S. Election?
A controversial 2014 study used survey data to demonstrate that 38 people might have voted as non-citizens in 2008, and web sites subsequently did a lot of extrapolating.