An academic paper attempting to make sense of Sweden’s COVID-19 “herd immunity” policy describes a cavalcade of preventable horrors. The article (which was published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications) was – in its own w
Publication: Viruses
Truth or Fiction?→ Could Travelers to the United States Be Charged $200 for COVID Antigen Tests?
A professor of immunology from New York is calling attention to the price of a COVID-19 testing service for passengers flying through New York City. Dr. Miriam Merad, director of the Precision Immunology Institute at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Truth or Fiction?→ Foreign Influence Agents Goaded Trump Forums After U.S. Elections, Researchers Say
Foreign agents — particularly those working from or on behalf of Russia — were active on Donald Trump-themed forums in the weeks and months leading up to the January 6 2021 coup attempt at the United States Capitol, a new report says. Accor
Truth or Fiction?→ Anti-Vaccine Disinformation Still Going Strong on Social Media: Report
Just twelve accounts are responsible for fully two-thirds of online disinformation about vaccines — but social media platforms still aren’t doing much about them. In a follow-up to a report tracking a majority of disinformation about vaccin
Truth or Fiction?→ As U.S. Election Looms, Agitprop Floods Social Media Platforms
In the days leading up to the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the disinformation that has been a hallmark of the Trump campaign, then administration, then campaign again reached new heights with political smears, Soviet-style weaponized conspiracy t
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Trump Will Evoke What Is Called the Stafford Act’ Viral Post
Amid growing concerns over the spread of novel coronavirus strain COVID-19 in mid-March 2020 and lack of information from the United States government, corrosive and weaponized disinformation thrived in the form of chain emails, Facebook posts, and te
Truth or Fiction?→ FBI’s Urgent Request: Reboot Your Router to Prevent Russian Malware-Truth!
FBI’s Urgent Request: Reboot Your Router to Prevent Russian Malware-Truth! Summary of eRumor: After taking control of a domain used in a massive Russian cyberattack, the FBI urged internet users to reboot their routers. The Truth: The U.S. Depart
Truth or Fiction?→ Warning: Do Not Accept Friend Request from Anwar Jitou, He’s a Hacker-Fiction!
Warning: Do Not Accept Friend Request from Anwar Jitou, He’s a Hacker-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Posts circulating on Facebook warn users not to accept friend requests from Anwar Jitou because he’s a hacker. The Truth: Warnings not to acc