On February 7 2023, Twitter account @historydefined shared an image described as the graves of “a Catholic woman and her Protestant husband,” buried side by side in neighboring cemeteries: The graves of a Catholic woman and her Protestant
Publication: valentine’s day
Snopes→ Was Valentine’s Day Invented by Greeting Card Companies?
It's a pithy line for the lovelorn and screenwriters to say, but is it true?
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Smart’ Engagement Rings?
On February 1 2022, as Valentine’s Day season got off to a roaring start, a story on the topic of romance and marriage appeared on social media and subsequently went viral: The rumor appears to have been sparked by a Twitter account called ̶
Truth or Fiction?→ Captain Cook’s Death: Why Anti-Colonialists Celebrate February 14th
If you’re tired of the Valentine’s Day hype, consider this: Some people on social media are going with a of a British explorer’s death at the hands of indigenous Hawaiians as a way to mark February 14th instead. For example, Facebook
Snopes→ Did a Utah School Bar Girls From Refusing Boys’ Dance Requests?
The rules for Kanesville Elementary's school dance attracted national attention before being "re-examined" by officials.
Snopes→ Are Schools Banning Valentine’s Day Because it Offends Muslims?
On 15 February 2017, the web site LibertyIsViral.com reported that the state of Minnesota had banned Valentine’s Day, specifically because it “offends Muslims”: Guess Which State Just BANNED VALENTINES DAY Because It ‘OFFENDS MUSL