On January 15 2020, a number of articles and social media posts mentioned the declaration of a state of emergency in Virginia, purportedly because of armed militias: Virginia Declares State of Emergency After Armed Militias Threaten to Stor
Publication: unite the right
Truth or Fiction?→ White Supremacist Arrested After Calling a Domestic Terror Attack ‘a Dry Run’
A man with ties to some of the most violent hate groups in the United States has been arrested and charged with illegal possession of firearms just weeks after his younger brother — also reportedly a known white supremacist — committed suicide. A
Snopes→ ‘Unite the Right 2’ Rally Whisked Away Before Scheduled Start Time
White supremacist rally-goers attempting to hold a Charlottesville anniversary event in D.C. were vastly outnumbered by counter-demonstrators.
Snopes→ Counter-Demonstrators Didn’t Have Permits in Charlottesville?
Counter-demonstrators had permits for two parks, while the "alt-right" was granted an injunction allowing them to use Emancipation Park.
Snopes→ Tweet from ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer’s Account Attacks Charlottesville Murder Victim
An 18 August 2017 tweet from Jason Kessler's Twitter account described slain counter-protester Heather Heyer as a "fat, disgusting Communist."
Snopes→ Were Police ‘Outgunned’ by White Supremacists Who Stashed Weapons Around Charlottesville?
Virginia's homeland security secretary said the governor's comments were based in fact.
Snopes→ Were Police Told to ‘Stand Down’ Amid Violence in Charlottesville?
Despite rumors, there was no "stand-down" order issued to police overseeing a white supremacist rally turned deadly in Virginia.
Snopes→ Alt-Right Turns Against ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Jason Kessler, Labels Him ‘Soros/Deep State Plant’
In the aftermath of the violence-plagued Charlottesville rally, former white nationalist allies peddled a conspiracy theory suggesting Kessler is a left-wing provocateur.
Snopes→ Leftist Activists Demand New York Museum Take Down Statue of ‘Racist’ Theodore Roosevelt?
Clashes with neo-Nazis in Charlottesville did not inspire "leftists" to demand the removal of a statue of Theodore Roosevelt in New York City.
Snopes→ Was White Supremacist Who Killed Protester a Democrat Who Visited Obama in Oval Office?
Fake news web sites floated an incoherent story alleging that a white supremacist arrested for vehicular attack in Charlottesville, Virginia is a Democrat who met with Obama in the White House.
Snopes→ Is the Accused Charlottesville Killer an ‘Anti-Trump Leftist’ Supported by Clinton, Soros?
Various right-leaning sources immediately — and inaccurately — identified the driver of the vehicle that plowed through a crowd of counter-protesters in Charlottesville as a "radical leftist."
Snopes→ Did a 1940s U.S. War Department Film Compare Anti-Minority Hate Speech to Nazi Propaganda?
The World War II-era short film "Don't Be a Sucker" cited Nazi propaganda as an example of how hatred of minority groups is used to stoke political fanaticism.
Snopes→ The Daily Caller Removes ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Jason Kessler’s Bylines From Web Site
The conservative site has deleted articles by a white supremacist who organized the deadly rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Snopes→ Driver in Charlottesville Car Attack Identified as James Alex Fields, Jr.
The 20-year-old is accused of killing one person and injuring several others when he reportedly drove a car into a crowd of peaceful protesters.