Anecdotal evidence of Obama officials and Biden's interviews show that Joe Biden was skeptical of the operation, but not opposed to it.
Publication: trump
Logically→ Joe Biden opposed President Trump’s decision to suspend all travel from China.
Biden never came out against Trump's decision to restrict travel from China. Biden was slow in staking a position on the matter, but he supported it.
Logically→ Under President Trump, the US has reduced CO2 emissions more than countries still in the Paris Climate Accord.
While it is true that US Co2 emissions have declined by more than 10 percent in the past decade, more than a dozen other countries have seen declines of more than twice that.
Logically→ The president was informed about the airborne nature of Coronavirus on January 28th.
President Donald Trump admitted he knew that the virus was airborne weeks before the first confirmed Coronavirus death in the country. President Donald Trump admitted he knew that the virus was airborne weeks before the first confirmed Coron
Truth or Fiction?→ Officials Say United States Not Vacating Syria, Contradicting Trump: Reports
Amid reports that Turkish forces had begun mounting an attack on Syria, two separate news outlets reported that United States officials had contradicted U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration that American troops would be vacating the Syria-T
Snopes→ Trump Says US Should Start Manipulating the Dollar
Such a move would contradict official U.S. policy not to manipulate the dollar's value to gain trade advantages.
Truth or Fiction?→ Trump Rally vs. Live Aid
In May 2019, a suspicious looking meme began to make the usual rounds on social media. It shows a huge crowd of people packing a venue raptly gazing at a stage bearing “Trump 2020” signs on either side, with a third Trump banner over the a
Snopes→ Did a GoFundMe Campaign to Fund a Border Wall Raise Millions of Dollars Within a Few Days?
In the midst of a budget standoff between Congressional Democrats and the White House, some Americans sought to take matters into their own hands.
Truth or Fiction?→ From Central America to the United States Border, a Journey of Lies
A highly publicized caravan of people traveling from Central America in order to turn themselves in at the United States border to request asylum — one of many groups who have done so over the years — has been dogged from start to finish by false
Snopes→ Would a Proposal by President Trump Exclude Overseas Military Votes in Florida’s Elections?
If it was carried out, the president's call to finalize the preliminary election results before 16 November would discount ballots cast by Floridians overseas.
Truth or Fiction?→ Are Members of a Refugee Caravan Defiling American Flags on Their Way to the United States?
An annual caravan heading from Central America to the southern United States border to seek asylum has been beset by rumors, misinformation, and dramatic disinformation during the 2018 election cycle. Participants in the annual event are generally fro
Snopes→ Did a Billboard in Missouri Show President Trump Alongside a Gospel Quote?
Some Christians expressed concern that a billboard near St. Louis seemingly equated the 45th president with Jesus Christ himself.
Snopes→ President Trump Says He Intends to Remove Birthright Citizenship for Some Children
A dispute exists over whether the constitution could allow a president to change or remove the 14th Amendment.
Snopes→ Did Donald Trump Say the Sitting President Should Be Impeached If the Dow Jones Loses 1,000 Points in Two Days?
A viral October 2018 tweet has all the hallmarks of a fake.
Snopes→ Trump: White House Counsel Don McGahn to Depart in the Fall
Trump praised his top White House lawyer, saying he has "worked with Don for a long time and truly appreciate his service!"
Snopes→ Did the Man Who Oversaw the Bin Laden Raid Say It Would Be ‘An Honor’ If President Trump Revoked His Security Clearance?
William McRaven wrote "I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency."
Snopes→ Were Additional Donald Trump ‘Stars’ Placed on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
A group of right-wing street artists called "The Faction" posted a video claiming responsibility for the stunt in August 2018.
Snopes→ Did Queen Elizabeth Wear a Brooch Gifted by President Obama While Meeting President Trump?
Theories about the symbolism behind the monarch's fashion choices are founded on assumptions that collapse when tested.
Truth or Fiction?→ Russian Mining Company Stamps Trump’s Face on New Asbestos Products-Truth!
Russian Mining Company Stamps Trump’s Face on New Asbestos Products-Truth! Summary of eRumor: A Russian mining company has sold asbestos with President Donald Trump’s face stamped on it and the phrase, ““Approved by Donald
Snopes→ Did Comedian George Lopez Urinate on Donald Trump’s Hollywood Star?
The mischievous use of pixellation gave some viewers the false impression that a video showed Lopez relieving himself on the president's piece of pavement.
Snopes→ Trump Picks Brett Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Justice Nominee
If approved by Congress, the U.S. Court of Appeals judge would be a conservative replacement for the retiring Anthony Kennedy's swing vote.
Truth or Fiction?→ Maxine Waters: Next Supreme Court Justice Should Be an Illegal Immigrant-Fiction!
Maxine Waters: Next Supreme Court Justice Should Be an Illegal Immigrant-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, a California Democrat, said the next justice appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court should be an illegal immigrant. The Truth: Ma
Truth or Fiction?→ Lennie Reisch’s Facebook Post on Immigration, Child Separations-Authorship Confirmed!
Lennie Reisch’s Facebook Post on Immigration, Child Separations-Authorship Confirmed! Summary of eRumor: A Houston woman named Lennie Reisch posted on Facebook about her journey to America as an unaccompanied minor from Cuba amid controversy over
Truth or Fiction?→ Silent Partner of Red Hen Restaurant is a Registered Sex Offender-Unproven!
Silent Partner of Red Hen Restaurant is a Registered Sex Offender-Unproven! Summary of eRumor: Stephanie Wilkinson, the owner of the Red Hen restaurant who refused service to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, has a silent partner named Barney Allen Frazier, Sr,
Truth or Fiction?→ Bill Clinton’s 1996 Immigration Law Behind Child Separations-Fiction!
Bill Clinton’s 1996 Immigration Law is to Blame for Child Separations-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Bill Clinton’s 1996 (or 1997) immigration law is to blame for a federal policy that separates immigrant children from their parents at the bor
Truth or Fiction?→ Peter Fonda Calls for Barron Trump to be Kidnapped on Twitter-Truth!
Peter Fonda Calls for Barron Trump to be Kidnapped on Twitter-Truth! Summary of eRumor: Actor Peter Fonda called for Barron Trump to be kidnapped and caged “with pedophiles” on Twitter. The Truth: Peter Fonda tweeted “we should rip Ba
Truth or Fiction?→ Trump Administration Holding Immigrant Children in Cages-Mostly Fiction!
Trump Administration Holding Immigrant Children in Cages-Mostly Truth! & Misleading! Summary of eRumor: As part of its “zero tolerance” policy on illegal immigration, the Trump administration holds immigrant children in cages after
Truth or Fiction?→ Robert De Niro Was Part of International Child Prostitution Ring-Mostly Fiction!
Robert De Niro Was Part of an International Child Prostitution Ring-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Robert De Niro was connected to an international prostitution ring that used children. The Truth: Authorities investigating a French “call-girl
Truth or Fiction?→ Henry Kissinger Comments on Trump: ‘He Puts America First’-Mostly Fiction!
Henry Kissinger Comments on Trump: ‘He Puts America First’-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger commented that president Trump is a “phenomenon that foreign countries haven’t seen before
Truth or Fiction?→ Jack Minzey of Eastern Michigan University on Civil War-Incorrect Attribution!
Jack Minzey of Eastern Michigan University on Civil War-Incorrect Attribution! Summary of eRumor: Shortly before his death, Eastern Michigan University professor Jack Minizey wrote about a modern civil war bing fought without guns in a column that has
Truth or Fiction?→ Whoopi Goldberg Wore Shirt Showing President Trump Shooting Himself-Fiction!
Whoopi Goldberg Wore Shirt Showing President Trump Shooting Himself-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A photo showing Whoopi Goldberg wearing a shirt that shows President Trump shooting himself circulated on social media. The Truth: Whoopi Goldberg didn̵
Snopes→ Did President Trump Order Detained Immigrants to Wear Yellow Bracelets?
Some reports have held that President Trump has "just begun" an immigration-related policy which actually started in 2005.
Truth or Fiction?→ Maxine Waters Says First Move As President Would Be to Impeach Trump-Fiction!
Maxine Waters Says First Move As President Would Be to Impeach Trump-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters said her first move as president would be to impeach President Trump during an interview with Anderson Cooper. The Truth: Maxine Wa
Truth or Fiction?→ Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Michael Avenatti Worked for Rahm Emanuel, Democratic Campaigns-Truth!
Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Michael Avenatti Worked for Rahm Emanuel, Democratic Campaigns-Truth! Summary of eRumor: Adult film actress Story Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, has worked for Rahm Emanuel and various Democratic campaigns over th
Truth or Fiction?→ Alabama Football Team Visits White House, Prays for Trump-Truth!
Alabama Football Team Visits White House, Prays for Trump-Mostly Truth! Summary of eRumor: After winning the college football national championship, the Alabama football team visited the White House and included President Trump in a prayer huddle.
Snopes→ Did Donald Trump Establish a ‘Religious Office’ in the White House?
A Facebook meme gets the basic facts right, but misses some important context.
Truth or Fiction?→ Comedian Michelle Wolf Was Arrested for Beastiality- Fiction!
Comedian Michelle Wolf Was Arrested for Bestiality- Fiction! Summary of eRumor: After a controversial routine at the White House Correspondents Dinner, rumors spread that comedian Michelle Wolf was once arrested for bestiality in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
Truth or Fiction?→ “FBI Corruption …. Decades in a Nutshell’ Commentary on Clinton Foundation-Misleading!
“FBI Corruption …. Decades in a Nutshell’ Commentary on Clinton Foundation-Misleading! Summary of eRumor: A commentary titled “FBI Corruption … Decades in a Nutshell” draws links between the Clinton Foundation, Rober
Truth or Fiction?→ Attorney Lisa Barsoomian Represents Hillary Clinton, Married to Rod Rosenstein -Fiction!
Attorney Lisa Barsoomian Represents Hillary Clinton, Married to Rod Rosenstein-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s wife, attorney Lisa Barsoomian, has represented Bill and Hillary Clinton for decades. That makes R
Truth or Fiction?→ President Trump: Community College is 13th Grade, Not Real College -Fiction!
President Trump: Community College is 13th Grade, Not Real College –Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A tweet from President Trump calls community college 13th grade and asserts it’s not real college and is for dummies. The Truth: President Trump