A December 12 2019 article with the headline, “Supreme Court Can Extend Trump’s Term By Up To 3 Years If He’s Acquitted In The Senate” spread widely on social media — particularly Facebook — in the days after it appeared. It cla
Publication: taters gonna tate
Snopes→ Was the Coroner Who Declared Epstein’s Death a ‘Suicide’ on Clinton Foundation Payroll?
A routine review of content labeled satire.
Truth or Fiction?→ Did the Coroner Who Declared Jeffrey Epstein’s Death a Suicide Work for the Clinton Foundation Until 2015?
Rumors and conspiracies immediately followed the August 2019 jailhouse suicide of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, among them a Facebook post (archived here) claiming that the coroner who attended Epstein’s death worked for the Clinton F
Snopes→ Did AOC Start ‘Chain Migration’ Proceedings Against Melania Trump?
U.S. First Lady Melania Trump's parents, both from Slovenia, became U.S. citizens in August 2018.
Snopes→ Did U.S. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Say ‘We Pay Soldiers Too Much’?
A frequent publisher of inflammatory material struck again in July 2019.
Truth or Fiction?→ Have Arrest Warrants Been Issued for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama?
Despite fears of “deepfake” videos and other high-tech ways disinformation could potentially proliferate in the very near future, the stories that still get the most traction are often decidedly low effort. Take, for example, the case of a