Publication: sweden
Logically→ Old unrelated video of riots in Sweden goes viral in the wake of recent Quran burning
Logically→ Footage of a rocket being fired at the Swedish flag is not in response to a recent Quran burning in Sweden
Logically→ No, the Swedish Government does not support the burning of Qurans
Logically→ Nej, Sverige har inte erkänt sex som en sport
The Dispatch→ Sweden’s Stalled NATO Bid, Explained
Turkey and Hungary resist mounting pressure to approve Sweden’s membership in the alliance. Continue reading Sweden’s Stalled NATO Bid, Explained »
Logically→ No, Sweden has not recognized sex as a sport
Logically→ The Swedish Minister for Migration’s claims on immigrant benefit statistics are misleading
Logically→ M/S Estonia sjönk på grund av en kollision med en ubåt eller en explosion.
Logically→ Svenska LOIS-projektet är en del av det amerikanska HAARP-projektet som används för att göra vädret till ett vapen genom chemtrails.
Logically→ M/S Estonia sank due to a collision with a submarine or an explosion.
There is no evidence of a collision with a submarine or an explosion. Investigations are ongoing.
Logically→ The LOIS project in Sweden is part of the American HAARP project used to weaponize the weather using chemtrails.
The LOIS project was discontinued in 2007, and HAARP can not influence the weather.
Logically→ Globalister och World Economic Forum försöker i hemlighet tvinga alla att äta insekter.
Det finns inga bevis för påståendet att insekter läggs till i smyg i människors dieter. Insekter har däremot föreslagits som ett komplement till kött
Logically→ Hjärtstopp har ökat markant bland idrottare sedan vaccineringen mot COVID-19 började.
Studien som används för påståendet är inte en studie utan en bloggpost. Ingen koppling mellan ökade antal hjärtstopp och COVID-19 vaccin har hittats.
Logically→ Globalists and the World Economic Forum are trying to covertly force everyone to eat bugs.
There is no basis for the claims that bugs are being secretly added to people's diets. Bugs have been suggested as a complement to meat.
The Dispatch→ Last Call in Brussels
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan during a press conference at the June 2022 NATO summit in Madrid. (Photo by Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto via Getty Images)Why should NATO continue to let Turkey hold it hostage?The post Last Call in Brussels appeared f
The Dispatch→ The Turkish Roadblock to an Expanded NATO
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses the parliament last October. (Photo by ADEM ALTAN/AFP via Getty Images)Sweden and Finland still want to join the alliance, but Turkey stands squarely in the way.The post The Turkish Roadblock to an Expa
Logically→ Statsminister Ulf Kristersson tillåter utplacering av kärnvapen i Sverige under fredstid, i samband med NATO:s anbud.
Påståendet är baserat på en felöversättning. Ulf Kristersson sa motsatsen: Det finns inte några skäl till att placera kärnvapen i Sverige under fredst
Logically→ Cardiac arrests among male athletes have increased substantially since COVID-19 vaccinations began.
The study used to make the claim is not a study, but a blog post. Cardiac arrests have not been linked to COVID-19 vaccines.
Logically→ This video shows far-right leader Rasmus Paludan burning a copy of the Holy Quran in Sweden.
The viral video is from Denmark, where in 2021, a member of the political party Stram Kurs attempted to set a copy of the Quran on fire.
The Dispatch→ Turkish Demands Over Kurdish Refugees Are Threatening Sweden’s NATO Accession
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.(Photo. by Cem Tekkesinoglu/dia image/Getty Images.)It’s time for the U.S. and other NATO nations to put pressure on Erdoğan.The post Turkish Demands Over Kurdish Refugees Are Threatening Sweden’s NATO Acces
Logically→ Israeli police officer strangles a Palestinian child to death during U.S. Embassy protest in Jerusalem in January 2023.
An old video of a Swedish Police officer using excessive force against a child at a railway station was misattributed to protests in Jerusalem.
Logically→ Noas ark har hittats på berget Ararat
Nej, Noas ark har inte hittats. Den båt liknande strukturen är en helt naturlig stenformation.
Logically→ Swedish PM Ulf Kristersson to allow the deployment nuclear weapons Swedish during peacetime
No, in his speech, Ulf Kristersson meant the opposite and see no reason for having nuclear weapons in Sweden in peacetime.
Logically→ Noah’s ark has been found on Mount Ararat
No, Noah’s ark has not been found. The boat-like structure is a natural rock formation.
Logically→ Swedish public television is a private company owned by a foundation where the real owners are hidden.
No, Swedish public television is owned by the Foundation Förvaltningstiftelsen. Foundations in Sweden do not have owners.
Logically→ A Muslim child has been kidnapped by the Swedish state and given to a gay couple.
The child was born a Christian and placed in the care of a gay couple with consent from all parties involved.
Logically→ Sweden is a registered company and can’t create laws, only company policy.
Sweden is a sovereign nation and its registration at a foreign trade regulatory body does not affect the Swedish legislative process.
The Dispatch→ America’s New European Opportunity
New leaders in Italy and Sweden don’t see eye-to-eye with Biden on every issue, but they’re offering a distinctly pro-American foreign policy.The post America’s New European Opportunity appeared first on The Dispatch.
Logically→ Sweden is building a prison for 5000 immigrants and can jail any Muslim without probable cause.
Logically→ The Ukrainian forces are using Swedish Archer artillery howitzers against the Russians.
No official statements confirm that Ukraine is using Sweden's Archer Artillery System in the ongoing war with Russia.
Snopes→ NATO Nations Sign Accession Protocols for Sweden, Finland
The 30 NATO allies signed off on the accession protocols for Sweden and Finland, sending the membership bids of the two nations to the alliance capitals for legislative approvals.
Snopes→ Are These Garbage Cans in Sweden Making ‘Sexy Moaning Sounds’?
Trash talk can be really hot.
Snopes→ Once Neutral Sweden Seeks NATO Membership in Historic Shift
Sweden has decided to join neighboring Finland in seeking NATO membership, ending more than two centuries of military nonalignment in a historic shift prompted by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Logically→ Swedish social service agencies are kidnapping Muslim children for religious conversion.
The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has discredited the claims of Muslim children being kidnapped by government social services.
Logically→ Sweden has applied for NATO membership
Sweden and Finland have not yet decided whether or not to join NATO.
Snopes→ Neutral Finland, Sweden Warm to Idea of NATO Membership
Through the Cold War and the decades since, nothing could persuade Finns and Swedes that they would be better off joining NATO — until now.
Snopes→ Sweden’s Most Endangered Christmas Decorations Burnt, Again
The two straw goats of Gavle, Sweden's most endangered Christmas decorations, have gone up in flames after surviving nearly a month on a downtown square.
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Swedish TV Accidentally Puts Subtitles from a Kids’ Show over a Political Debate’
An October 2 2021 Facebook post (screengrab included) contained a claim that a Swedish TV station accidentally put subtitles from children’s’ programming over a political debate: Beneath an apparent username from an unspecified platform
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Blue Eyes Are Haram’ Disinformation
On January 1 2020, disinformation purveyors all across the internet suddenly pivoted in unison to pushing the same disinformation that has muddied English-speaking social media since at least 2015, down to the same claims, the same recycled stories, a