Publication: #QAnon
Logically→ A video has been heavily edited to claim President Joe Biden is a pedophile.
Logically→ Surveillance footage proves Capitol Police helped QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley on January 6 and acted as his ‘tour guide.’
Logically→ Hillary Clinton and Hollywood celebrities have been executed.
Logically→ There was a human trafficking operation run through the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, DC.
Logically→ Ebola is a man-made bioweapon developed by an evil deep state which is waging an underground war.
There is no evidence the Ebola virus is a human-made bioweapon, and claims of a deep state are related to the QAnon conspiracy theory.
Logically→ Military intelligence shows that officers were planning a coup against President Obama.
There is no credible evidence U.S. military officials were planning a coup against Obama, and Qanon is an unfounded conspiracy theory.
Logically→ Titanic sänktes med avsikt för att avlägsna motståndet mot skapandet av U.S. Federal Reserve bank (USA:s centralbank).
Titanic krockade med ett isberg av misstag. Det finns inget bevis för att passagerarna som nämns i videon motsatte sig U.S. Federal Reserve.
Logically→ A satanic deep state is trafficking children and wants to create the New World Order.
Claims of a satanic deep state are tied to the Qanon conspiracy theory, and there is no evidence to support it.
Logically→ The Titanic was sunk on purpose to remove opposition to the creation of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.
The Titanic hit an iceberg by accident. There is no evidence that the three men were in opposition to the Federal Reserve.
Logically→ Dwayne Johnson, Steven Spielberg, and other celebrities eat babies and use adrenochrome.
Claims that celebrities eat babies and harvest adrenochrome from tortured children are baseless.
Truth or Fiction?→ Germany Arrests 25 in Coup Plot
On December 7 2022, 25 people in Germany were arrested in early morning raids in connection with an alleged plot to overthrow the government: Germany arrests 25 accused of plotting to overthrow the government from worldnews In
Truth or Fiction?→ An Arizona County Won’t Certify Election Results After 2022 Midterms
On November 29 2022, an Imgur account shared a text-based image containing the claim that a county in Arizona is refusing to certify the results of the November 2022 midterm election: The text said: A thing is going on in Arizona. A few counties, wher
Truth or Fiction?→ Lara Logan Rant Results in Newsmax Ban, Statement
Former CBS News correspondent Lara Logan was banned from far-right American cable network Newsmax in October 2022 after a bizarre antisemitic rant on October 19 2022 — the latest in a long string of appearances featuring escalating, fully conspi
Snopes→ Trump Openly Embraces, Amplifies QAnon Conspiracy Theories
After winking at QAnon for years, Donald Trump is overtly embracing the baseless conspiracy theory, even as the number of frightening real-world events linked to it grows.
Truth or Fiction?→ Michigan Woman Blames Internet Conspiracy Theories for Father’s Fatal Shooting Rampage
A Michigan woman whose father committed a fatal shooting attack against their family on September 11 2022 identified the “QAnon” conspiracy theory and several strands of online disinformation for the mental degeneration that preceded his ac
Logically→ The President of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club offered Romana Didulo the club’s services as a security detail.
Romana Didulo is known for making false or otherwise tenuous claims to legitimacy. All of the available evidence suggests that this letter is fake.
Snopes→ What to Watch in Primaries in Arizona, Michigan, Elsewhere
In Michigan, a crowded field of Republican gubernatorial candidates includes a man charged in the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol attack.
Poynter→ A coalition of ‘stop the steal’ Republicans aims to take control of elections. QAnon is helping.
A coalition of far-right “stop the steal” Republicans is working to put Trump loyalists in charge of elections across the U.S. At its helm is a shadowy QAnon influencer who […] The post A coalition of ‘stop the steal’ Republicans
Truth or Fiction?→ Disney Protests
On April 6 2022, a small but loud group of people showed up at Disney headquarters in Burbank, California to protest a vague swath of claims about the theme park “grooming” children. Local news station KTTV attempted to interpret the Disney
Truth or Fiction?→ The ‘Freedom Convoy’ Ran on Regurgitated Disinformation Narratives
There was nothing original about the “convoy” that disrupted the Canadian capitol of Ottawa in early 2022. The occupation dovetailed almost entirely with other right-wing demonstrations, starting with the use of Facebook as both an organiza
Snopes→ QAnon Group Holed Up in Dallas Awaits Trump and JFK’s Return (Still)
Some are calling the group in Dallas a cult.
Snopes→ Jan. 6 Rioter Who Carried Spear and Wore Horns Got 41 Months
Jacob Chansley, the spear-carrying Jan. 6 rioter whose horned fur hat, bare chest and face paint made him one of the more recognizable figures in the assault on the Capitol, was sentenced to 41 months in prison.
Logically→ The Astroworld tragedy was a satanic ritual.
There is no evidence that the Astroworld tragedy was a satanic ritual. Authorities are investigating what led to the unfortunate event.
Snopes→ QAnon Believers Went to Dealey Plaza Expecting Arrival of Deceased JFK Jr.
Spoiler alert: He didn't show.
Logically→ Hollywood actor Robert Downey Jr. exposes a major Hollywood pedophile ring.
Robert Downey Jr. has never made any statement regarding a pedophile ring in Hollywood. The false claim is resurfacing on the internet.
Logically→ For centuries, secret societies have been harvesting the blood of children to produce adrenochrome.
The belief that elites are murdering children for adrenochrome is part of an antisemitic conspiracy theory. It has no basis in fact.
Snopes→ Did Mark Zuckerberg Post About Orgies on Little St. James Island?
Little St. James Island in the Virgin Islands was once owned by convicted sex offender Jeffery Epstein.
Truth or Fiction?→ Was Michael Flynn Kicked Off of Twitter — Again?
In May 2021, just after he called for military overthrow of the United States government during a QAnon conference, Twitter halted an alleged attempt by former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to evade being banned by the platform. Flynn had alr
Snopes→ No, Bill Gates’ Wyoming Ranch Wasn’t Stormed by Navy SEALs
Genuine news outlets don't carry "parody" disclaimers.
Poynter→ What the HBO QAnon documentary series revealed about the identity of ‘Q’
An HBO documentary series about QAnon ended with a big revelation: the unmasking of “Q,” the anonymous internet poster who fueled the baseless conspiracy theory that gained a national following. The finale episode of “Q: Into the Stor
Truth or Fiction?→ Online Conspiracy Theorists Swarm ‘HRC’ Suez Canal Boat Jam
Reports of a container ship creating a traffic jam on the Suez Canal in Egypt quickly became grist for online conspiracy theorists, who spun the story into another smear against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. As the BBC reported, the Ever G
Truth or Fiction?→ Far-Right U.S. Legislators Using Disinformation to Gain, Strengthen Positions
Even as acolytes of former United States president Donald Trump consider running to replace retiring Republicans, his allies already in the U.S. government are trying to throw up barriers to passing broadly popular legislation — but all are leani
Poynter→ What Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has said about election fraud, QAnon and other conspiracy theories
One of the newest members of Congress is under intense scrutiny from her own party following her promotion of conspiracy theories and inflammatory comments supporting violence against other lawmakers. At least 67 House Democrats have signed on to a fo
Truth or Fiction?→ Conspiracy-Slinging Lawmaker Caught Encouraging Parkland Shooting ‘False Flag’ Lie
Journalists looking into the history of a newly sworn-in, QAnon-friendly Republican legislator have discovered that she has a history of conspiracy theories and disinformation around mass shootings. Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene encouraged the c
Truth or Fiction?→ Did Biden’s Bible Have ‘Upside Down Crosses’?
On January 20 2021, the next phase in American disinformation kicked off when an image set of President Joe Biden’s swearing-in circulated — purportedly showing Biden taking an oath on an odd Bible with “upside down crosses”:
Poynter→ Facebook has banned QAnon, but false claims connected to the conspiracy are still circulating on the platform ahead of Inauguration Day
Facebook and Instagram posts are spreading false claims that President Donald Trump is set to impose martial law ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration. Many of them allude to QAnon, a baseless conspiracy theory that’s banned on the platforms. On Jan. 6
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘We Need 100 Percent of People Indoors’
Online flailing in support of outgoing United States President Donald Trump was accompanied by yet another go-round for a meme proclaiming — falsely — that Trump would be fulfilling the mission of the anti-Semitic conspiracy theory known a
Truth or Fiction?→ Former Houston Police Captain Arrested, Allegedly Paid $266,400 by ‘Liberty Center for God and Country’ to ‘Investigate Electoral Fraud’
In an unnerving example of how disinformation can erupt into the real world, former Houston police captain Mark Aguirre was arrested on December 15 2020 in connection with a strange, sprawling conspiracy theory involving political megadonors and fanta
Snopes→ QAnon’s ‘Save the Children’ Morphs into Popular Slogan
The “Save the Children” effort emerged earlier this year as a splinter movement from QAnon, the dangerous group of internet conspiracy theorists.