Unreliable sources claimed that Denis Voronenkov, a Vladimir Putin critic who was shot dead in Ukraine in March 2017, was slated to testify against Trump's former campaign manager.
Publication: Politics
Snopes→ Does a Single Volcanic Eruption Release as Much CO2 As All of Humanity Has to Date?
No matter how you look at it, the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by volcanoes is significantly lower than the amount emitted by anthropogenic sources on human timescales.
Truth or Fiction?→ Judge Orders Vince Foster Exhumed in Clinton Murder Investigation-Fiction!
Judge Orders Vince Foster Exhumed in Clinton Murder Investigation-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A federal judge has approved GOP Congressman Trey Gowdy’s request to exhume the body of Vince Foster to determine if Bill and Hillary Clinton were invol
Truth or Fiction?→ Anthony Weiner Placed in Protective Custody; Has Evidence on Hillary Clinton-Fiction!
Anthony Weiner Placed in Protective Custody; Has Evidence on Hillary Clinton-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Anthony Weiner has been placed in protective custody because he has evidence to use against Hillary Clinton and has agreed to turn state’s ev
Snopes→ Did President Trump Bestow $100 Million Upon Flint, Michigan?
Partisans debate who deserves credit for the $100 million grant awarded by the EPA to Michigan for water infrastructure upgrades in Flint.
Snopes→ George Soros Killed While Visiting His Home Country?
Reports that billionaire business magnate George Soros was killed while traveling to Hungary in March 2017 are fake news.
Snopes→ Rothschild Family Wealth
The Rothschild family is rich, but claims that they have a net worth of $500 trillion and own 80% of the world's wealth are grossly exaggerated.
Truth or Fiction?→ PBS Salaries, NPR Salaries Draw Ire Amid Talks of Budget Cuts-Outdated!
PBS Salaries Draw Ire Amid Talks of Budget Cuts-Outdated! Summary of eRumor: Claims about PBS salaries and NPR salaries began circulating blog sites and social media in the days after President Trump’s budget blueprint proposed cutting federal
Truth or Fiction?→ Media Ignores 1500 Pedophiles Arrested in 2017-Misleading!
Media Ignores 1500 Pedophiles Arrested in 2017 Under President Trump-Misleading! Summary of eRumor: The main stream media has ignored that 1,500 pedophiles were arrested in the first few months of 2017 under President Trump, compared to just a few h
Snopes→ Georgia Becomes First State to Ban Muslim Culture?
Georgia state representative Jason Spencer withdrew a bill banning head and face coverings two days after he filed it.
Snopes→ European Parental Leave Benefits
Senator Bernie Sanders' office released an image showing how the U.S. 'lags' behind Canada, Norway, and Germany on the issue of parental leave.
Snopes→ Winston Churchill on the Arts
Although a statement defending the importance of the arts is frequently attributed to Winston Churchill, the legendary British prime minister never uttered this phrase.
Snopes→ Did President Trump Announce Plans to End the ‘Meals on Wheels’ Program?
A budget blueprint released by the Trump administration would cut funding for a program that partially funds the Meals on Wheels program but would not end Meals on Wheels itself.
Snopes→ Do Members of Congress Enjoy Free Health Care?
According to memes, Congressional members and staffers are offered free, no-strings-attached health care, but there's more to the story.
Snopes→ Mike Pence Said Smoking Doesn’t Kill?
After Mike Pence was elected vice president, a number of articles reported he once asserted that smoking doesn't kill people.
Snopes→ Is Sean Spicer Wearing Mismatched Shoes?
A photograph showing the White House press secretary wearing two different types of footwear is real, but the oddity appears to serve a medical purpose rather than an avant-garde fashion choice.
Snopes→ John McCain Admitted He Was a ‘War Criminal’?
Rumors that the Arizona senator admitted that he was a 'war criminal' and that was he pardoned by President Nixon for his crimes are not true.
Truth or Fiction?→ Malik Obama Drops Bombshell: President Obama’s Birth Certificate-Fiction!
Malik Obama Drops Bombshell: President Obama’s Birth Certificate-Fiction! The Truth: Malik Obama, President Obama’s half-brother, posted a photo of what appears to be Barack Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate on Twitter. The Truth: M
Snopes→ Did an Eighth Russian with Ties to President Trump Die Suspiciously?
A family member told us Ukrainian-American Alex Oronov died of an illness and had no ties to President Trump or his alleged connections with Russia.
Truth or Fiction?→ Megyn Kelly Fired by NBC News After Losing Conservative Following-Fiction!
Megyn Kelly Fired by NBC News After Losing Conservative Following-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Megyn Kelly was fired by NBC News before her show began because she was upset with plans for her to portray a “white Oprah Winfrey.” The Truth:
Snopes→ Gitmo Detainees and the LARK Program
A letter describing a LARK program under which Gitmo detainees will be housed with liberals who object to the current treatment of those prisoners is a piece of satire.
Snopes→ Did the New York Times Contradict Their 20 January 2017 Report About Wiretapping?
An image showing a New York Times front page was circulated on social media along with statements accusing the publication of contradictory reporting about wiretaps.
Truth or Fiction?→ Paul Ryan: Women Using Birth Control Commit Murder-Fiction!
Paul Ryan: Women Using Birth Control Commit Murder-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: When asked about women losing access to birth control under an Obamacare repeal and replacement bill, House Speaker Paul Ryan said women who use birth control commit murder.
Snopes→ Bills Introduced by Republicans While We Were Distracted by the ‘Russian Spy Drama’
Legislation advanced by the GOP included bills to terminate the EPA, repeal the Affordable Care Act, defund Planned Parenthood, and criminalize certain types of abortion.
Truth or Fiction?→ FBI Issues Warrant for Obama’s Arrest in Trump Wiretap Scandal-Fiction!
FBI Issues Warrant for Obama’s Arrest in Trump Wiretap Scandal-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The FBI has issued a warrant for President Obama’s arrest after revelations that he wiretapped Trump Tower’s phone lines ahead of the 2016 elec
Snopes→ Did 122 Prisoners Released from Guantanamo by President Obama Return to the Battlefield?
Although 122 detainees transferred from Guantanamo Bay were found to have subsequently engaged in terrorist activities, 113 of those detainees were released under the administration of President George W. Bush.
Truth or Fiction?→ Heads Up: Bills Introduced While Americans Were Distracted by ‘Russian Spy Drama’-Truth! & Fiction!
Heads Up: Bills Introduced While Americans Were Distracted by ‘Russian Spy Drama’-Truth! & Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A message circulating across social media, discussion forums and forwarded emails warns that while Americans were
Snopes→ Did Loretta Lynch Call for Violent Anti-Trump Protests?
Conservative news sites accused the former U.S. Attorney General of trying to foment 'chaos.'
Snopes→ Did President Trump’s Grandfather Beg the Government of Bavaria Not to Deport Him?
“Why should we be deported? This is very, very hard for a family," wrote Friedrich Trump in 1905.
Truth or Fiction?→ Valerie Jarret Moves into the Obamas’ DC Home-Unproven!
Valeri Jarret Moves into the Obamas’ DC Home-Unproven! Summary of eRumor: President Obama’s former top White House Advisor Valorie Jarret has moved into the Obamas’ Washington, D.C., mansion to work in a newly created “nerve
Truth or Fiction?→ Whoopi Goldberg: Military Widows Love 15 Minutes in Spotlight-Fiction!
Whoopi Goldberg: Military Widows Love 15 Minutes in Spotlight-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Whoopi Goldberg said on “The View” that military widows love getting their 15 minutes in the spotlight after a rousing ovation for the widow of fallen
Snopes→ Trump’s Unsecured Android Device Source of Recent White House Leaks?
Reports that two intelligence agencies 'suspected' the President's cell phone had been the source of recently leaked information originated as satire.
Truth or Fiction?→ Trump Sons Detained at Canadian Airport Over Ties to Fascist Regime-Fiction!
Trump Sons Detained at Canadian Airport Over Ties to Fascist Regime-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: President Trump’s sons, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr., were detained at a Canadian airport over ties to a fascist regime. The Truth: A fake news web
Snopes→ Is Marijuana Legalization Linked to Increased Violent Crime?
Although this claim appears to be making its way into political talking points regarding recreational marijuana, no credible evidence has been provided to support it.
Snopes→ Did a Holocaust Museum Display a Poster Listing ‘Early Warning Signs of Fascism’?
The poster was not on display, but instead was at one point available in the gift shop of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Snopes→ Did Pope Francis Say It Was Better to Be an Atheist Than a Bad Catholic?
Versions of a remark Pope Francis made about atheists and Catholics were misleadingly paraphrased.
Snopes→ ‘Media Silence’ On $12B Reduction to the National Debt During Trump’s First Month?
While Trump cites accurate figures in a recent tweet, his assessment of their newsworthiness is far more suspect.
Truth or Fiction?→ CPAC Crowds Waive Russian Flags Before Trump Speech-Truth! & Misleading!
CPAC Waives Russian Flags Before Trump Speech-Truth! & Misleading! Summary of eRumor: Attendees of Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2017 waived Russian flags before President Trump’s speech. The Truth: Political activists h
Truth or Fiction?→ George Soros Arrested, Charged with Hate Crimes-Fiction!
George Soros Arrested, Charged with Hate Crimes-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: George Soros has been arrested on charges of hate crimes against America, but the main stream media has refused to report on Soros’ arrest. The Truth: Claims that George
Snopes→ Did House Republicans Pass a Rule Shielding Themselves from Prosecution?
A new rule could make future investigations more difficult because it classifies public documents as the personal property of Congress members.