In August 2021, a May 2020 map purportedly depicting “states with a population less than DFW” (Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas) continued circulating on Facebook: In an appended post, the sharer wrote: “Wow this just blew my mind ”. H
Publication: political maps
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Average Jeans Colors Per State’ Map
On June 8 2021, an Imgur account shared a map chart meme titled “Average Jeans Color per State,” captioned “beware of internet facts,” a message we strongly endorse: Underneath the map (apparently shared to Tumblr), comments f
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘There Is No Such Thing as a Blue State, Only Blue Cities’ Tweet
In early May 2021, a tweet showing a map of the United States swathed in mostly red with a scattering of blue appeared, and it quickly went viral: The text that accompanied the image, from an account going by @TABYTCHI, said: There is no such thing a