Newsmax, Tucker Carlson and Jesse Watters suggested without evidence that 'woke' investments contributed to the bank's collapse.
Publication: newsmax
Truth or Fiction?→ Lara Logan Rant Results in Newsmax Ban, Statement
Former CBS News correspondent Lara Logan was banned from far-right American cable network Newsmax in October 2022 after a bizarre antisemitic rant on October 19 2022 — the latest in a long string of appearances featuring escalating, fully conspi
Truth or Fiction?→ Newsmax ‘Black Conservatives’ Screenshot
On April 20 2022, a purported Newsmax “Black conservatives” Twitter screenshot circulated on Imgur and Reddit: TIL Ben is considered to be a traitor from benshapiro One of the Reddit iterations appeared on r/ToiletP
Truth or Fiction?→ The Newsmax ‘Vlad the Great’ Cover
On December 7 and 8 2021, a Newsmax “Vlad the Great” cover photograph circulated on social media platforms like Imgur and Twitter: For anyone who thinks Newsmax is anything but Russian disinformation, here is the cover of Newsmax Magazine
Truth or Fiction?→ Anti-Vaccine Disinformation Campaign Echoes ‘Doctor’s Plot’ Rhetoric
An ongoing medical disinformation campaign took a sharp turn in July 2021, when right-wing commentators and politicians pivoted to direct attacks against continued efforts by the Biden administration to get more Americans vaccinated against COVID-19. T
Truth or Fiction?→ Far Right News Organizations Issue Statements, Admit ‘No Evidence’ Exists to Support Wall-to-Wall Coverage of Election Fraud
Far right propaganda purveyors like Newsmax, One America News Network, and certain Fox personalities became hot topics after the November 3 2020 election, when they captured a significant number of former Fox News viewers thanks to their regular ̶
Snopes→ Was Hillary Clinton Offered a Plea Deal in August 2017?
A single source claimed that Hillary Clinton was offered a plea deal after the Justice Department reopened an investigation into her server.