Did a 2020 Australian study find dangerous levels of heavy metals in pink Himalayan salt? No, that's not true: Although the study found metal contaminants, all pink salt samples in the study -- with the exception of one, from Peru -- were
Publication: international
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Posts On These Pages Are NOT Helping To Rescue Missing Migrants — They Are Used To Fleece Their Families
Is Migrante rescatado en Frontera N.A. a Facebook page to help search for missing migrants? No, that's not true: The page with over 8,000 followers claims to help families find their missing loved ones on the U.S.-Mexico border. But exper
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: NO Evidence New Zealand’s ‘Biggest Increase In Registered Deaths In 100 Years’ Related To COVID Vaccine
Is the "biggest increase in registered deaths in 100 years" in New Zealand due to the nation's high vaccination rate? No, that's not true: "There is absolutely no evidence that the increase in mortality in 2022 is related to Covid-19 vacc
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: NO Evidence Ukrainian Children Are Being Punished For Questioning Zelenskyy
Is there evidence that children in Ukraine are being punished for questioning Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy? No, that's not true: Lead Stories found no information that supported this statement. Additionally, an image used to su
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: NO ‘Premeditated Murder’ Arrest Warrant Issued For Bill Gates In Philippines COVID Vaccine Rollout — ‘Heinous Crimes Court’ Does Not Exist
Was an arrest warrant for Bill Gates issued by the "Heinous Crimes Court" in the Philippines for "premeditated murder" linked to vaccine roll out? No, that's not true: A legal expert told Lead Stories, "Philippine courts do not have the a
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: NO Evidence Putin ‘Ordered The Destruction Of All Covid-19 Vaccine Stockpiles On Russian Soil’
Did Russian President Vladimir Putin order the destruction of all COVID-19 vaccine supplies in Russia? No, that's not true. The claim originated from a website known for spreading false claims, and no other independent credible source has
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: COVID-19 Vaccine Is NOT Linked To ‘Nearly Doubled’ Stillbirths In Singapore — Law Changed How Stillbirths Are Registered
Did COVID-19 vaccines lead to the number of stillbirths being "nearly doubled" in Singapore? No, that's not true: The former journalist who posted the claim retracted it on his blog, noting that he missed the fact a law change in Singapor
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Video Does NOT Show China Has Cloned Dinosaurs — These Are Animatronic Theme-Park Attractions
Does a video on social media show that China has successfully cloned several species of dinosaurs? No, that's not true: The video's clips, shot at different locations, show Jurassic-Park-themed animatronics and puppetry. The dinosaurs are
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: ‘Bombshell New Study’ Does NOT Prove That mRNA ‘Jabs’ Have Caused ‘Tens Of Millions Of Serious New Health Problems Worldwide’
Did a "bombshell new study" prove that mRNA "jabs" have "caused tens of millions of serious new health problems worldwide," including a condition known as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)? No, that's not true: The 2022 stu
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Video Does NOT Show ‘Zelensky’s Double’ With Ukrainian Leader And President Joe Biden
Did Polish media "accidentally" catch on camera Volodymyr Zelenskyy's lookalike as he followed the Ukrainian leader during President Joe Biden's February 20, 2023, visit to Kyiv? No, that's not true: The person seen following the Ukrainia
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: WHO Pandemic Treaty Does NOT Supplant US Sovereignty
Does a draft of a World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic treaty supplant U.S. sovereignty, giving the international organization the authority to dictate American policies? No, that's not true: Nothing in the draft states the U.S. will
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: NO Evidence That 90-Day Herbs, Water, Juice Diet Cures Diabetes, Impotence
Will a 90-day diet of "herbs, water and juice" eliminate diabetes and impotence? No, that's not true: The assertion, made by "Dr. Sebi," a self-proclaimed healer and non-doctor whose health claims have been repeatedly debunked, is not bac
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Colorful Image Is NOT A Real Photo Of A ‘Complete Rainbow’ Captured By Pilot At 30,000 Feet
Did a pilot capture a photo of a complete full-circle rainbow while flying 30,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean? No, that's not true: This image is not a real photograph -- it's a fabricated image. Several key features present in real rainb
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: UK Government Report Does NOT Prove 92% Of COVID Deaths Occurred In ‘Fully Vaccinated’
Do 92 percent of COVID-19 deaths occur in fully vaccinated individuals, according to official data released by the U.K. government in February 2023? No, that's not true: That report is not meant to be a measure of vaccine effectiveness, a
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Zelenskyy Did NOT Say US Should Send Its Sons, Daughters To War Now — He Was Speaking Hypothetically If Ukraine Were To Lose War
Did Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy say the United States should send its sons and daughters to war now to fight for Ukraine against Russia? No, that's not true: His quote was taken out of context. Zelenskyy was addressing a hypot
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: War In Ukraine Is NOT Proved Fake By Before-And-After Photos Of Repairs After Missile Strike
Do a pair of photos that show completed repairs to a high-rise building in Ukraine only one year after it was damaged by a missile strike prove that the war in Ukraine is "fake"? No, that's not true: There is footage of the missile strike
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Video Does NOT Show HIMARS And Gepard Systems In Romania Heading To Moldova
Does a video show HIMARS and Gepard military weaponry on a street in Romania heading to Moldova? No, that's not true: The footage was shot in November 2022 of a military rehearsal for the National Day Parade in Alba Iulia, Romania, approx
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: NO Credible Evidence Arizona Lawmakers, Judges, Other Public Officials Taking Bribes From Sinaloa Cartel, Fixing Elections
Are lawmakers, judges and other public officials in Arizona taking bribes from the Sinaloa cartel and fixing elections? No, there's no reliable evidence that's true: Jacqueline Breger, an insurance agent who made the allegations during a
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Study Does NOT Prove Drinking Coke, Pepsi Results In Larger Testicles, Increases Testosterone
Does a study published by Chinese researchers prove that drinking Coke or Pepsi causes larger testicles and increases testosterone? No, that's not true: The study was only done on mice, not humans, so it doesn't directly apply. An associa
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Vaccinated People Do NOT Become The Property Of mRNA Vaccine Patent Holders — mRNA Does NOT Alter Natural DNA
Do gene editing mRNA vaccine patent holders own vaccinated people outright once injected, and does mRNA alter natural human DNA? No, that's not true: A Stanford University professor of law specializing in bioethics told Lead Stories that
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: NO Evidence Charles Darwin Predicted ‘The Rise Of The Woke’
Did British naturalist Charles Darwin, best known for his contributions to the evolutionary theory in biology, who died in 1882, predict "the rise of The Woke," a modern-day slang term frequently used by the opponents of those raising awa
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: NO Evidence Bill Gates Is Creating A Seed To ‘Target Black People’
Is Bill Gates engineering a seed that "will target Black people" and possibly kill them? No, that's not true: A video making that claim offers no evidence that Gates is producing a seed for plants that can attack the immune system of Blac
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Graph Does NOT Claim Paxlovid Starts Working Before Taken
Does a line graph in a peer-reviewed medical study published by The Lancet show that the oral anti-COVID-19 medication Paxlovid starts working before the patient ingests it? No, that's not true: The lead author of the study told Lead Stor
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Twitter Did NOT Institute Policy Banning Flag Of Ukraine
Did Twitter make a rule that users may not display the flag of Ukraine on their profile because it is considered a political statement against Russia? No, that's not true: A post from Walter Report contained a fabricated image which appea
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine NOT First Time 100,000 Troops Invaded Another Country Since World War II
Was Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the first time 100,000 troops had invaded another country since World War II? No, that's not true: There are many examples of military forces totaling more than 100,000 inv
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: HAARP Does NOT ‘Send A Billion-Watt Microwave’ To Cause Disasters On Earth
Can the Alaska-based HAARP project, a former military research facility for studying the ionosphere, remotely initiate natural disasters such as earthquakes anywhere on Earth? No, that's not true: An "explanation" of its purported capabil
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Definition Of Word ‘Horizontal’ Does NOT Prove Earth Is Flat
Did the word "horizon" come from the word "horizontal," and is this evidence that the Earth must be flat? No, that's not true: The word "horizon" came first, and the adjective "horizontal" followed. The adjective describes something "rela
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: The ’15-Minute City’ Is NOT About Restricting Movement
Will the "15-minute city" require residents to carry permits for more than 15 minutes of travel, track "in real time" their carbon footprints and block violators of city rules from accessing "daily activities"? No, that's not true: The 15
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: 49% Of COVID Vaccine Ingredients Can NOT Be Changed Without FDA Approval Under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
Can 49 percent of COVID-19 vaccine ingredients produced under emergency use authorization (EUA) be changed without telling the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? No, that's not true: Even very small changes to a vaccine must be reported
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Pope Francis Did NOT Declare ‘Pedophiles Have A Special Place In Heaven’
Did Pope Francis say that pedophiles have a special place in heaven? No, that's not true: There is no record of Pope Francis saying that, as an article in NewsPunch claims. Other quotes in this article are real quotes from the pope that w
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Andrew Tate Has NOT Been Released From Custody As Of February 22, 2023
Was Andrew Tate, who was arrested in late 2022 on suspicion of human trafficking, rape and participating in organized crime, released as of February 22, 2023? No, that's not true: The former kickboxing champion and internet influencer rem
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Video Showing ‘Breaks In Earth’s Crust’ Is NOT Hatay Province In Turkey But Shanxi Province In China
Did an aerial video capture a deep and wide chasm in the Earth's crust in southern Turkey's Hatay province, part of the area hit by earthquakes in early February 2023? No, that's not true: This video footage does not show earthquake fault
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Video, Paper Do NOT Prove Pfizer COVID Vaccine Causes Brain Injury, Heart Damage
Do a paper published in a medical journal and a video based on it prove the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine causes brain and heart damage? No, that's not true: The paper looks at the case of a single elderly man with Parkinson's disease who died
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Figment The Dragon Is NOT Slated To Replace Mickey Mouse As Disney Mascot In 2024
Did Disney decide to remove Mickey Mouse as the official mascot in 2024 because the famous mouse's copyright is going to expire -- and will the purple dragon Figment take Mickey's place? No, that's not true: The claim, along with a digita
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: US, Germany, Other Western Countries Did NOT Pull Their Envoys Out Of Turkey 24 Hours Before Quake
Did the United States, Germany and other Western countries pull their ambassadors out of Turkey 24 hours before the February 6, 2023, earthquake that killed tens of thousands there? No, that's not true: Diplomatic representatives from the
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Biden Did NOT Promise Zelenskyy A ‘Stake In The United States’
During his February 20, 2023, trip to Ukraine, did President Joe Biden promise Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a "stake in the United States" as a reward for "staying the course"? No, that's not true: This claim was published by a
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Images Of Spacecraft And Structures In Antarctica Are Not Real — Digitally Edited And Misrepresented Pictures
Does a collection of photos shared on social media show "another world" and remnants of a lost civilization or buried spacecraft under the ice of Antarctica? No, that's not true: These photos come from several sources. Some are presented
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Study Did NOT Prove COVID-19 Vaccinated Have 14.5% Higher Mortality Rate Than Non-Vaccinated
Did a research paper adequately demonstrate that vaccinated COVID-19 patients die at a higher rate than their unvaccinated counterparts? No, that's not true: The study in question has limitations that affect the quality of its conclusions
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Walmart Did NOT Sell Eggs For ‘Illegal Prices,’ Customers Can NOT Get $500 Store Credit
Did Walmart sell eggs for "illegal prices" and are $500 store credits being given to customers to "make it up"? No, that's not true: There is no evidence that Walmart sold eggs at illegally high prices nor is there any evidence of consume
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Soros Did NOT Endorse Florida Gov. DeSantis For GOP Nomination For President — Soros Predicted He’ll Run
Did liberal billionaire philanthropist George Soros endorse Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential race? No, that's not true: In remarks to the Munich Security Conference in February 2023, Soros s