The incident comes amid heightened tensions over the treatment of immigrants at the southern border.
Publication: Immigration
Snopes→ Did Eva Braun Say She ‘Hated Seeing Children Separated from Their Parents’ But Not to Blame Hitler?
A satirical quote attempting to draw a comparison between Melania Trump and Adolf Hitler's mistress was mistaken for real by some readers.
Snopes→ Were Gun-Toting Children Photographed on the United States Border?
The Drudge Report used a years-old photograph of children in Syria holding toy guns without credit, a description, or attribution to illustrate a story about immigration to the United States.
Snopes→ Are Children Being Assigned Numbers in Detention Centers?
Viral posts on social media contain claims that immigrant children are receiving numbers like Holocaust victims.
Truth or Fiction?→ Trump Administration Holding Immigrant Children in Cages-Mostly Fiction!
Trump Administration Holding Immigrant Children in Cages-Mostly Truth! & Misleading! Summary of eRumor: As part of its “zero tolerance” policy on illegal immigration, the Trump administration holds immigrant children in cages after
Washington Post→ Recidivism Watch: Trump administration again blames others for its own family separation policy
“It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.” — White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, at a news briefing, June 14, 2018 The Trump administration seems to be caught inside a “Twilight Zone” ep
Snopes→ Attorney General Sessions Reverses Protections for Asylum Seekers Fleeing Domestic Violence, Gangs
Immigration lawyers have already vowed to take legal action against Sessions's ruling, which would deny asylum to almost all victims of gang violence and domestic abuse.
Snopes→ Are These Immigrant Children in Orange Jumpsuits?
A viral Facebook post falsely implies a photograph of children in orange jumpsuits shows detained immigrant children.
Snopes→ Is ICE Transporting Immigrant Children in Freight Trains?
A Facebook user evoked images of the Holocaust in a claim Immigration and Customs Enforcement uses trains to transport children, but there were no supporting details.
Snopes→ Was a Child’s Skull Found at an Alleged Sex-Trafficking Bunker Area in Tucson?
Authorities have determined a skull found roughly 20 miles from an abandoned homeless camp belonged to an adult.
Snopes→ Are More Than 10,000 Children in U.S. Detention Centers?
The Department of Health and Human Services announced that 10,773 unaccompanied immigrant children were indeed in detention facilities as of May 2018.
Truth or Fiction?→ Pope Francis Orders White Women to Have Children with Muslim Migrants-Fiction!
Pope Francis Orders White Women to Have Children with Muslim Migrants-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Pope Francis supposedly encouraged white women to “breed” with Muslim migrants to counter declining birthrates. The Truth: The claim that Pope
Snopes→ Pizza Delivery Man Apprehended by Border Agents at Brooklyn Military Base
Pablo Villavicencio arrived at Fort Hamilton to deliver pizza, and wound up in an unspecified detainment center.
Washington Post→ Does the U.S. keep immigrant children in cages?
“When I was at the center at McAllen Border Station, this is the processing center, earlier and I was admitted there and I did see the people, hundreds of children locked up in cages there at that facility. … They have big cages
Snopes→ Agreement Between Refugee Agency and ICE to Share Sensitive Information Raises Concerns
Parents who come forward to claim custody of children will have their fingerprints and immigration status inspected by ICE.
Snopes→ Are Rosaries Being Taken From Immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico Border?
Rosaries are among personal belongings confiscated from immigrants when they are arrested at the southern border of the United States.
Washington Post→ Fact-checking immigration spin on separating families and 1,500 ‘lost’ children
“We have to break up families. The Democrats gave us that law. It’s a horrible thing where you have to break up families. The Democrats gave us that law and they don’t want to do anything about it.” — President Trump, in a round table on sanc
Washington Post→ The dubious statistic getting the DHS secretary in trouble with President Trump
“The Border Patrol’s May arrest numbers are due to be released early next month, and immigration hawks, including the president, now treat them as a kind of barometer for [Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen] Nielsen’s performance.
Snopes→ Is This a Picture of ICE’s ‘Special Prison Bus for Babies’?
A transport vehicle outfitted for children held at an immigrant detention facility has been described as a "prison bus for babies" by some.
Snopes→ Did President Trump Order Detained Immigrants to Wear Yellow Bracelets?
Some reports have held that President Trump has "just begun" an immigration-related policy which actually started in 2005.
Snopes→ Did the U.S. Government Lose Track of 1,475 Migrant Children?
An official from Health and Human Services reported to a Senate subcommittee that 1,475 unaccompanied migrant children are unaccounted for.
Washington Post→ Are human-smuggling cartels at the U.S. border earning $500 million a year?
“To be clear — human smuggling operations are lining the pockets of transnational criminals. They are not humanitarian endeavors. Smugglers prioritize profit over people. And when aliens pay them to get here, they are contributi
Washington Post→ Trump’s claim that U.S. is only country with ‘thousands’ of immigration judges
“Our immigration laws are a disgrace. … Catch and release. You catch them, you release them. And just to show how ridiculous — we have judges. We have thousands of judges. Do you think other countries have judges? We give them
Truth or Fiction?→ Syrian Man With 4 Wives, 22 Kids Gets $360,000 Per Year in Welfare-Truth! & Unproven!
4Syrian Man With 4 Wives, 23 Kids Gets $360,000 Per Year in Welfare-Truth! & Unproven! Summary of eRumor: A Syrian man with 4 wives and 22 kids receives $360,000 per year in welfare from the German government. The Truth: Reports about a Syria
Washington Post→ Fact-checking President Trump’s claims on immigration
The president made it abundantly clear, intentionally or not, that March and April (and maybe even May) might as well be called “immigration month.” It wasn’t on the official schedule. Or worked out in great detail by White H
Snopes→ Is This Sign at the United States-Mexico Border Real?
An image purportedly showing a U.S. border sign saying "lots of free stuff ahead" is — you guessed it — nothing more than a poorly-done digital edit.
Snopes→ Is This the First Caravan Member to Be Granted Asylum in the United States?
A cynical attempt to smear asylum seekers in the 2018 “caravan” of immigrants is actually a 2009 photo from a pornographic website.
Snopes→ Are Michigan Lawmakers Marking Immigrants’ Licenses With a Yellow Star?
Memes suggesting Michigan lawmakers wanted to place a yellow star on immigrants' licenses were conflated a withdrawn proposal.
Snopes→ Memphis Journalist Detained by ICE Faces Deportation to El Salvador
Manuel Duran Ortega, a reporter for the Spanish-language news web site Memphis Noticias, was arrested while covering a demonstration against Immigration and Customs Enforcement policies.
Snopes→ California City Approves Ordinance Against Sanctuary Policy
The conservative backlash against California's so-called sanctuary law has taken the form of lawsuits and public tongue-lashings, but one tiny city in Orange County took the step of declaring itself legally exempt.
Washington Post→ President Trump’s claim that Democrats created ‘catch and release’ policies
“Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. ‘Caravans’ coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Opt
Snopes→ The Facts Behind ‘Caravans’ of Immigrants
The President has used the occurrence of an annual human rights demonstration as a reason to deploy the military to the United States-Mexico border.
Washington Post→ A guide to President Trump’s latest round of fact-challenged tweets
President Trump’s tweetstorms generally require context. He often appears to be reacting in the moment to something he watched on television. If you are not a cable junkie, some of the president’s Twitter comments may appear obscure or puzzling. Mo
Snopes→ When Did the United States Census Stop Asking About Citizenship?
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says the question about citizenship was removed from census forms in 2010; is she correct?
Washington Post→ Fact-checking claims about Trump’s citizenship question in the Census
The Trump administration’s move to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census has itself raised all sorts of questions about the rights of voters, minorities and immigrants. The Justice Department says it requested the change because it needs more
Snopes→ Will A Border Wall ‘Pay For Itself’ Because Immigrants Cost the Government Money?
An argument presented by the Center for Immigration Studies suggests a wall would save the United States money.
Snopes→ Did ‘Muslim Migrants’ Attack a Catholic Church During Mass in France?
A video of pro-migrant protesters being removed from the Basilica of Saint-Denis in France was shared with the inflammatory and incorrect claim that it shows Muslim immigrants attacking a church.
Washington Post→ Questions raised about study that links undocumented immigrants to higher crime
We spend a fair amount of time fact-checking statements, most of them from President Trump, linking immigrants to higher crime rates in the United States. Researchers on all sides of this debate generally agree that such claims are impossible to verify
Snopes→ Does Christina Hagan’s Campaign Ad Show the Mexico-United States Border?
An Ohio Republican candidate recycles a misrepresentation of the border used by President Donald Trump.
Washington Post→ Does President Trump’s border wall pay for itself?
“According to the Center for Immigration Studies, the $18 billion wall will pay for itself by curbing the importation of crime, drugs and illegal immigrants who tend to go on the federal dole.” — President Trump, in a tweet, March 13, 2018 Presid