The data raises questions about whether the immigration system may be enabling forced marriage and about how U.S. laws may be compounding the problem despite efforts to limit child and forced marriage.
Publication: Immigration
Snopes→ Does This Video Show Immigrants Rioting in Italy?
Whether it does or doesn't show rioting, the video has been viewed more than 1.6 million times.
Truth or Fiction?→ Did the United States Give Jordan $500 Million to Build a Wall on its Border with Iraq?
On January 8, 2019, just after President Donald Trump addressed the United States on the matter of his intent to construct another border wall, the Facebook page “The American Dreamer” shared the following meme: Text overlaid on an image
Snopes→ Does Lack of Affordable Healthcare Kill More People in America Than Terrorism and Illegal Immigration?
A widely-shared Facebook meme challenged readers to reevaluate their political priorities about immigration and health care.
Truth or Fiction?→ United States President Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech
On the evening of January 8, 2019, United States President Donald Trump addressed the nation from the Oval Office on the topic of immigration and what he calls a humanitarian and national security crisis on the country’s southern border as a shut
Snopes→ Trump, Democrats Taking Border Wall Fight to Prime-time TV
Trump's evening remarks will be followed by a rebuttal from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who have strongly opposed the wall and have repeatedly called on Trump to reopen the rest of government while border negoti
Snopes→ Father of Dead Guatemalan Boy Heard Rumors They Could Cross
It appears Felipe Gomez Alonzo got sick after U.S. Border Patrol authorities moved him from El Paso, Texas, to Alamogordo, New Mexico, because of overcrowding.
Snopes→ Migrant Teen Tent City Staying Open into 2019
On Christmas the Tornillo facility in Texas held some 2,300 largely Central American boys and girls between the ages of 13 and 17 in more than 150 canvas tents.
Snopes→ Immigrants vs. ‘Gimmegrants’
A comparison of two different photographs that appear to have nothing in common.
Snopes→ Medical Checks Ordered After 2nd Detained Child Migrant Dies
U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a statement that it needs the help of other government agencies to provide health care.
Snopes→ Did a GoFundMe Campaign to Fund a Border Wall Raise Millions of Dollars Within a Few Days?
In the midst of a budget standoff between Congressional Democrats and the White House, some Americans sought to take matters into their own hands.
Snopes→ Child’s Death Highlights Communication Barriers on Border
U.S. border agents come in contact with an increasing number of migrants who speak neither English nor Spanish.
Snopes→ 7-year-old in Good Health, Border Agents Said; Then She Died
CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said agents "did everything in their power" to save her.
Snopes→ 7-Year-Old Migrant Girl Held at US Border Dies in Custody
She was in custody for about eight hours before she began having seizures, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol officials said.
Snopes→ Did 449,000 Californians Turn Down Jury Duty Because They Are Undocumented Immigrants?
Facebook users spread an unscourced and uncorroborated anti-immigrant statement.
Snopes→ Trump Says Military to Build Border Wall if Democrats Refuse
Trump wants the next funding package to include at least $5 billion for a border wall, an idea Democrats have flatly rejected.
Snopes→ US Arrests 32 at San Diego Border Demonstration
More than 300 people, many the leaders of churches, mosques, synagogues and indigenous communities, participated in the demonstration at San Diego's Border Field State Park, which borders Tijuana, Mexico.
Truth or Fiction?→ From Central America to the United States Border, a Journey of Lies
A highly publicized caravan of people traveling from Central America in order to turn themselves in at the United States border to request asylum — one of many groups who have done so over the years — has been dogged from start to finish by false
Truth or Fiction?→ Are Asylum-Seekers Writing Numbers on Their Arms at the United States Border?
Amid stories of unarmed adults and children getting teargassed over an international border by United States forces, infants being taken from their parents, and asylum-seekers being concentrated in detention camps, yet another image appeared to evoke a
Truth or Fiction?→ Was Teargas Used ‘Once a Month’ at the Border Under the Obama Administration?
The days following a cross-border chemical attack by American forces on unarmed members of a caravan of men, women, and children from Central America across the border with Mexico were filled with disinformation and outright propaganda as people and or
Truth or Fiction?→ Were Photographs Showing the United States Firing Teargas at a Crowd in Mexico ‘Staged’?
On November 25th, 2018, at the tail end of the long Thanksgiving weekend in the United States, the United States government closed down the San Ysidro port of entry — one of the busiest land crossings in the world — into and out of Mexico. When a g
Truth or Fiction?→ Are Members of a Refugee Caravan Defiling American Flags on Their Way to the United States?
An annual caravan heading from Central America to the southern United States border to seek asylum has been beset by rumors, misinformation, and dramatic disinformation during the 2018 election cycle. Participants in the annual event are generally fro
Is the United States the Only Country that Offers Birthright Citizenship?
On October 30th, 2018, three days after a Pennsylvania white supremacist stormed a Pittsburgh synagogue with guns and murdered eleven people during a service and four days after a Florida man was arrested for mailing a series of glass-packed pipe bombs to public figures, United States President Donald Trump spoke out at length not against […]
The post Is the United States the Only Country that Offers Birthright Citizenship? appeared first on Truth or Fiction?.
Snopes→ Does This Photograph Show Honduran Caravan Members Using an American Red Cross Tent?
A photograph of a family resting in front of a tent labeled “Cruz Roja Mexicana” has, somehow, been presented as evidence that the American Red Cross provided caravan tents.
Snopes→ President Trump Says He Intends to Remove Birthright Citizenship for Some Children
A dispute exists over whether the constitution could allow a president to change or remove the 14th Amendment.
Snopes→ Wait Times for Citizenship Applications Stretch to 2 Years
More than 700,000 immigrants are waiting on their applications to become U.S. citizens, a process that in many parts of the country now takes a year or more.
Snopes→ Is it Legal for a Migrant ‘Fleeing Violence’ to Enter the U.S. Without Authorization?
A viral meme confused the legalities of entering the United States with the legalities of applying for asylum.
Snopes→ Did Members of the Migrant Caravan Paint a Swastika on an American Flag and Set It on Fire?
A photograph of protesters in the Honduran capital setting fire to a U.S. flag inflamed some Americans.
Snopes→ Were 100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as a Central American Caravan Headed to the US?
Two different news stories separated in time and space created the impression that ISIS terrorists were traveling with a group of migrants from Central America.
Snopes→ Citizens from Kansas and Arizona Report Birth Certificates Weren’t Enough Proof for U.S. Passports
People who were born outside hospital setting say the government is demanding a burdensome amount of evidence.
Snopes→ Were Immigrant Teenagers Strapped to Chairs with Bags Over Their Heads?
Immigrant children as young as 14 were forcibly restrained at a Virginia facility, but authorities consider the methods acceptable.
Snopes→ Is the Trump Administration Revoking Passports of U.S. Citizens?
Immigration attorneys we spoke to said they have seen an increase in passport revocations and denials for U.S. citizens whose births were attended by midwives.
Snopes→ Immigrant Who Was Arrested Accompanying His Wife to Give Birth Appears in Court
Joel Arrona-Lara attracted widespread attention when his heavily-pregnant wife was left alone at an Arco station en route to the hospital.
Snopes→ Did Mollie Tibbetts’ Family Make a Statement Condemning the Politicization of Her Death?
Various members of Tibbetts' family have weighed in, but none has spoken on behalf of the entire family in an official capacity.
Snopes→ Hundreds of Children Taken Under ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy Await Reunification
The judge overseeing the case has expressed optimism on the ongoing reunification process.
Snopes→ Facts Behind the Arrest of an Immigrant Accompanying His Pregnant Wife to the Hospital Remain Unclear
After making a controversial arrest in San Bernardino, ICE said Joel Arrona-Lara was wanted in Mexico for murder.
Snopes→ Does This Photograph Show ICE Arresting Small Children?
Although a photograph of handcuffed children is shared with the claim the youngsters were arrested by ICE, the image is unrelated to immigration.
Snopes→ Trump Administration Proposal Could Punish Legal Immigrants If Their Family Members Use Public Assistance
The proposed change to "public charge" rules would assess members of "immigrant households" in determining whether a person qualifies for permanent status.
Snopes→ Did Barack Obama Express Opposition to ‘Undetected, Undocumented, Unchecked’ Immigration?
A 13-year-old quotation from the former Illinois Senator was reintroduced into public debate in the context of President Donald Trump's "zero tolerance" policy.
Snopes→ Did Elizabeth Holtzman Send DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen a Strongly-Worded Resignation?
The former Democratic Congresswomen accused the Department of Homeland Security of "making war on immigrants and refugees" in a letter that went viral in July 2018.