Two mass shootings in California in the first weeks of 2023, both committed by immigrants in their sixties, have highlighted the issue of disinformation and propaganda targeting American immigrant communities, and how the prods and pulleys of stochasti
Publication: immigrants
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘ … 4/25/1886: The New York Times Called the Eight-Hour Workday Movement “Un-American”‘
On May 2 2022, an Imgur user shared a screenshot of a tweet which claimed that on April 25 1886, the New York Times called the eight-hour workday movement “un-American,” and “blamed the ‘labor disturbances’ on ‘for
Truth or Fiction?→ Are Eradicated Diseases Making a Comeback Because of Immigrants and Refugees?
In April 2019, the Facebook page “Donald Plants” shared the following meme (archived here), which claimed that six “eradicated diseases” are in the process of “making a comeback” thanks to the presence of refugees
Truth or Fiction?→ Did Undocumented Immigrants Send $56 Billion in ‘Pure Cash’ to Their Home Countries Last Year?
Against the backdrop of a long-running federal shutdown, purportedly over border wall funding, a Facebook user shared the following meme in January 2019: It read: ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS SENT $56 BILLION IN PURE CASH TO THEIR HOME COUNTRIES LAST YEAR ALONE
Snopes→ Does This Video Show Immigrants Rioting in Italy?
Whether it does or doesn't show rioting, the video has been viewed more than 1.6 million times.
Snopes→ Did a Banned Federal Study Show That Refugees Bring in More in Government Revenues Than They Cost?
A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study compared the tax revenues generated by refugees to the overall cost of resettlement.
Snopes→ Watchdog: MDs with Convictions Hired to Examine Immigrants
The physicians, known as civil surgeons, review medical records and examine immigrants seeking lawful permanent resident status.
Truth or Fiction?→ Bill Clinton’s 1996 Immigration Law Behind Child Separations-Fiction!
Bill Clinton’s 1996 Immigration Law is to Blame for Child Separations-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Bill Clinton’s 1996 (or 1997) immigration law is to blame for a federal policy that separates immigrant children from their parents at the bor
Truth or Fiction?→ American Teen Who Killed Muslim Refugee for Raping His Sister Sentenced to Prison-Fiction!
American Teen Who Killed Muslim Refugee for Raping His Sister Sentenced to Prison-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: An American teenager was sentenced to 30 years in prison for killing a Muslim refugee who raped the teen’s 7-year-old sister. The Truth:
Snopes→ What Is ‘Chain Migration’?
President Trump pledged in his 2018 State of the Union address to end "chain migration," but what exactly does that term mean and where did it come from?
Truth or Fiction?→ Trump Tweets Videos of Muslim Migrant Attacking Dutch Boy, Muslim Lynch Mob-Truth! & Fiction!
Trump Tweets Videos of Muslim Migrant Attacking Dutch Boy, Muslim Lynch Mob-Truth! & Fiction! Summary of eRumor: President Trump tweeted a series of videos that reportedly show a Muslim migrant attacking a Dutch boy on crutches and a Muslim lynch m
Snopes→ Fear of Deportation Drives People Off Food Stamps in US
A crackdown on illegal immigration under President Donald Trump has driven some poor people to take a drastic step: opt out of federal food assistance.
Snopes→ Did Police Make Disturbing Find of ‘Obama’s Muslim Refugees’ in a Minnesota Olive Garden?
A blog with a misleading headline falsely reported that Rochester, Minnesota police found Muslim refugees doing something "disturbing" after raiding an Olive Garden restaurant.
Snopes→ Did an Immigrant Make a Girl Sick by Putting Peanut Butter in Her Sandwich?
A 2016 lawsuit does not claim that the child with peanut allergies was deliberately poisoned by an immigrant worker at Panera Bread.
Snopes→ Did Trump Sign An Order Barring Undocumented Immigrants From Receiving Welfare?
Claims that welfare recipients without documentation would be "sent home" came from hoax news stories.
Snopes→ Riot Breaks Out in Immigrant Suburb of Stockholm, Sweden
Days after President Trump referenced a nonexistent instance of immigrant violence in Sweden, a riot broke out in a predominantly immigrant district of Stockholm.
Truth or Fiction?→ Donald Trump Received Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 1986-Truth!
Donald Trump Received Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 1986-Truth! Summary of eRumor: President Trump was awarded the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 1986 with the likes of Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali. The Truth: It’s true that Donald Trump was pres