When Hurricane Michael slammed into Mexico Beach, Florida on October 10th, 2018, the massive storm caused as-yet untold amounts of damage, leveling homes for miles: Amid images of survivors and the aftermath, the usual hurricane hoaxes began to appear, like this one: Caption: “Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport – Panama City Beach, FL”The post was […]
A viral Facebook video contains false and unproven claims about the humanitarian organization's actions in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Go to site post…»
A warning video about the use of the insecticide naled in parts of Texas gets some facts wrong and greatly exaggerates the risk to the public. Go to site post…»
A series of Facebook rumors about food stamp benefits for post-Irma Florida residents have a grain of truth to them but elide important facts. Go to site post…»
Lenders Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, as well as the federal government, have programs to help homeowners affected by natural disasters. Go to site post…»
There is no evidence to support a viral Facebook warning about certain cities, but the public should be very cautious about contact with floodwaters. Go to site post…»
Red Cross Stealing Donations from Doorsteps of Churches-Fiction! & Unproven!
Summary of eRumor:
Protected by Obama-era Executive Order 13603, the American Red Cross stole donations from the doorsteps of churches and resold them for a profit in th Go to site post…»
A photograph purportedly showing a meal served by the Red Cross to victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas actually shows a school lunch from 2014. Go to site post…»
A viral video from Houston, Texas makes claims about the Red Cross' treatment of food and other items in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Go to site post…»
Hotels Required to Accept Evacuees With Pets During Natural Disasters-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Under the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards (PETS) Act of 2006, hotels are required to accept evacuees with pets during natural disasters and o Go to site post…»
Oil industry giants reported more than 1.5 million pounds (680 metric tons) of extraordinary emissions over eight days beginning 23 August 2017. Go to site post…»
Hurricane Harvey Flooding Uncovers Secret Stash of Obama Administration Ammo-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Hurricane Harvey flooding led to the discovery of ammunition that the Obama administration hid in a small Texas town called Lexmar.
The Truth:
Fals Go to site post…»
A "satirical" web site fabricated a story linking the fatal storm to the former president and 2015 military exercises at the U.S.-Mexico border. Go to site post…»
Experts say Harvey’s filthy floodwaters pose significant dangers to human safety and the environment that will remain even after levels drop far enough that southeastern Texas residents no longer fear for their lives. Go to site post…»
Reports that the beleaguered pastor of the Houston megachurch provided shelter from the city's floodwaters only to top financial contributors are fake news. Go to site post…»
Houston's Muslim community opened many centers, sent volunteers to provide food and donations, and even rescued neighbors from high water after Harvey. Go to site post…»
Floyd Mayweather Donates Millions to Houston Flooding Relief-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Floyd Mayweather donated a $200 million to Houston flooding relief efforts after Hurricane Harvey struck in August 2017.
The Truth:
False rumors that Floyd Mayweat Go to site post…»
A Houston-area chemical plant that lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in extensive floods was rocked by multiple explosions early on 31 August 2017. Go to site post…»
A rumor exaggerates the (vanishingly small) likelihood that those who rescue animals in danger during a tropical storm in Texas will be prosecuted. Go to site post…»
Joel Osteen Sails Luxury Yacht into Houston After Turning Away Flood Victims-Fiction!
Summary of eRumor:
Joel Osteen sailed a luxury yacht through Houston floods handing out copies of his book, “Your Best Life Now,” to victims of Hurricane Go to site post…»
A weakened Tropical Storm Harvey left Louisiana residents bracing for possible tornadoes and hoping water would stay out of their sandbagged homes. Go to site post…»