A social media meme claimed three of the men died from gunshot wounds during the home invasion robbery, and that two others were injured.
Publication: Houston
Truth or Fiction?→ Houston Police Attempt to Link ‘Drug Spiking’ to Fatal Astroworld Concert
Houston police attempted to link an alleged injection “attack” to the chaos at a November 2021 concert that culminated in the deaths of eight people and injuries to more than 300 others. Local police chief Troy Finner first pushed the claim
Snopes→ Barriers, Crowd Control in Focus in Houston Concert Deaths
Authorities planned to use videos, witness interviews and a review of concert procedures to figure out what went wrong during a performance by rapper Travis Scott.
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘BLM Destroys Hispanic Child’s Birthday Party’
On October 5 2020, the aptly named Facebook page “Infodemik” shared a video captioned “BLM destroy Hispanic child’s birthday party Houston, TX”: Variations and Iterations Infodemik also shared the clip with a similar
Truth or Fiction?→ Does This Picture Show a Tiny Crowd Ten Minutes Before Sen. Bernie Sanders’ April 2019 Houston Rally?
On April 26 2019, Facebook page “The Trump Train” shared the following post (archived here), claiming that it showed a crowd of a few dozen people in Houston ten minutes before Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) was scheduled to speak: Ac
Snopes→ Video of Arrest at Houston Walmart Goes Viral — Months Later
One of two women who drew sympathy after she was seen handcuffed with her pants around her ankles disputes criminal charges.
Snopes→ Did the Red Cross Steal Donations in Texas, Empowered by an Obama-Era Executive Order?
A viral Facebook video contains false and unproven claims about the humanitarian organization's actions in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.
Snopes→ Were Houston Residents Warned to Use Gas Masks During Mosquito Spraying?
A warning video about the use of the insecticide naled in parts of Texas gets some facts wrong and greatly exaggerates the risk to the public.
Snopes→ Did a Texas Mosque Refuse to Help Hurricane Harvey Survivors?
A "satire" site fabricated a story about a local mosque closing its doors to "infidels" seeking help.
Snopes→ Only 60 of 1,566 Churches in Houston Opened to Help Hurricane Harvey Victims?
A meme claiming that only 4 percent of churches in Houston opened their doors to Hurricane Harvey victims appears to have originated on a satirical Facebook page and was not based on any legitimate statistics.
Snopes→ Harvey Disaster Relief Donation Rumors
In the wake of a massive hurricane, rumors abounded about public figures who have donated to victims.
Snopes→ Harvey Disaster Relief Donation Rumors
In the wake of a massive hurricane, rumors abounded about public figures who have donated to victims.
Snopes→ Melania Trump Wore Heels to Visit Texas After a Hurricane?
Melania Trump wore high heels while boarding Air Force One, but the First Lady wore sneakers while meeting with officials in Texas.
Snopes→ Police Chief: Smoke from Texas Chemical Plant Fire Not Toxic
A Houston-area chemical plant that lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in extensive floods was rocked by multiple explosions early on 31 August 2017.
Snopes→ Is FEMA Hiring ‘Field Inspectors’ and Paying Them Thousands Per Week?
The Federal Emergency Management Agency confirmed that a flyer advertising high-paid jobs available through 31 August 2017 is real.
Snopes→ Navy Destroyer Collides with Building in Downtown Houston?
A satirical article about a Navy Destroyer colliding with a building during Hurricane Harvey was mistaken for real news.
Truth or Fiction?→ Photo Shows Houston’s William P. Hobby Airport Flooding After Hurricane Harvey-Fiction!
Photo Shows Houston’s William P. Hobby Airport Flooding After Hurricane Harvey-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A photo that began circulating on August 28, 2017, shows Houston’s William P. Hobby Airport flooding in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.
Snopes→ Joel Osteen Sails Luxury Yacht Through Flooded Houston to Pass out Copies of His Book?
A Christian satire site's claim about the popular televangelist using a luxury yacht to promote "Your Best Life Now" in Hurricane Harvey's aftermath was mistaken for real news.
Snopes→ Was Joel Osteen’s Houston ‘Megachurch’ Affected By Hurricane Harvey?
The evangelist was criticized on social media for not opening Lakewood Church to help people fleeing the storm.
Snopes→ Fake Photographs: Harvey Edition
As usual, fake and misleading images were immediately circulated on social media in the wake of a storm that brought catastrophic flooding to the streets of Houston.
Snopes→ Black Lives Matter ‘Thugs’ Blocked Emergency Crews from Reaching Hurricane Victims?
Reports that protesters had blocked emergency crews from reaching people stranded by Hurricane Harvey are — like earlier stories from which they were recycled — completely false.