Readers beware: True horrors lurk among legends.
Publication: Horrors
Snopes→ Is the Florida High School Shooter a ‘Dreamer’?
In the immediate aftermath of a mass shooting on Valentine's Day, social media users began speculating the suspect was undocumented.
Snopes→ Are Motorists Finding HIV-Infected Needles on Gas Pump Handles?
Rumors that service station customers are getting stuck by HIV-loaded syringes affixed to gas pump handles are a hoax.
Snopes→ The Killer in the Backseat
A crazed killer is discovered hiding in the back seat of woman's car at a gas station.
Snopes→ Pins and Needles in Halloween Candy
Pins, needles and razor blades been occasionally been found in trick-or-treaters' loot over the years.
Snopes→ Poisoned Halloween Candy
Police have never documented actual cases of people randomly distributing poisoned goodies to children on Halloween.
Snopes→ 1962 Halloween Massacre
Image purportedly documents a masked partygoer who fatally stabbed seven people with a kitchen knife on Halloween 1962.
Snopes→ The Disappearance of Ashley, Kansas
The horrific tale of a Kansas town that disappeared, along with its entire population, after an earthquake in 1952.
Snopes→ Avoid Poisonous Black and White Caterpillars?
Black and white tussock moth caterpillars can cause severe allergic reactions in some people who touch them.
Snopes→ The Body Under the Bed
A vacationing couple staying in a foul-smelling motel room discovered a body hidden under their bed.
Snopes→ Spanish Woman Cut in Half in Fatal Elevator Accident?
A web site posted an unclear translation of a news account about a grisly incident that killed a Spanish woman in a hospital shortly after she gave birth.
Snopes→ Man Burns to Death Rescuing Dog from Hot Springs
Burn deaths and injuries result from people trying to retrieve straying pets from boiling hot springs.
Snopes→ Was a Mass Grave of ‘Dozens of Tortured Black Men’ Found on a Dead KKK Leader’s Estate?
A horrifying tale of racially-motivated violence came from a web site that does not appear to publish any factual stories.
Snopes→ Parking Lot Perfume Robbers
Long-standing crime warning holds that thieves are trolling parking lots and rendering their victims unconscious with perfume samples.
Snopes→ Ground Glass as Poison
Contrary to what mystery and crime dramas might portray, ingesting ground glass isn't inherently fatal.
Snopes→ Tape Proves Doomed ‘Challenger’ Crew Screamed, Cursed and Prayed?
Reports of a secret tape recorded aboard the doomed space shuttle Challenger that captured the final panic-stricken moments of the crew were a tabloid invention.
Snopes→ Returning Soldier Finds Family Dead
A serviceman returning from deployment discovers his wife died while he was away, and his children have starved to death.
Snopes→ Mysterious Staircase at Loretto Chapel
Does a stairway at Santa Fe's Loretto Chapel miraculously stand despite having no discernable means of support?