Publication: healthcare
Logically→ Dr. Devi Shetty has written an open letter calling to end the 5 percent health service tax imposed by Modi Government.
Logically→ President Biden signed an executive order making health insurance free for qualifying Americans.
The Affordable Care Act doesn't make health insurance free.
Logically→ Pneumonia vaccine shortage has affected the health system across India.
The Union health ministry clarified that there is no shortage of pneumococcal vaccine. The government has refuted media reports claiming otherwise.
Logically→ Himalaya has confirmed its Neem, Tulsi, and Lasuna capsules are made with bovine bone.
Himalaya sells Neem, Tulsi, and Lasuna in tablet form. The tablets do not contain meat. The screengrab of the circulated email is from 2015.
Logically→ Ukraine’s health minister Viktor Liashko is an American.
Viktor Liashko is a Ukrainian citizen by birth. Claims stating otherwise are intended to discredit the Ukrainian administration.
Logically→ NHS’ Long Term Plan is part of Bill Gates, WHO, and WEF’s global agenda to infiltrate the U.K.
NHS' plan aims are providing better healthcare services and is being misrepresented as part of a global agenda to control people's lives.
Logically→ The quality of FDA-approved drugs is not scientifically evaluated.
The FDA follows a strict approval process and evaluates all clinical data related to a drug's safety and efficacy before approving it for public use.
Logically→ Lines across your fingernails indicate that you have had COVID-19.
Current scientific evidence indicates that Beau's lines or lines across your fingernails is not a reliable sign that you had COVID-19.
Logically→ Israel to administer the third dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to people over 60.
Israel’s Prime Minister announced that the country would offer a Pfizer vaccine as a booster to people over 60 who are fully vaccinated.
Logically→ Recovering COVID-19 patients should wait two to six weeks before donating plasma.
COVID-19 patients should donate their plasma after 2-6 weeks of fully recovering from the disease to avoid spreading it again in case of reinfection.
Logically→ Former Pfizer Vice President claims that governments are lying about new variants of COVID-19 being deadlier.
Dr. Michael Yeadon is known to make unfounded claims about COVID-19 in interviews for conspiracy theory websites and media outlets.
Logically→ COVID-19 infection may lead to erectile dysfunction.
There is limited evidence to verify that severe COVID-19 and stress and anxiety induced by it may cause erectile dysfunction as research is ongoing.
Logically→ Apetamin is a safe drug for gaining weight.
International health bodies have not approved Apetamin due to safety and effectiveness concerns, and it is illegal to sell it in many countries.
Logically→ Seven simple hand exercises will boost immunity and prevent an individual from contracting COVID-19.
There is no link associated between hand exercises and the treatment of COVID-19. These exercises will not prevent contracting the virus.
Logically→ It is not safe to receive the COVID-19 vaccine during menstruation.
There is no scientific evidence to prove that people should not receive the vaccine during their periods.
Logically→ The COVID-19 pandemic is the largest human experiment of all time.
COVID-19 is not a man-made or a controlled phenomenon, but an unexpected, highly infectious disease.
Logically→ The side-effects of vaccines indicate that the vaccine is working.
While not everyone will experience side effects, they are a sign that an immune response has been triggered in the body.
Logically→ Healthcare in West Bengal’s government hospitals is free.
Though the state government's Swasthya Sathi scheme provides medical benefits to the people of West Bengal, many people are exempted.
Logically→ The TMC government deprived the people of West Bengal of health benefits by not implementing Ayushman Bharath.
Ayushman Bharath was not implemented by the West Bengal government as the state had already implemented 'Swasthya Sathi,' a health scheme.
Logically→ Alcohol should be completely avoided for two weeks following COVID-19 vaccination.
There is no evidence that alcohol makes the COVID-19 vaccination less effective, but medical experts have warned against excessive alcohol consumption
Logically→ A new bill to legalize killing babies has been passed by the New Mexico House Committee.
New Mexico Senate passed a bill repealing a decades-old abortion ban that grants greater autonomy to women with respect to abortions.
Logically→ Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 500,000 Americans a year used to go bankrupt due to hefty medical bills.
The figure of 500,000 includes those going bankrupt "somewhat" because of their medical bills or illness.
Logically→ COVID-19 vaccines are killing more people than the coronavirus itself.
The number of deaths reported from the virus is more than the number of people who died because of COVID-19 vaccines.
Logically→ COVID-19 vaccines are killing more people than the coronavirus itself.
The number of deaths reported from the virus is more than the number of people who died because of COVID-19 vaccines.
Logically→ South African children are refusing to get vaccinated for COVID-19.
South Africa has not started administrating the vaccine to people below the age of 18 and therefore the claim is false.
Logically→ 12 kids were given sanitizer instead of Polio vaccine drops.
12 children were administered hand sanitiser drops instead of oral polio vaccine drops in a village in Yavatmal district of Maharashtra.
Logically→ Norwegian health officials have revised their vaccine advice protocol after suspicions over the vaccine’s efficacy surfaced.
Norwegian officials have adjusted their advice on who gets the COVID-19 vaccine leaving the decision up to doctors.
Logically→ The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has an efficacy rate of less than 10 percent for those over 65.
The AstraZeneca vaccine's clinical trial results in leading peer-reviewed journals revealed comparable immune responses in older and younger people.
Logically→ 23 elderly people have died in Norway just days after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
While 23 people did die in Norway after taking the vaccine, any association between these deaths and vaccine remains unproven.
Logically→ Pork extract is used to develop the COVID-19 vaccine.
Major COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have published their ingredients in vaccine production, and none of them mention the use of pig fat in them.
Logically→ Two people have died after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine in Norway.
The cause of death of the two people is yet to be determined by the Norwegian Medicines Agency and the National Institute of Public Health.
Logically→ Eighty seven thousand nurses in the Netherlands will refuse the COVID-19 vaccine.
There is no reliable evidence to prove that 87,000 nurses refuse Covid-19 vaccine in the Netherlands.
Logically→ 72 percent of Americans want a government-run healthcare system.
Media and research polls suggest that more than 50-60 percent of Americans would want an affordable health care system provided by the government.
Logically→ The White House has been meddling in the CDC’s management of the COVID-19 crisis.
Reports suggest that the White House installed political operatives at the CDC to control coronavirus information and edited important documents.
Logically→ Trump has gutted the military health care system.
Trump rejected a proposal to cut military health care by $2.2bn, though has pursued several policies which would arguably damage military health care
Logically→ Most people only wash their hands for 6 seconds.
Michigan State University's study reveals 38% people wash their hands for 5-8 seconds. Further research is needed to validate the findings altogether.
Logically→ Trump: I am getting insulin for so cheap that it’s like water
President Trump issued an executive order in July 2020 that was intended to lower the price of insulin for some Americans. Under the order, Trump ordered certain healthcare providers to sell insulin and injectable epinephrine at greatly redu
Logically→ Reports of a second wave of the COVID-19 infections are fake.
The chance of a possible second wave of the pandemic is not fake. Experts have warned the risks of the resurgence of COVID-19 infections.
Logically→ Brucellosis bacteria cause infertility in human male.
Infertility problems may develop in some severely infected patients by the Brucellosis virus.