A video posted by the American Association of Immunologists (AAI) has drawn attention online for showing members partying without wearing masks, despite the potential risk for patients they might encounter after leaving the event. The AAI posted a 20-s
Publication: Health / Medical
Truth or Fiction?→ House Report Accuses Corporate Landlords of ‘Abusive Eviction Practices’ Despite CDC Moratorium
Four property management companies accounted for nearly 15,000 eviction filings in the United States as the COVID-19 pandemic raged on, according to a House investigation — nearly triple the amount that had previously been reported. Their practic
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Smart’ Engagement Rings?
On February 1 2022, as Valentine’s Day season got off to a roaring start, a story on the topic of romance and marriage appeared on social media and subsequently went viral: The rumor appears to have been sparked by a Twitter account called ̶
Truth or Fiction?→ Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch Reportedly Refuses to Wear a Mask
As the global COVID-19 pandemic dragged into its third year, “Gorsuch” trended on Twitter on January 18 2022, primarily due to tweets claiming that Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch refused to wear a mask to work — which forces fello
Truth or Fiction?→ Ash Soto and her Vitiligo Body Art
In late 2016, the story of Ash Soto’s story and how she lives with vitiligo spread across social media. Years later, readers continue to highlight her approach to empowering people who, like her, live with the condition in which cells stop produ
Truth or Fiction?→ Is a ‘Nail Stripe’ a Sign of Melanoma?
A Washington state’s barber college story about a warning for a client is true — but readers should be aware that it is a republishing of an account first published in 2017. The college’s Facebook post, which has been shared more than 1
Truth or Fiction?→ Was a Canadian Man ‘Euthanized’ After Not Receiving Enough Home Care Funding?
A 41-year-old Canadian man’s choice to undergo assisted suicide in August 2019 was used as blog fodder by an anti-abortion group based out of England. Sean Tagert first drew media coverage in September 2018, when he spoke to the Canadian Broadca
Truth or Fiction?→ Does the Australian ‘Gympie-Gympie’ Drive People to Suicide?
While the damage caused by the plant species Dendrocnide moroides has been recounted in various outlets, one graphic spreading in August 2019 adds apocryphal claims to the stories around it. The graphic shows a photograph of the plant, commonly known
Truth or Fiction?→ Did a Medical Committee Recommend Fundraising for a Heart Transplant?
In November 2018, a Grand Rapids, Michigan woman who needed a heart transplant due to complications from chemotherapy was turned down by a Spectrum Health medical committee due to lack of funds: Martin’s son, Alex Britt, said she was diagnosed wi
Truth or Fiction?→ Obamacare Article 54 Goes into Effect May 1, Will Divert 30% of Social Security-Fiction!
Obamacare Article 54 Goes into Effect May 1, Will Divert 30% of Social Security-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Article 54 of Obamacare will go into effect on May 1, 2018. The provision will divert 30 percent of all Social Security payments to providing in
Truth or Fiction?→ Officials Warn About Poison Injected into Water Bottles-Reported as Fiction!
Officials Warn About Poison Injected into Water Bottles-Reported as Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Warnings that someone is injecting poising into water bottles circulated on social media in March 2018. The Truth: There have been scattered reports about p
Truth or Fiction?→ Target Issues Massive Easter Egg Recall, Warnings About Water Absorbing Eggs-Outdated!
Target Issues Massive Easter Egg Recall, Warnings About Water Absorbing Easter Eggs-Outdated! Summary of eRumor: Warnings about Target issuing a massive Easter egg recall for toy eggs that grow bigger and hatch when they absorb water circulated in earl
Truth or Fiction?→ Cadbury Chocolate Eggs Are Infected With HIV-Positive Blood-Fiction!
Cadbury Chocolate Eggs Are Infected With HIV-Positive Blood-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Warnings spread across social media about Cadbury products being infected with HIV-positive blood in the weeks leading up to Easter, when many Cadbury products are
Truth or Fiction?→ Deadly Klebsiella Plague from China Poses Public Health Threat to U.S.-Mostly Fiction!
Deadly Klebsiella Plague from China Poses Public Health Threat to U.S.-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The deadly Klebsiella plague from China is coming to the United States, and citizens have been warned to take action. The Truth: Chinese rese
Truth or Fiction?→ Given 18 Months to Live, Man Cures Brain Cancer With Cannabis Oil-Fiction!
Given 18 Months to Live, Man Cures Cancer With Cannabis Oil-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A British man named David Hibbitt was given 18 months to live before he cured cancer with cannabis oil. The Truth: Many holistic health websites have featured the
Truth or Fiction?→ Sen. John McCain Votes to End Cancer Treatments for Medicare Beneficiaries -Mostly Fiction!
Sen. John McCain Votes to End Cancer Treatments for Medicare Beneficiaries-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), while undergoing taxpayer-funded cancer treatments, voted to end cancer treatments for Medicare beneficiaries. T
Truth or Fiction?→ Canada Euthanasia Law Allows Parents to Kill Sick Children-Fiction!
Canada Legalizes Euthanasia, Allowing Parents to Kill Sick Children-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s liberal leadership, Canada passed a law legalizing euthanasia for children with disabilities. The Truth:
Truth or Fiction?→ President Trump’s Chemical Chlorpyrifos Action Motivated by $1 M Payment-Truth! & Disputed!
President Trump’s Chemical Chlorpyrifos Action Motivated by $1 M Payment From Dow Jones-Truth! & Disputed! Summary of eRumor: President Donald Trump allowed the use of chlorpyrifos in chemical pesticides because Dow Chemical paid him $1 mil
Truth or Fiction?→ Solar Eclipse August 2017: Solar Eclipse Glasses-Scam!
Solar Eclipse August 2017: Solar Eclipse Glasses-Scam! Summary of eRumor: As Americans prepared for a full solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, online retailers began pushing solar eclipse glasses as a must-have safety device for viewing the solar ecli
Truth or Fiction?→ CLA Safflower Oil Leads to Weight Loss, Less Belly Fat-Unproven!
Safflower Oil Supplement Leads to Weight Loss, Less Belly Fat-Unproven! Summary of eRumor: Claims that safflower oil and/or conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs) supplements can help you lose weight, particularly in the belly area, have been circulating
Truth or Fiction?→ Feces Found in Starbucks Iced Coffee Drinks-Truth! & Misleading!
Feces Found in Starbucks Iced Coffee Drinks-Truth! & Misleading! Summary of eRumor: A BBC watchdog investigation found fecal bacteria, or feces, in iced coffee drinks from Starbucks, Costa Coffee and Caffe Nero. The Truth: Rumors about an investi
Truth or Fiction?→ Mitch McConnell Had Polio, Government Healthcare Saved His Life-Fiction!
Mitch McConnell Had Polio, Government Healthcare Saved His Life-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Claims that Senator Mitch McConnell had polio as a child and free government healthcare saved his life began making the rounds as McConnell led Senate
Truth or Fiction?→ Big Tobacco Must Pay: Get $2,300 in Tax-Free Payments Per Month-
Big Tobacco Must Pay: Get $2,300 in Tax-Free Payments Per Month-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A rumor that big tobacco must pay $206 billion in a Master Settlement Agreement linked to a lawsuit from 1998 claims that individuals, even non-smokers, could b
Truth or Fiction?→ Warnings About Tick-Transmitted Powassan Virus-Truth!
Warnings About Tick-Transmitted Powassan Virus-Truth! Summary of eRumor: Warnings about Powassan Virus, a virus transmitted by ticks that can be deadly or cause permanent neurological symptoms, circulated as summer of 2017 began. The Truth: Powassa
Truth or Fiction?→ President Trump is Showing Signs of Dementia -Unproven!
President Trump is Showing Signs of Dementia –Unproven! Summary of eRumor: Claims that President Trump is exhibiting signs of dementia in his speech and actions began circulating on social media in May 2017. The Truth: There’s no hard evi
Truth or Fiction?→ Mike Pence: People with Pre-Existing Conditions Need Jesus Care-Fiction!
Mike Pence: People with Pre-Existing Conditions Need Jesus Care-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Vice President Mike Pence said people with pre-existing conditions need more “Jesus Care” and hat health problems would “just go away”
Truth or Fiction?→ 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Through Polio Shots-Fiction!
98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Through Polio Shots-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted that 98 million Americans were given cancer through polio shots contaminated with SV40, a cancer-ca
Truth or Fiction?→ Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar-Truth! & Unproven!
Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar-Truth! & Unproven! Summary of eRumor: Drinking a few spoonfuls of Apple Cider Vinegar a day brings a host of health benefits. The Truth: The therapeutic benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar have been touted for cen
Truth or Fiction?→ Health Warnings About Flouroquinolone Antibiotics-Mostly Truth!
Health Warnings About Flouroquinolone Antibiotics-Mostly Truth! Summary of eRumor: A viral blog post titled “This Antibiotic Will Ruin You” warns about the long-term health dangers of flouroquinolones antibiotics that go by common names lik
Truth or Fiction?→ Paul Ryan: Women Using Birth Control Commit Murder-Fiction!
Paul Ryan: Women Using Birth Control Commit Murder-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: When asked about women losing access to birth control under an Obamacare repeal and replacement bill, House Speaker Paul Ryan said women who use birth control commit murder.
Truth or Fiction?→ 7-year-old Girl Gets Breast Implants-Fiction!
7-year-old Girl Gets Breast Implants-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A report of a 7-year-old girl who got breast implants has stirred controversy. The Truth: False reports of a 7-year0ld girl who got breast implants can be traced back to a well-known fa