A viral Facebook video contains false and unproven claims about the humanitarian organization's actions in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.
Publication: harvey
Snopes→ Were Houston Residents Warned to Use Gas Masks During Mosquito Spraying?
A warning video about the use of the insecticide naled in parts of Texas gets some facts wrong and greatly exaggerates the risk to the public.
Snopes→ Did Floodwaters in Southeast Texas Test Positive for Several Diseases After Harvey?
There is no evidence to support a viral Facebook warning about certain cities, but the public should be very cautious about contact with floodwaters.
Snopes→ Was the Red Cross Instructed to Throw Away Donated Supplies in Texas?
A viral video from Houston, Texas makes claims about the Red Cross' treatment of food and other items in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.
Snopes→ Did a 2005 Movie Feature Hurricanes Named Harvey and Irma?
An online conspiracy theory about government-created hurricanes gets even the most basic facts wrong.
Snopes→ Did FEMA Deny Aid to Harvey Victims Unless They Received Vaccinations?
A false rumor that could discourage hurricane victims from seeking aid spread on social media.
Snopes→ Did CNN Stage a Hurricane Harvey Rescue Video?
Conspiracy theorists accused the news network of faking a dramatic live rescue video during Hurricane Harvey.
Snopes→ Harvey Disaster Relief Donation Rumors
In the wake of a massive hurricane, rumors abounded about public figures who have donated to victims.
Snopes→ Harvey Disaster Relief Donation Rumors
In the wake of a massive hurricane, rumors abounded about public figures who have donated to victims.
Snopes→ Are There Floating Islands of Fire Ants in Hurricane-Flooded Areas of Texas?
Their behavior is perhaps unnerving, but it is normal during floods.
Snopes→ Can Animal Rescuers Be Prosecuted for Theft for Saving Animals from Harvey?
A rumor exaggerates the (vanishingly small) likelihood that those who rescue animals in danger during a tropical storm in Texas will be prosecuted.
Snopes→ Is FEMA Hiring ‘Field Inspectors’ and Paying Them Thousands Per Week?
The Federal Emergency Management Agency confirmed that a flyer advertising high-paid jobs available through 31 August 2017 is real.
Snopes→ Imminent Changes Introduced to Texas Insurance Law in the Midst of Harvey?
Viral posts on social media largely accurately describe a change to Texas state law about hurricane insurance — but they lack important context.
Snopes→ Floyd Mayweather Jr. Donates a ‘Whopping Sum of Money’ to Houston After Hurricane?
A web site posing as the Houston Chronicle falsely reported that the boxer was giving aid money to Hurricane Harvey victims.
Snopes→ Fake Photographs: Harvey Edition
As usual, fake and misleading images were immediately circulated on social media in the wake of a storm that brought catastrophic flooding to the streets of Houston.
Snopes→ Black Lives Matter ‘Thugs’ Blocked Emergency Crews from Reaching Hurricane Victims?
Reports that protesters had blocked emergency crews from reaching people stranded by Hurricane Harvey are — like earlier stories from which they were recycled — completely false.
Snopes→ Harvey Rolls Over Texas Coast, Smashes Homes and Businesses
The hurricane was a massive Category 4 storm when it made landfall.