Delaware, Ohio, Cemetery Exhumes Bodies of Confederate Soldiers-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The Delaware City Council approved exhuming and relocating the bodies of Confederate soldiers from Oak Grove Cemetery in response to violent protests in Charlot
Publication: Government
Truth or Fiction?→ Oregon Governor Signs Gun Confiscation Bill Into Law-Truth! & Misleading!
Oregon Governor Signs Gun Confiscation Bill Into Law-Truth! & Misleading! Summary of eRumor: Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed a bill into law in August 2017 that allows authorities to confiscate guns from certain individuals without prior notice o
Truth or Fiction?→ John McCain Accidentally Voted “No” on Obamacare Repeal-Fiction!
John McCain Accidentally Voted “No” on Obamacare Repeal-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Senator John McCain accidentally voted against a GOP Senate bill to repeal Obamacare in July 2017, dooming the bill to failure The Truth: A self-described s
Truth or Fiction?→ Nancy Pelosi in Fatal Car Accident, Tests Positive for Cocaine-Fiction!
Nancy Pelosi in Fatal Car Accident, Tests Positive for Cocaine-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was in a car accident and later tested positive for cocaine. The Truth: A series of reports published by a self-described R
Truth or Fiction?→ “Poor” Maxine Waters’ $4.5 Million Los Angeles Mansion Raises Questions-Truth! & Fiction!
“Poor” Maxine Waters’ $4.5 Million Los Angeles Mansion Raises Questions-Misleading! Summary of eRumor: Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) owns a $4.5 million Los Angeles mansion despite being an advocate for the poor and representing
Truth or Fiction?→ Trey Gowdy on Transgender Ban: Nobody Has Right to Serve in Military-Incorrect Attribution!
Trey Gowdy on Transgender Ban: Nobody Has Right to Serve in Military-Incorrect Attribution! Summary of eRumor: Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said “nobody has the right to serve in the military” in defense of the transgender military ban an
Truth or Fiction?→ President Trump Removes Muslim Judge for Allowing Sharia Law-Fiction!
President Trump Removes Muslim Judge for Allowing Sharia Law in U.S.-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A report claims that Federal Appeals Court Judge Mahal al Alalallaha-Smith implemented sharia law in the United States by ruling that two related arti
Truth or Fiction?→ ANTIFA Protesters Sabotage Emergency Services, Snip Fiber Optic Cables-Fiction!
ANTIFA Protesters Sabotage Emergency Services, Snip Fiber Optic Cables-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: ANTIFA protesters sabotaged emergency services in California and Arizona by snipping fiber optic cables used by emergency responders. The Truth: False r
Truth or Fiction?→ Bernie Sanders Under FBI Investigation for Bank Fraud-Reported as Truth! & Disputed!
Bernie Sanders Under FBI Investigation for Bank Fraud-Reported as Truth! & Disputed! Summary of eRumor: Bernie Sanders and his wife, Jane, are under FBI investigation. It’s been reported that Jane falsified bank documents in a land acquisiti
Truth or Fiction?→ Mitch McConnell Had Polio, Government Healthcare Saved His Life-Fiction!
Mitch McConnell Had Polio, Government Healthcare Saved His Life-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Claims that Senator Mitch McConnell had polio as a child and free government healthcare saved his life began making the rounds as McConnell led Senate
Truth or Fiction?→ Christian Office Holders Must Wear Scarlet Cross Under Bernie Sanders Bill-Fiction!
Congressional Christians Must Wear Scarlet Crosses under Bernie Sanders Bill-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Senator Bernie Sanders introduced a bill that would require Christians holding public office to wear a scarlet cross to identify themselves. The Tr
Truth or Fiction?→ Democratic Senator Hal Lindsay Arrested, Dies in Custody-Fiction!
Democratic Senator Hal Lindsay Arrested, Dies in Custody-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Democratic Senator Hal Lindsay was arrested by the DEA over the weekend and was later killed while in protective custody. The Truth: A self-described fake news we
Truth or Fiction?→ President Trump Ends President Obama’s Vacation Scam, Sends B
President Trump Ends President Obama’s Vacation Scam, Sends Bill-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: President Trump has ended President’s Obama’s “vacation scam,” in which the former president planned to bill taxpayers for bil
Truth or Fiction?→ Maxine Waters: Pray for Muslims Following London Attacks-Fiction!
Maxine Waters: Pray for Muslims Following London Attacks-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters of California called for prayers for the safety of Muslims in London following a terrorist attack there, saying that inaction on climate change
Truth or Fiction?→ Democrats Introduce Americans with No Abilities Act (ANNA)-Fiction!
Democrats Introduce Americans with No Abilities Act (ANNA)-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Senate Democrats have introduced a bill called the Americans with No Abilities Act, or ANNA, to provide benefits to Americans who “lack any real skills or am
Snopes→ Twitter’s Alts and Rogues
Twitter is full of "alt-gov", or alternate government, accounts — but without verification, it's difficult to know whom to trust.
Truth or Fiction?→ President Trump is Showing Signs of Dementia -Unproven!
President Trump is Showing Signs of Dementia –Unproven! Summary of eRumor: Claims that President Trump is exhibiting signs of dementia in his speech and actions began circulating on social media in May 2017. The Truth: There’s no hard evi
Truth or Fiction?→ AG Jeff Sessions Holds Stock in Private Prison System-Fiction!
AG Jeff Sessions Holds Stock in Private Prison System-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Attorney General Jeff Sessions holds stock in the private prison industry and stands to benefit financially from decisions to restore federal use of private prisons a
Snopes→ Did the U.S. Government Purposely Poison 10,000 Americans During Prohibition?
An Internet meme claims that government agencies tried to curb consumption of illegal liquor by adding poison.
Truth or Fiction?→ Bill Clinton’s Love Child, Danney Williams, Found Dead-Fiction!
Bill Clinton’s Love Child, Danney Williams, Found Dead-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A man named Danney Williams who’s rumored to be Bill Clinton’s love child was found dead under suspicious circumstances. The Truth: A self-described f
Truth or Fiction?→ Members of Congress Refuse to Stand for Pledge of Allegiance-Fiction!
Members of Congress Refuse to Stand for Pledge of Allegiance-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: An image shows Democratic members of Congress refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. The Truth: This image shows Democrats in the New York State Senate w
Truth or Fiction?→ Mike Pence: People with Pre-Existing Conditions Need Jesus Care-Fiction!
Mike Pence: People with Pre-Existing Conditions Need Jesus Care-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Vice President Mike Pence said people with pre-existing conditions need more “Jesus Care” and hat health problems would “just go away”
Truth or Fiction?→ Missing Trey Gowdy Investigators Found Dead, Gowdy in Protective Custody-Fiction!
Missing Trey Gowdy Investigators Found Dead, Gowdy in Protective Custody-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Investigators working for U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) on a criminal investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went missing and were
Truth or Fiction?→ Search Warrant Served at Obama Residence-Fiction!
Search Warrant Served at Obama Residence-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The FBI and NSA served a search warrant on the Washington, D.C., mansion where President Obama is spending his post-presidency. The Truth: An admitted fake news website is behind fa
Truth or Fiction?→ WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Found Dead in London-Fiction!
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Found Dead in London-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been found dead in a London alley. The Truth: False reports that Julian Assange has been found dead in London started with a fake n
Truth or Fiction?→ Rep. Jason Chaffetz Won’t Seek Reelection over Russian Blackmail Threat-Unproven!
Rep. Jason Chaffetz Won’t Seek Reelection over Russian Blackmail Threat-Unproven! Summary of eRumor: A surprise announcement from U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah that he wouldn’t seek reelection in 2018 sparked rumors that Russians have bl
Truth or Fiction?→ President Trump Executive Order Bans Saturday Night Live-Fiction!
President Trump Executive Order Bans Saturday Night Live-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: President Trump signed an executive order banning Saturday Night Live after the show repeatedly targeted him with satire and parody. The Truth: A fake news website i
Truth or Fiction?→ First Full Supreme Court Ruling Has Obama Furious-Fiction!
First Full Supreme Court Ruling Has Obama Furious-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The first full U.S. Supreme Court ruling with newly confirmed Justice Neal Gorsuch has President Obama furious that the only Islam that will be taught in public schools is th
Truth or Fiction?→ Comparing Trump Travel Expenses to Obama Travel Expenses-Disputed!
Comparing Trump Travel Expenses to Obama Travel Expenses-Disputed! Summary of eRumor: President Trump’s frequent weekend visits to his Mar-a-Lago in Florida cost taxpayers $3 million a pop, and President Trump outspent two years of President Obam
Truth or Fiction?→ Trump Organization Wins Contract to Rebuild Syrian Airport Destroyed by U.S.-Fiction!
Trump Organization Wins Contract to Rebuild Syrian Airport Destroyed by U.S.-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The Trump Organization will cash in on President Trump’s bombing of a Syrian airport because the Syrian government has awarded the Trump Orga
Truth or Fiction?→ Trump Rule: The Congressional Reform Act of 2017 to Fix Congress
Trump Rule: The Congressional Reform Act of 2017 to Fix Congress-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: President Donald Trump has proposed the “Trump Rule” to fix Congress for good, and he has proposed the Congressional Reform Act of 2017 to accomp
Truth or Fiction?→ With S.J. Res 34, Congress Allows Internet Providers to Sell Your Browsing History-Truth! & Misleading!
With S.J. Res. 34, Congress Allows Internet Providers to Sell Your Browsing History-Truth! & Misleading! Summary of eRumor: Congress has approved S.J. Res. 34, which would repeal an Obama-era internet privacy rule that prevented Internet service p
Truth or Fiction?→ Hillary Clinton Sold 20 Percent of World’s Uranium to Russia-Fiction!
Hillary Clinton Sold 20 Percent of America’s Uranium to Russia-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: President Donald Trump has repeated the claim that Hillary Clinton sold 20 percent of America’s Uranium to Russia while secretary of stat
Truth or Fiction?→ Congress Approves Killing Hibernating Bears and Denned Wolves-Truth! & Misleading!
Congress Approves Killing Hibernating Bears and Denned Wolves- Truth! & Misleading! Summary of eRumor: The House of Representatives and the Senate have approved legislation that would role back federal protections that prohibit the killing of
Truth or Fiction?→ President Trump Plans to Cut Meals on Wheels Program -Truth! & Undetermined!
President Trump Plans to Cut Meals on Wheels Program –Truth! & Undetermined! Summary of eRumor: President Trump plans to cut federal funding for Meals on Wheels, a program providing meals to the elderly, poor and veterans, to save money f
Truth or Fiction?→ Heads Up: Bills Introduced While Americans Were Distracted by ‘Russian Spy Drama’-Truth! & Fiction!
Heads Up: Bills Introduced While Americans Were Distracted by ‘Russian Spy Drama’-Truth! & Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A message circulating across social media, discussion forums and forwarded emails warns that while Americans were
Truth or Fiction?→ Congressional Black Caucus Proposes White Tax-Fiction!
Congressional Black Caucus Proposes White Tax-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) has proposed that white people should have to pay a “black tax” or a “white tax” for not having enough melanin in th
Truth or Fiction?→ President Trump Announces $612 Stimulus Checks-Fiction!
President Trump Announces $612 Stimulus Payment-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: President Trump has announced a $612 stimulus payment to “deserving Americans.” The Truth: A satirical website is behind false reports that President Trump has pr