In November 2018, a scientist from China named He Jankui appeared to have ushered in a new era in humanity — and re-ignited an already heated international conversation about the ethics of editing genes to make “designer babies” — by
Publication: gene editing
Snopes→ China Halts Work by Team on Gene-Edited Babies
China's government ordered a halt to work by a medical team that claimed to have helped make the world's first gene-edited babies.
Snopes→ Scientist Claiming Gene-Edited Babies Reports 2nd Pregnancy
A Chinese researcher who claims to have helped make the world's first genetically edited babies says a second pregnancy may be underway.
Snopes→ Chinese Researcher Claims First Gene-Edited Babies
A Chinese researcher claims that he helped make the world's first genetically edited babies.
Snopes→ Gene-Edited Food is Coming, But Will Shoppers Buy?
Scientists even hope gene editing eventually could save species from being wiped out by devastating diseases like citrus greening, a so far unstoppable infection that's destroying Florida's famed oranges.