Reports that President Donald Trump had ordered the name to revert are just barely-sourced opinion pieces disguised as news.
Publication: florida
Snopes→ Is It Illegal in Florida to Power Your Home With Solar After a Storm Because of Lobbying?
For safety reasons, solar panels generally go offline after a crisis downs the power grid — unless homeowners have purchased additional equipment.
Snopes→ Raw Sewage Still Poses Threat in Aftermath of Hurricane Irma
Residents of Everglades City, Florida remain on notice to boil drinking water due to fecal contamination of Irma floodwaters.
Snopes→ Floridians Can Obtain Food Stamp Benefits If Their Power Went Out During Hurricane Irma?
A series of Facebook rumors about food stamp benefits for post-Irma Florida residents have a grain of truth to them but elide important facts.
Snopes→ Can Hurricane Victims Delay Their Mortgage Payments?
Lenders Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, as well as the federal government, have programs to help homeowners affected by natural disasters.
Snopes→ Did Crabs Swarm a Florida Road After Irma?
A web site falsely claimed to be showing live footage of a mass crab migration in the aftermath of the massive storm.
Snopes→ Did Crabs Swarm a Florida Road After Hurricane Irma?
In 2017, a website falsely claimed to be showing live footage of a mass crab migration in the aftermath of the massive storm.
Snopes→ Did Pizza Hut Pressure Workers Evacuating From Irma’s Path to Stay at Work?
The company said a franchise manager "elected to add a few things" to a set of company recommendations.
Snopes→ Florida Governor Rick Scott Critically Injured During Hurricane Irma Cleanup?
A notorious purveyor of fake news churns out another fabrication.
Snopes→ Did Hurricane Irma Draw the Water Away from Beaches in Florida and the Bahamas?
Remarkable images appear to show examples of a real meteorological phenomenon called "negative surge."
Snopes→ Airlines Battle Price-Gouging Allegations as Hurricane Irma Advances on Florida
Several companies instituted price caps after people attempting to evacuate Florida found high ticket prices online.
Snopes→ Florida Student Accused of Changing Grade from F to B
A Florida student faces a felony count of accessing a computer without authorization after allegedly changing his grade in a university's computer system.
Snopes→ Florida Man, High on Meth, Cuts Off Genitals and Feeds Them to Alligator?
Fake news sources reported that a man from Nassau County was found writhing in pain after amputating his own genitals.
Snopes→ Should People Call the Police if They See a New Guinea Flatworm?
Claims that this invasive species presents a 911-level emergency overstate the risk that they pose to humans, and conflate ecological risks with medical ones.