Reports that the notorious criminal is being let out of prison are fake news.
Publication: Fake-News
Snopes→ ‘Joe the Plumber’ Dies in Freak Accident After Announcing Bid for Congress?
Reports that the minor celebrity from the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign was killed in a freak accident are fake news.
Snopes→ Did the Man Who Discovered the HIV Virus Confess to ‘Inventing’ It?
A bizarre, entirely false story originated on a web site notorious for bizarre, entirely false stories.
Snopes→ Did NBA Refs Earn a $10 Million Bonus After Series Went to Game 5?
An article that appeared to report that referees were bribed to poorly officiate a playoff game was a piece of satire.
Snopes→ Was Chelsea Clinton ‘Thrown to the Floor’ and Handcuffed?
A fake news site spread a claim that a "furious" Chelsea Clinton was roughly detained on corruption charges after a confession by a nonexistent senator.
Truth or Fiction?→ Democratic Senator Hal Lindsay Arrested, Dies in Custody-Fiction!
Democratic Senator Hal Lindsay Arrested, Dies in Custody-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Democratic Senator Hal Lindsay was arrested by the DEA over the weekend and was later killed while in protective custody. The Truth: A self-described fake news we
Snopes→ Terrorist Who Hid Grenades in Anus Dies of Internal Bleeding at Iraqi Airport?
Reports of a terrorist who accidentally killed himself while attempting to smuggle hand grenades at an airport are fake news.
Snopes→ Richmond Begins Mass Relocation of Low Income Blacks to Decrease City Poverty Rate?
Reports that the city of Richmond is evicting low-income residents to decrease the municipal poverty rate are fake news.
Snopes→ The DEA Just Raided a United States Senator — Dems in a Panic?
Reports that the DEA raided the vacation ranch of U.S. Senator Hal Lindsay of New Jersey and seized large quantities of illegal drugs are fake news→ John McCain Still a Republican
Q: Has Sen. John McCain “renounced any affiliation with the Republican Party”? A: No. That claim was made in a fake news story published by a “satirical publication.” FULL QUESTION I just read John McCain left the Republican
Hoax-Slayer→ Imelda Marcos is NOT Dead But Death Rumours Continue Circulating
Since May 2017, rumours about the death of former First Lady of the Philippines Imelda Marcos have again been circulating via Facebook and Twitter. The post Imelda Marcos is NOT Dead But Death Rumours Continue Circulating appeared first on Hoax-Slayer.→ No Obama Statue in the White House
Q: Did President Barack Obama commission a life-size bronze statue of himself to leave in the White House? A: No. That fake news story was “intended for entertainment purposes only.” FULL QUESTION Did President Obama have a bronze statue
Snopes→ Imelda Marcos Dead?
Imelda Marcos has not died, despite a long-circulating (and undated) article about her purported collapse.
Snopes→ Did Virginia Police Kill a Three-Year-Old Child During a Shootout?
A 'prank' web site published a fake story using a real picture of police shooting and killing an undocumented immigrant.
Snopes→ Did Feds Just Raid a ‘Muslim’s House’ in Virginia and Uncover a Plan to Take Over America?
A fake news item claims that a Muslim Brotherhood plot to overtake the country was foiled by an FBI raid.
Snopes→ Did Sean Spicer Claim Trump Has the Authority to Change Spellings Like ‘Covfefe’?
Although Spicer's actual reaction to the tweet drew widespread media attention, he did not claim that the President has the authority to change words.
Snopes→ Did Kellyanne Conway Say Liberal Women Hate Her Because of Her ‘Striking Beauty And Intellect’?
A quote attributed to the senior adviser to President Donald Trump is a hoax.
Snopes→ Did Trump Tour a Chemtrail Plane?
A photograph showing President Trump on a plane has nothing to do with chemtrails.
Snopes→ California Christians Must Register Bibles as Assault Weapons?
A satirical story led some to believe that a new California law requires Bibles to be registered as assault weapons.
Snopes→ Did Ted Cruz Say Southern States Should Build Nuclear Weapons to Protect Their Beliefs?
A site with a disclaimer warning that its quotes are "total baloney" published the false story.
Snopes→ Obama’s Burial Plot is a Massive Waste of Taxpayer Money?
Claims that President Obama has a planned a lavish burial plot are false and originated with a well-known fake news site.
Snopes→ Qatar Points to ‘Fake News’ Amid Diplomatic Crisis
The FBI reportedly sent investigators to Doha, but the crisis between the Gulf states has been brewing for some time.→ Fake Dig at ‘Dumb’ Scientists
Q: Did a potential nominee for “chief scientist” at the U.S. Department of Agriculture call scientists “dumb, regular people” who “think dinosaurs actually existed and the Earth is somehow getting warmer”? A: No. Th
Snopes→ Did Maxine Waters Blame the London Attack on Climate and Healthcare ‘Inaction’?
A parody Twitter account succeeds again in tricking users into taking a fake tweet seriously.
Hoax-Slayer→ Monica Lewinsky is NOT Dead — Fake-News
According to a "news" report being shared via social media, Monica Lewinsky has been murdered during an apparent robbery. The post Monica Lewinsky is NOT Dead — Fake-News appeared first on Hoax-Slayer.
Snopes→ CNN Staged Muslim Protests After London Attack?
Pundits and conspiracy theorists claimed that CNN staged a demonstration in London involving Muslims after a June 2017 attack.
Snopes→ Trump Just Raided His Own EPA?
Reports that executive branch agents raided and shut down the EPA and documented that climate change is a hoax are fake news.
Snopes→ Did CNN Delete an Article Defending Bill Maher’s Use of a Racial Slur?
An article reporting that CNN published, then deleted the story is just more fake news from a repeat offender.
Snopes→ Supreme Court Rules on Travel Ban?
Reports of a Supreme Court decision holding that President Trump's travel bans are "well within his constitutional rights to impose" are fake news.
Snopes→ Monica Lewinsky Found Dead?
Monica Lewinsky was not found murdered after a robbery at a friend's house.
Snopes→ Mountain Dew to Be Discontinued?
Reports that Pepsico will be discontinuing production and sale of their Mountain Dew soft drink originated with a prank news site.
Snopes→ Melania Trump Bans Monsanto Products from the White House?
Reports that the first lady ordered Monsanto products removed from the White House after reading about genetically modified foods are fake news.
Snopes→ Cannibals Arrested in Florida Claim Eating Human Flesh Cures Diabetes and Depression?
Reports of the arrest of three cannibalistic Floridians who feasted on human remains for medical reasons are fake news.
Snopes→ HeliYum — A Helium-Infused Brand of Beer?
Tales about Samuel Adams producing HeliYum, a helium-infused brand of beer, are April Fool's jokes.
Snopes→ Did the Ku Klux Klan Start a Petition to ‘Purge’ Black People in the United States?
Rumors about a petition started by the KKK to "purge" the United States of black people every year originated on a hoax news web site.
Snopes→ Did Maxine Waters Use a Picture of the Tide Receding as Proof of Climate Change?
An account parodying the Congresswoman sent the tweet in response to President Donald Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris climate accord.
Snopes→ Was Kathy Griffin Shot and Killed Trying to Escape Custody?
Griffin's controversial photo shoot featuring a likeness of Donald Trump's severed head prompted a web site to falsely claim that the comedian had died.→ Obama Didn’t Scrap Officers’ Memorial Day
Q: Did President Trump reinstate National Peace Officers Memorial Day? A: No. That claim was made in a fake news story that also falsely said the annual memorial for fallen officers was canceled by former President Obama. FULL QUESTION Did Trump rei
Snopes→ 22 Dead Bodies Discovered in Flint River Found to Be the Source of Water Contamination?
Reports that the source of Michigan's water pollution problems was the presence of numerous dead bodies in the Flint River were fake news.
Snopes→ Was There A Bombing in Vatican City?
A fear-mongering article falsely claiming that there had been a bombing used images of smoke caused by a junkyard fire.