Publication: Fake-News→ Phony Pelosi Drug Arrests

Q: Were Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s daughters arrested for smuggling cocaine into the U.S.? A: No. That story and several spin-offs were intended as satire. FULL QUESTION Were Nancy Pelosi’s daughters really arrested for drug possession? FULL ANSWER Go to site post…»→ A Fake Paul Ryan Quote

Q: Did House Speaker Paul Ryan say “22 million Americans choose to be poor, so it’s their own problem if they can’t afford to be healthy”? A: No. That fake quote comes from a satirical news story. FULL QUESTION Did Ryan reall Go to site post…»→ No Obama $1 Bill

Q: Is the Federal Reserve putting former President Barack Obama on the $1 bill? A: No. That claim comes from a recycled fake news story. FULL QUESTION Is the Federal Reserve really considering putting Obama on the $1 bill in 2017? I thought persons Go to site post…»→ A Fake Sean Spicer Quote

Q: Did White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer say President Donald Trump has the “legal ability and right to cancel and disband” the Supreme Court? A: No. That’s a made-up quote from a satirical story. FULL ANSWER Facebook users Go to site post…»→ A Fake Supreme Court Ruling

Q: Did the Supreme Court rule that immigrants living in the U.S. illegally can’t sue anyone if they feel they’ve been mistreated? A: No. That claim was made in a bogus story published on satirical and fake news websites. FULL ANSWER The Go to site post…»