Publication: Fake-News→ Sham Sharia Stories

Q: Is Sharia law now in effect in Utah and other U.S. states? A: No. Two stories circulating online falsely claim that various American courts have instituted Sharia. FULL ANSWER Two bogus stories being shared on Facebook claim that Sharia has been Go to site post…»→ No Child Euthanasia in Canada

Q: Has Canada passed a law that would allow parents to euthanize disabled children? A: No. Canada’s physician-assisted death law applies only to adults if they are mentally capable of making such a decision. FULL ANSWER Physician-assisted deat Go to site post…»→ Debunking False Vaccine Claim

Q: Has the Food and Drug Administration announced that vaccines cause autism? A: No. FDA statements are grounded in scientific evidence. There is no evidence that vaccination is linked to autism. FULL QUESTION FDA ANNOUNCED THAT VACCINES ARE CAUSIN Go to site post…»→ Hoboken Christmas Hoax

Q: Is the newly elected mayor of Hoboken, New Jersey, a Muslim and did he cancel “government involvement” in Christmas? A: No. Ravinder Bhalla is a Sikh, not a Muslim, and he hasn’t instituted such a ban. He won’t even take off Go to site post…»