According to a post that is currently appearing on Facebook, the owner of Mercedes, identified as one "Kevin M. James", is giving away two of the luxury vehicles on May 1, 2017. The post No, Kevin M James the ‘Owner of Mercedes’, is not G
Publication: Facebook
Hoax-Slayer→ Beware of “Anniversary Giveaway” Facebook Voucher and Coupon Scams
Have you seen a Facebook post claiming that a particular store is giving EVERYONE a free voucher or coupon to celebrate its anniversary? Hundreds of these giveaway scams have flooded Facebook over the last year or so. The post Beware of “Anniver
Truth or Fiction?→ Eddie Murphy Dies in Car Accident-Fiction!
Eddie Murphy Dies in Car Accident-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Reports have gone viral that actor and comedian Eddie Murphy has died in a car accident. The Truth: False reports of Eddie Murphy’s death spread across social media shortly after the c
Truth or Fiction?→ Lowes $50 or $100 Coupon for Mother’s Day-Fiction!
Lowes $50 or $100 Mother’s Day Coupon-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Claims that Lowe’s Home Improvement offered customers a $50 or $100 coupon for Mother’s Day have spread across Facebook. The Truth: Fake offers to redeem a $50 or $10
Truth or Fiction?→ Prayer Request for Greg Comer’s Battle Against Cancer-Outdated!
Prayer Request for Greg Comer’s Battle Against Cancer-Outdated! Summary of eRumor: A prayer request has been issued from the son of Greg Comer, a 41-year-old New Jersey man who has been battling cancer for seven years, has gone viral on Facebook
Hoax-Slayer→ No, Lowe’s Is NOT Giving Away $100 Gift Cards On Facebook For Mother’s Day
"HappyMother's Day" Facebook post claims that you can click to get a $100 gift card from home improvement store Lowe's. The post No, Lowe’s Is NOT Giving Away $100 Gift Cards On Facebook For Mother’s Day appeared first on Hoax-Slayer.
Hoax-Slayer→ No, Amazon is NOT Giving Everyone a Free $100 Coupon
According to a post that is currently being shared on Facebook, Internet giant Amazon is giving away a free $100 coupon to EVERYONE as a means of celebrating its anniversary. The post No, Amazon is NOT Giving Everyone a Free $100 Coupon appeared firs
Truth or Fiction?→ New York Pizzeria Denies Service to Veteran John Welch, His Service Dog-Fiction!
New York Pizzeria Denies Service to Veteran John Welch, His Service Dog-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A servicemember named John Welch was denied service at Villagio’s Pizzeria in Massapequa Park, New York, because he was accompanied by his se
Hoax-Slayer→ Facebook Deleting Inactive Users Hoax – ‘Facebook Overpopulated’
Messages claim that Facebook is becoming overpopulated and that members who do not send the information to others within two weeks will have their accounts deleted. The post Facebook Deleting Inactive Users Hoax – ‘Facebook Overpopulated
Truth or Fiction?→ Oprah Winfrey Announces She’s Getting Married-Fiction!
Oprah Winfrey Announces She’s Getting Married-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Social media is abuzz with rumors that Oprah Winfrey is finally getting married at 62. The Truth: A clickbait article making the rounds on Facebook is behind the latest fal
Hoax-Slayer→ Facebook Hoax – ‘Send Message to Twenty People to Stay Active’
According to this message, which purports to be from "the Facebook Company", you must send the same message on to twenty people to "stay active". The post Facebook Hoax – ‘Send Message to Twenty People to Stay Active’ appeared first
Hoax-Slayer→ How to Recognize Facebook Prize and Giveaway Scams
While there are a great many giveaway scams on Facebook, there are also plenty of legitimate competitions. How can you tell the difference? In this report, I discuss some ways that can help you ascertain if a giveaway is a scam. The post How to Recog
Truth or Fiction?→ In 1998, Kodak Had 170,000 Employees, Sold 85% of Photo Paper World Wide-Fiction!
In 1998, Kodak Had 170,000 Employees, Sold 85% of Photo Paper –Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A commentary on the power of innovation and digital disruption of long-standing markets tells the story of Kodak’s decline from having 170,000 employ
Truth or Fiction?→ Dunkin Donuts Giving Away Coupon for a Dozen Donuts-Fiction!
Dunkin Donuts Giving Away Free Box of Donuts-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Dunkin Donuts is giving away coupons for free boxes of a donuts to celebrate the franchise’s anniversary. The Truth: Dunkin Donuts is not giving away donuts to celebrate
Hoax-Slayer→ Yet Another Tesco ‘Free Voucher’ Survey Scam Hitting Facebook
According to a post that is currently appearing on Facebook, retailer Tesco is giving away a free £100 voucher to everyone. The post urges you to click to get your free vouchers.
Hoax-Slayer→ Facebook Scam — ‘Unsellable’ Roulotte RV Giveaway
According to a Facebook Page that calls itself "Vehicles Fans", you can go in the draw to win one of thirty Roulotte RVs just by liking, sharing, and commenting. "Roulotte" is a French word that means "caravan".
Hoax-Slayer→ Fake Facebook Notification Email Opens Pharmacy Spam Website
Email that looks like an official Facebook message claims that you have notifications pending and urges you to click a link to see activity that you have missed.
Hoax-Slayer→ The ‘Auto Drive’ Facebook Page Is Yet Another Scam
Yet another fraudulent Facebook Page is tricking naive users into first liking, sharing, and commenting and then submitting their personal information on spammy survey websites.
Hoax-Slayer→ Nike Giveaway Facebook Scam
Facebook Page that calls itself Nike Mercurial claims that you can win expensive Nike shoes just by sharing and liking a post and adding the comment "Win".
Hoax-Slayer→ “Get 2 Free Cebu Pacific Tickets” Facebook Scam
Circulating Facebook post claims that you can click to get two free air tickets to fly anywhere courtesy of the Philippines based airline Cebu Pacific.
Hoax-Slayer→ No, Morrisons is Not Giving Everyone a Free £85 Coupon
According to a post currently being shared on Facebook, you can click to get a free voucher worth £85 from UK supermarket chain Morrisons.
Hoax-Slayer→ Facebook Promotion, Lottery and Award Scams
Messages purporting to be from Facebook claim that users have won a large sum of money in a supposed Facebook related promotion, lottery or award.
Hoax-Slayer→ Nokia 3310 Giveaway Like Farming Scam
Facebook Page claims that users can get a chance to win a new Nokia 3310 just by liking the Page, sharing the post, and adding a comment specifying what colour phone they would like.
Hoax-Slayer→ HOAX – Facebook ‘No Swearing Campain’
Circulating message purporting to be from Mark Zuckerberg claims that Facebook is set to launch a 'no swearing campain' and that people subsequently caught using profanity on the network will have their accounts locked pending further investigations.
Hoax-Slayer→ “GiveAways Daily” Facebook Page is a Scam
Facebook Page called "GiveAways Daily" claims that you can win various valuable prizes including laptops and high-end four-wheel drive vehicles just by liking, sharing and commenting.
Snopes→ Did Mark Zuckerberg Announce His Resignation From Facebook?
A fake news story that appeared to report the social media maven was stepping down was a fiction created to sell a skin care product.
Hoax-Slayer→ No, The “Baby” Facebook Page is NOT Giving Away “20 Luxury RV”
Facebook Page named "Baby" claims that you can get the chance to win one of 20 luxury RVs just by liking, sharing, and adding a comment.
Hoax-Slayer→ Shampoo Survey Scam – “You Wont Use Head and Shoulder Shampoo Again”
Facebook message featuring a video teaser image depicting a strange growth on a person's shoulder claims that the growth was caused by using a type of shampoo. The message advises users to click a link and watch the "most shocking video ever seen" to
Truth or Fiction?→ General Mills Donates to Local Food Bank With Every Text-Outdated!
General Mills Donates to Local Food Bank With Every Text-Truth! & Outdated! Summary of eRumor: Facebook posts claim that General Mills with donate the equivalent of 12 meals to your local foodbank if you text “Hunger” or “Meals
Truth or Fiction?→ Carjackers Using Shirts on Windshields as Bait-Unproven!
Predators Using Shirts on Windshields as Bait-Unproven! Summary of eRumor: A widely shared Facebook post warns that carjackers or sexual predators could throw a shirt on the windshields of their victims’ cars as bait. The Truth: Like previous war
Hoax-Slayer→ “Baby Has a Malignant Tumor” Facebook Sick Child Scam
Post being shared on Facebook claims that a baby depicted in the post's image has a "malignant tumor in the skull" and Facebook has decided to help by donating $2 for every like, $5 for every comment, and $9 for every share.
Hoax-Slayer→ No, The “Owner of Audi” is NOT Going to Give You A Car For Liking and Sharing
"Audi Passion" Facebook Page claims that one Kevin M James, "Owner of AUDI" is giving away two Audi cars. And, all you need to do for a chance to win, claims the Page, is to like and share and then add the comment "Done".
Hoax-Slayer→ “First Time In Facebook History” Car Giveaway Scams Continue
Facebook Page that calls itself "Audi & Bmw & Mercedes" claims that, for the first time in Facebook history, you can win one of two "Beautiful Mercedes C" just by liking, sharing, commenting, and supplying your name and email address.
Hoax-Slayer→ HOAX – “Recommended by a Lawyer” Facebook Privacy Statement
Circulating message claims that, because Facebook is now a public entity, all members should post a privacy statement on Facebook to protect their photographs and other information from being used without their permission. Supposedly, posting the state
Snopes→ All Facebook Posts to Be Made Public?
Facebook is not making all your posts public or claiming copyright to them, so posting an ineffective legal notice on your Facebook page is pointless.