Viral comments and debates in mid-March 2020 included direct arguments in favor of leveraging COVID-19 deaths as an economic bulwark, often punctuated by screenshots of a purported tweet by San Diego, California lawyer Scott McMillan in which he propo
Publication: covid-19
Snopes→ Did DOJ Propose Rollback of Defendants’ Rights During Pandemic?
Any changes affecting constitutional guarantees afforded federal criminal defendants in the U.S. would ultimately be up to Congress.
Truth or Fiction?→ The #GeneralStrike Hashtag and the Coronavirus Economic Debate
On March 24 2020, #GeneralStrike was among Twitter’s most prominent hashtags in response to calls that people return to work just days after social distancing measures and lockdowns were put in place to lessen COVID-19’s effects and spread
Snopes→ Is Corona the Patron Saint of Plagues?
St. Corona was martyred sometime in the 170s, but it's doubtful she was the saint of pandemics.
Snopes→ Amid Virus, Humble Toilet Paper Is Suddenly a Hot Commodity
From Maine to Oregon, toilet paper producers are ramping up production and shipping operations to resupply stores wiped out by consumers buying toilet paper and paper towels in bulk.
Snopes→ ‘Good Read From An Immunologist’ Post Misstates Reasons for COVID-19’s Virulence
A viral Facebook post argues the mutation rate of the coronavirus is responsible for its pandemic spread. There is no scientific support for that notion.
Truth or Fiction?→ Does This Video Show ‘More and More’ Coronavirus Looters in San Francisco?
Untrustworthy blogs and right-wing social media users pounced on footage allegedly captured by one Twitter user to throw inflammatory allegations against San Francisco and “liberal” communities as a whole following a shelter-in-place order
Snopes→ Did Kim Jong Un Order North Korea’s First Coronavirus Patient To Be Executed?
Rumors from North Korea are notoriously difficult to fact check.
Snopes→ Did Russia Release 500 Lions To Enforce COVID-19 Lockdown?
No, but we don't doubt the effectiveness of such a strategy.
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Spanish Army Locked Down the Country Due to Coronavirus’ Image Set
During global responses to a coronavirus pandemic, a March 19 2020 Facebook post “for the ladies” purportedly showed the “Spanish Army” enforcing a country-wide lockdown to prevent the spread of SARS-nCoV-2: Above a gallery
Truth or Fiction?→ Did the NYC Department of Health Issue ‘COVID-19 Sex’ Guidelines?
On March 21 2020, Facebook and Twitter users began sharing purportedly official guidelines for COVID-19 and sex, attributed to the New York City Health Department: the NYC department of health says that during the COVID-19 pandemic “you are your s
Truth or Fiction?→ Did Belgium’s Health Minister Ban ‘Non-Essential Sexual Activities of Three or More’ Due to Coronavirus Concerns?
Amid a worldwide COVID-19 crisis on March 21 2020, a headline circulated — “Belgium Health Minister Puts Ban On Non-essential Sexual Activities Of Persons 3 Or Greater In Indoor Areas.” Often spreading without a link, occasionally th
Truth or Fiction?→ Was ‘The Purge’ Feed Set on March 22 2020?
One in five Americans were on official coronavirus lockdown on March 21 2020, and many of those Americans watched movies to pass the time — leading to a rumor that those viewing 2013’s The Purge spotted surveillance feed video in the f
Truth or Fiction?→ Did a Florida County Official Promote a Bogus Right-Wing COVID-19 ‘Cure’?
A member of a small county commission in Florida became an online laughingstock after video spread of him endorsing a widely-debunked cure for COVID-19 (a.k.a. the “coronavirus”) by a right-wing “news” outlet to his colleagues.
Snopes→ Is COVID-19 Being Spread Through Gas Pumps?
Gas pump handles are one of many common objects that could be contaminated, so consumers should take reasonable precautions to avoid exposure.
Truth or Fiction?→ Did a Florida City Cut Residents’ Power During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
A confrontation between officials in Lake Worth Beach, Florida drew attention after a member of the local city commission criticized his colleagues of not taking the COVID-19 pandemic seriously. “This is a banana republic, is what you’re t
Snopes→ Will Eating Bananas Prevent Coronavirus Infection?
Bananas are a good source of various nutrients, but eating them doesn't offer solid protection against COVID-19.
Truth or Fiction?→ Did the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Have ‘Advance Knowledge’ of COVID-19?
In mid-March 2020, as the United States continued to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, the anti-science blog Natural News posted a “story” pushing the claim that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the CDC, “appears
Snopes→ Did Coronavirus Vaccine Story Run Same Day as Reports of Kobe’s Death?
News of the NBA legend's death overshadowed the emerging COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. in late January 2020.
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘100 Million Masks’ — Are Homemade Masks Sufficient for COVID-19 First Responders?
On March 20 2020, KOMO anchor Mary Nam shared a photograph of a person wearing a surgical mask (a form of personal protective equipment, or PPE, known to be in short supply due the coronavirus pandemic), and put out a call for anyone who knows how to
Snopes→ Did Dolphins and Swans ‘Return’ to Italian Waterways Amid COVID-19 Lockdown?
A few wildlife sightings were excitedly shared across social media as a note of sunny news amid the bleak reality of the coronavirus pandemic.
Truth or Fiction?→ Rapunzel Was Quarantined in ‘Tangled,’ Google the Name of Her Kingdom?
As coronavirus quarantine memes circulated in mid-March 2020, one referenced the Disney film Tangled, first stating that Rapunzel was “quarantined” during the film, and then tacking on people should “Google” the name of her k
Snopes→ Did Nostradamus Predict the COVID-19 Pandemic?
If only people recognized "predictions" before the calamitous events they supposedly anticipate.
Snopes→ List of Grocery Stores with Special Hours for the Elderly, At-Risk, and Pregnant
We've compiled a list of major grocery chains offering dedicated hours set aside for members of vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Snopes→ Did Trump Tweet He’d Deny Stimulus Checks to Any Who Used #NotMyPresident?
Fake Trump tweets were just the tip of the iceberg as misinformation swirled during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Snopes→ Does This Phone Number Connect with United Way’s COVID-19 Relief Fund?
Financial assistance related to COVID-19 issues may be available, but applicants must be sure to connect with the proper local agency.
Snopes→ Is This ‘Good News’ List About the COVID-19 Pandemic Accurate?
A few bright spots do indeed shine amid the doom and gloom of the new coronavirus.
Snopes→ Was ‘Coronavirus’ Replaced with ‘Chinese Virus’ in Trump’s Notes?
U.S. President Donald Trump has faced criticism for his insistence in referring to COVID-19 as the "Chinese virus."
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘This is What Happens When You Tell Workers to Self Isolate but Don’t Protect Their Incomes’
On March 18 2020, the top post on Reddit’s r/all (from r/pics) was titled, “This is what happens when you tell workers to self isolate but don’t protect their incomes,” and it showed crowds of people standing close to one another
Truth or Fiction?→ Trump Crosses out ‘Corona’ on Virus Prepared Remarks, Writes ‘Chinese’
On March 19 2020, a number of tweets purportedly showed a close-up of United States President Donald Trump’s prepared remarks on the progress of a coronavirus pandemic, where he apparently used a marker to cross out the “corona” of &
Truth or Fiction?→ Chuck Grassley’s ‘Spanish Flu’ Tweet Adds to Wave of Xenophobic COVID-19 Rhetoric From GOP
As United States President Donald Trump and his supporters continued to try to normalize xenophobic rhetoric surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa came under criticism online for his own effort. “I don’t unders
Snopes→ Did President Trump Say ‘People Are Dying Today That Have Never Died Before’?
A number of hoaxes have circulated amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Snopes→ No, Red Cross Is Not Offering Coronavirus Home Tests
Scams involving the disaster relief organization are unfortunately not new.
Truth or Fiction?→ Imperial College London’s COVID-19 Report, Explained
On March 17 2020, an Imperial College London paper about coronavirus and COVID-19 trajectory models was referenced widely in the news and on social media, causing a considerable amount of concern and drawing global attention. Discourse about the Imper
Snopes→ Is This Timeline of Trump’s Coronavirus Responses Accurate?
U.S. President Donald Trump claimed that he felt COVID-19 was a pandemic "long before it was called a pandemic," but his previous recorded statements paint a different picture.
Truth or Fiction?→ Is St. Corona the Patron Saint of Epidemics?
As novel coronavirus COVID-19 swept the majority Catholic country of Italy in March 2020, rumors appeared that Italians had begun praying to a St. Corona — who was, incidentally, “the patron saint of epidemics.” A March 11 post to th
Truth or Fiction?→ Did a Property Management Company Tell Tenants to Pay Rent First During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
A South Carolina property management company became a symbol for the anger and concern that tenants around the United States felt in the wake of the changes to their lives and livelihoods brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. The criticis
Truth or Fiction?→ Is the United Way’s COVID-19 Helpline Accessible at 866-211-9966?
In mid-March 2020, a Facebook status update screenshot began circulating, advising anyone in need that United Way had a COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund which could be accessed by calling 1-866-211-9966: Black text on a pink and purple backgro
Snopes→ Was Oprah’s Home Raided in a Sex-Trafficking Sting?
This rumor about Oprah Winfrey was a sliver of a much larger conspiracy theory spreading dangerous lies about the coronavirus.
Snopes→ Is Amazon Suspending All Deliveries Except Medical Supplies?
An unclear headline and a paywalled article led to some confusion about Amazon's announcement.