One restaurant's proposed solution to dining out during the COVID-19 pandemic went viral on social media.
Publication: covid-19
Snopes→ A Majority of Vaccine Skeptics Plan to Refuse a COVID-19 Vaccine, A Study Suggests
If most of these individuals forego receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, they could potentially jeopardize the recovery process.
Snopes→ Are Hallmark Cards Made In China?
An old rumor resurfaced amid a rise in Sinophobia during the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic.
Truth or Fiction?→ Are COVID-19 Doctors Reporting Bizarre Blood Clotting and Strokes in Otherwise Healthy Young Patients?
On May 3 2020, Twitter user Bess Kalb tweeted that her father, an intensive care unit doctor, claimed that COVID-19 damaged blood and vascular systems of victims like “sticking your finger in an electric socket”: My dad is an ICU doctor
Snopes→ Was This Letter Written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in Quarantine?
Apparently all jokes need disclaimers.
Truth or Fiction?→ Was a Man in California Spotted Shopping While Wearing a Ku Klux Klan Hood?
Social media users and officials in a small southern California city condemned photographs spreading online showing an unidentified man shopping in public while wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood as a “face mask” during the first weeks of the COV
Snopes→ Is Canine Coronavirus Vaccine Proof that COVID-19 Vaccine Should Exist?
The misunderstanding seems to stem from the word "coronavirus" and how it pertains to a family of viruses.
Snopes→ COVID-19 Vaccine Hunt Heats Up Globally, Still No Guarantee
“We’re not really in a competition against each other," said Dr. Anthony Pollard of the University of Oxford. "We’re in a race against a pandemic virus."
Snopes→ Did the CDC Significantly ‘Readjust COVID-19 Death Numbers’?
The COVID-19 "death rate" reported by the CDC goes up with the passage of time, and it has not been substantially revised downwards.
Truth or Fiction?→ Did a Right-Wing COVID-19 Protester Carry a Sign Displaying a Nazi Slogan?
Several photographs emerged online on May 1 2020 purportedly showing right-wing protesters — and in one case a child — displaying a Nazi slogan. But at least one of the images was manipulated digitally. As the Associated Press reported, a
Snopes→ Did Bill Mitchell Tweet ‘Let Me Know’ When COVID-19 Kills 55,000?
The right-wing commentator received backlash on social media when the tragic benchmark was met.
Snopes→ Did the 1981 ‘Farmer’s Almanac’ Predict COVID-19?
An old "prediction" got a new origin story.
Snopes→ Did Trump Blame Obama for ‘Bad’ COVID-19 Tests?
It wasn't the first time the U.S. president suggested his predecessor was somehow responsible for difficulties his administration faced in responding to the coronavirus pandemic.
Truth or Fiction?→ Did Michigan Gov. Whitmer Need Protection From Armed Right-Wing Protesters?
As armed demonstrators descended on the Michigan statehouse in Lansing on April 30 2020, the footage became a point of contention online. The video, first posted by WDIV-TV business editor Rod Meloni, shows a group of protesters demanding to be let in
Snopes→ Did Bill Gates Tell George Magazine That an ‘Over-Populated Planet’ Would Fall to a ‘Lung-Attacking Virus’?
Bill Gates was featured in a 1997 issue of George magazine, but so were other people.
Truth or Fiction?→ Is CostCo Requiring Shoppers to Cover Their Faces?
As the CostCo retail chain prepared to implement new requirements for shoppers, a message of support for the policy gained traction among Facebook users. The post is based around a photograph of a sign informing shoppers that members will be required
Hoax-Slayer→ FAKE-NEWS ALERT: Japanese Professor Tasuku Honjo Did NOT Say That Coronavirus Was Made by China
According to a post that is currently circulating rapidly on social media, Nobel Prize-winning Japanese physician-scientist Professor Tasuku Honjo has told media outlets that coronavirus is not natural and that it was made by China. The post FAKE-NEWS
Truth or Fiction?→ Did Elon Musk Tweet ‘If One Day, My Words are Against Science, Choose Science’ Before a COVID-19 Controversy?
As the COVID-19 pandemic progressed in the United States, dueling opinions were politicized and bluntly split between opinions based on hard science versus economics. This ended up leading to the recirculation of a purported tweet from Elon Musk about
Snopes→ Is ‘Center for Global Human Population Reduction’ Inscribed on a Gates Foundation Building?
A doctored image was used to promulgate an old conspiracy theory about Bill Gates.
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Wear Your Mask: The Urine Test’ Analogy Meme
On April 29 2020, a post titled “Wear Your Mask: The Urine Test” appeared on r/funny (and soon r/all), aiming to explain the purpose of masks during the coronavirus pandemic to pants in the presence of a person uncontrollably urinating eve
Truth or Fiction?→ Did Dolly Parton Help Fund Research for a COVID-19 Treatment?
Country music icon Dolly Parton’s reputation for philanthropy grew in April 2020 after reports appeared of her involvement in research for an antibody treatment against COVID-19. The singer announced on her Instagram account on April 1 2020 that
Snopes→ US Intel: Coronavirus Not Manmade, Still Studying Lab Theory
U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that the new coronavirus was “not manmade or genetically modified” but say they are still examining whether the origins of the pandemic trace to contact with infected animals or an accident at a Chinese lab.
Snopes→ Is the White House Gift Shop Selling Coronavirus Commemorative Coins?
Sometimes names can be deceiving.
Snopes→ Police Called After NYC Funeral Home Puts Bodies in Trucks
The Brooklyn funeral home, overwhelmed by coronavirus victims, had rented four unrefrigerated trucks to store corpses.
Snopes→ Is USPS Closing Soon Because of COVID-19?
For many Americans who fear leaving their homes during the pandemic, the Postal Service is a lifeline.
Truth or Fiction?→ Is There ‘No Scientific Proof’ That Social Distancing Prevents the Spread of Coronavirus?
On April 22 2020, a KUSI News item (“USC Professor Joel Hay says there is no scientific proof social distancing prevents spread of coronavirus”) appeared containing a claim that proved particularly popular among people who opposed COVID-19
Snopes→ Did This Nobel Prize Winner Say COVID-19 Was Created in a Lab?
Keep in mind, the opinion of one person does not outweigh the consensus of the scientific community.
Truth or Fiction?→ Are Four Networks ‘Set to Announce They Will No Longer Televise Trump’s Announcements’?
Those perhaps seeking relief from live coverage of United States President Donald Trump’s daily briefings on COVID-19 shared a Texas man’s unverified claim that some major news outlets would stop carrying them in late April 2020. “CN
Snopes→ Groups Sow Doubt About COVID Vaccine Before One Even Exists
Groups that peddle misinformation about immunizations are already taking aim at a future coronavirus vaccine, potentially eroding confidence in what could be humanity’s best chance to defeat the virus.
Snopes→ Did an Irish Times Column Express ‘Pity’ for the US?
A scathing opinion column was copied and pasted then circulated online, prompting some to question its authenticity.
Truth or Fiction?→ Medical Community Refutes Bakersfield Doctors’ Attempts to Minimize COVID-19
Two California-based doctors’ attempt to compare COVID-19 to the common flu has incurred criticism and debunking from not only their local colleagues, but medical professionals at the state and national level. In a rare step, the American Colleg
Truth or Fiction?→ CNN ‘Global Death Toll Approaches Three Million People’ Chyron Error
On April 27 2020, a screen capture purportedly of CNN showing anchor Wolf Blitzer with a chyron reading “GLOBAL DEATH TOLL APPROACHES THREE MILLION PEOPLE” circulated on social media, often marked with question marks, circles, and an arrow
Snopes→ The US Reopening is Coming, but ‘Normal’ is Still a Ways Off
Federal and state officials warn that while reopening plans roll out, social distancing and "a different way of life" will be with Americans for the foreseeable future.
Hoax-Slayer→ COVIDSafe App Hoax Message Being Distributed
News outlets in Australia are reporting on a hoax message that falsely claims to have been sent by the newly released COVIDSafe app. The post COVIDSafe App Hoax Message Being Distributed appeared first on Hoax-Slayer.
Hoax-Slayer→ ‘Coronavirus Vaccine Available in 2001’ – Nonsensical Conspiracy Theory Post
A post that is currently circulating via social media suggests that there was a coronavirus vaccine available as early as 2001. The post ‘Coronavirus Vaccine Available in 2001’ – Nonsensical Conspiracy Theory Post appeared first on
Truth or Fiction?→ Can Ultraviolet Light Be Injected Into the Body to Fight COVID-19?
As attention swirled around “sarcastic” remarks concerning the use of household disinfectants to treat COVID-19, some social media users attempted to gin up more support for United States President Donald Trump by fixating on another theor
Snopes→ Does an 1866 Court Case Bar States from Enforcing Social-Distancing Regulations?
States may in fact use police powers to protect the health, safety, and welfare of persons within their borders.
Snopes→ As Fewer People Fly, Rate of Guns Found in Bags by TSA Jumps
With far fewer people flying because of travel restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic, airport security screeners are naturally finding fewer guns in carry-on baggage. But the ratio of guns to passengers seeking to board airplanes has jumped shar
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Barack 6, Hussein 7, Obama 5, Covid=19’
As criticism rolled in against far-right protesters demanding their “freedom” to potentially help spread COVID-19, some social media users were apparently taken in by digital manipulation. Readers mocking the “grassroots” prot
Snopes→ Did Nobel Laureate Tasuku Honjo Say COVID-19 Was ‘Man-Made’?
Unlike new viruses, quotes can be manufactured with ease.