Do COVID-19 nasal test swabs contain both lithium and DARPA hydrogel that allow recipients to be remotely controlled? No, that's not true: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) told Lead Stories that nasal swabs used to test for COVID do
Publication: coronavirus
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Lawyer Who Supported COVID Vaccination Did NOT Die From COVID Vaccination
Did Yemi Getachew, an immigration lawyer who posted in support of COVID-19 vaccination, subsequently die from COVID-19 vaccination? No, that's not true: Getachew was diagnosed with cancer and was admitted to hospice care shortly before he
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Movie ‘Died Suddenly’ Does NOT Demonstrate That COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Sudden Death
Does the movie "Died Suddenly" demonstrate that COVID-19 vaccinations cause widespread sudden death or severe medical outcomes? No, that's not true: The film recycles previously debunked claims that the vaccine is lethal or dangerous for
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Doctors ARE Taught About Vaccines In Medical School
Do medical schools neglect to teach future doctors about vaccines, how they're made and their potential dangers? No, that's not true: Vaccine education is a typical part of the training in schools of medicine. Representatives of multiple
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Canadian Doctors Group Did NOT ‘Mandate Psychiatric Medication’ For Unvaccinated
Did Canada or the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario -- a Canadian professional medical association -- "mandate psychiatric medication for those that refuse mRNA injections or any kind of vaccination"? No, that's not true: The
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: US Navy Did NOT Hang Moderna CEO
Did the U.S. Navy hang Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel at Guantanamo Bay? No, that's not true: This claim comes from a website that identifies itself as a satirical source and regularly publishes fake news. No serious news sites have carried
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern Did NOT Threaten To Put Vaccines In Water Supply
Did "Jacinta Ardern", the prime minister of New Zealand, threaten to put mRNA vaccines in the water supply if enough people did not take the shot? No, that's not true: This claim originated in late January 2022 with an image of a made-up
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Malaysian Physician Was NOT ‘Put To Death … For Giving The Bioweapon Vaccine And Killing A Patient’
Was a doctor tried and executed in Malaysia for "giving the bioweapon vaccine and killing a patient" under the Nuremberg Code? No, that's not true: Malaysia stopped executing people in 2018 and hasn't reversed the moratorium on capital pu
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Fauci And DeSantis Are NOT Partners In ‘Paragon Diamonds, LLC’ In Oklahoma
Does a filing on the Florida Secured Transaction Registry show that Anthony Fauci, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and many other public servants are involved with a diamond business in Sulphur, Oklahoma? No, that's not true: There is no busine
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Germ Theory Is NOT ‘Unproven’ — It Is Basis For Modern Microbiology, Virology, Bacteriology
Is it true that germ theory has "NEVER" been proven? No, that's not true: This claim was posted without corroborating materials, nor medical credentials for the person to whom the claim is attributed. The germ theory is a scientifically e
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Video Does NOT Show Klaus Schwab And ‘Elites’ Planning ‘New World Order’ And ‘To Microchip The Human Race’
Does a viral video prove that the founder of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and other speakers at WEF events planned to establish the "new world order" and "microchip human race"? No, that's not true: The heavily edited social me
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: COVID-19 Vaccine Does NOT Increase Stillbirths As Graph Implies
Does a graph show that the COVID-19 vaccine increases stillbirths? No, that is missing context: The graph was published on the U.S. government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) website. As VAERS itself repeatedly explains,
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: UK Medicines Regulator Does NOT Confirm COVID Is Man-Made; Vaccines Were NOT Made With Computer-Generated DNA
Did the U.K. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) admit in a series of email exchanges that COVID-19 is man-made and that COVID vaccines were created with computer-generated DNA? No, that's not true: The MHRA told Le
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: US Special Forces Did NOT Arrest Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel
Did U.S. Special Forces arrest Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel to charge him "on many counts of murder" for deaths caused by Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine? No, that's not true: This claim is made on a website that publishes false claims and ide
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: COVID-19 Deaths In 2020 Were NOT Mislabeled Flu Deaths
Were influenza deaths mislabeled as COVID-19 deaths in 2020 to inflate the toll of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic? No, that's not true: Registered deaths attributed to COVID were categorized separately from influenza and pneumonia by national an
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Finnish Report Did NOT Expose ‘Massive Pandemic Data Fraud’ — COVID Deaths Were NOT Fabricated
Did a Finnish report expose "massive pandemic data fraud" and show that 40 percent of COVID-19 deaths were fabricated? No, that's not true: The article cited in the social media post provides no data to support its claim. In addition, the
Health Feedback→ Clinical trial by Moderna found no safety concerns with the COVID-19 vaccine in toddlers, contrary to claim by Joseph Ladapo
REVIEW As of 12 June 2022, SARS-CoV-2 had caused around two million cases, 20,000 hospitalizations, and 200 deaths among U.S. children aged six months to four years, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). T
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Gabby Petito’s Cause Of Death Was NOT ‘From the Vaccine’
Was a COVID-19 vaccination the cause of the August 2021 death of 22-year-old Florida resident Gabrielle Petito, who disappeared while traveling through Wyoming? No, that's not true: The official coroner's report confirms that Petito's cau
Health Feedback→ Photos of blood clots removed during embalming don’t show any link with COVID-19 vaccines; blood clotting risk is much higher after COVID-19 than vaccination
REVIEW On 23 and 24 October 2022, writer at the Canadian news website Western Standard Matthew Horwood posted two tweets showing photos of blood clots. One of the tweets included quotes claiming, “They’re just not normal clots. It’s almost lik
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Phoebe And Jennifer Gates Are NOT Unvaccinated
Are Phoebe and Jennifer Gates, the daughters of Bill and Melinda French Gates, unvaccinated? No, that's not true: In a 2019 Facebook post, Melinda Gates wrote that all three of her children were fully vaccinated. There are multiple instan
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Movie Trailer Does NOT Demonstrate That COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Sudden Death
Does the "Died Suddenly" movie trailer demonstrate that COVID-19 vaccinations cause widespread sudden death or severe medical events? No, that's not true: The trailer recycles previously debunked claims that the vaccine is lethal. To supp
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: COVID-19 Vaccines Do NOT Contain Parasites
Do Comirnaty (Pfizer) COVID-19 vaccines contain parasites? No, that's not true: Claims made on social media that COVID vaccines contain parasites provided no laboratory or independent evidence to support the allegations, and a medical exa
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: COVID-Vaccinated Young Adults Are NOT 92% More Likely To Die Than Unvaccinated Young Adults In England
Were COVID-vaccinated young adults 92 percent more likely to die than their unvaccinated counterparts in England during the first full year that the vaccines were available? No, that's not true: While U.K. health agencies report that the
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Snake, Starfish Venom Are NOT In COVID Vaccines
Are snake and starfish venom found in COVID-19 vaccines? No, that's not true: The claim is based on the false belief that one component of venom is the same as venom, not just a component in the whole. In fact, this component can be natur
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: NZ Funeral Director’s ’95 Percent’ Statistic Does NOT Prove COVID-19 Vaccine Is Causing Mass Death
Does a New Zealand funeral director's statement that 95 percent of the corpses he sees had been vaccinated against COVID-19 prove that vaccines are causing mass death? No, that's not true. This claim was drawn from anecdotal observations
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Video Does NOT Show ‘Transhuman’ Baby From Parents Vaccinated For COVID-19
Does a social media video show a "transhuman" baby from parents who received the COVID-19 vaccine? No, that's not true: The mother of the baby shown in the video post told Lead Stories that her daughter was born in August 2020, before the
Health Feedback→ COVID-19 vaccine boosters reduce the risk of infection and hospitalization, they don’t increase the risk contrary to claims of vaccines “negative efficacy”
REVIEW Data from clinical trials and safety surveillance indicate that COVID-19 vaccines approved in the U.S. are safe and effective at preventing severe illness and death. Nevertheless, false and misleading claims downplaying the vaccines’ ef
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Government Did NOT Patent Luciferase ‘Mark’ To Serve As COVID Vaccine Tracker
Did the U.S. government file a patent to use an enzyme called luciferase to track the vaccination status of individuals? No, that's not true: While the patent is authentic it was filed on September 16, 2019, predating the COVID-19 pandemi
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Pfizer COVID Vaccine NOT Responsible For Hospitalizing 1 In 500 Small Children Who Receive It
Is the Pfizer COVID vaccine responsible for hospitalizing 1 out of 500 small children under the age of 5? No, that's not true: There's no evidence to support that claim. The study used to back it says 10 children out of its 7,806 juvenile
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Boston University COVID-19 Strain Killed 20% FEWER Mice Than Wild Strain — ‘80% Kill Rate’ Did NOT Refer To Humans
Does a Boston University (BU) study of a COVID-19 strain with an "80% lethality" have implications for humans? No, that's not true: The kill rate refers to mice used in the lab tests, and BU's manipulated virus was less lethal than existi
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: mRNA Vaccines For Livestock Are NOT Mandated For Australian Farmers As Of October 2022
Are Australian farmers being forced to inject livestock with mRNA vaccines that are killing cows? No, that's not true: Some biotechnology firms and governments have announced plans to research and eventually roll out less expensive and mo
Logically→ Boston University researchers have created a more lethal COVID-19 strain with an 80 percent kill rate.
Many reports miss important context around the findings and purpose of the research which was conducted to study role of the strain's spike protein.
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Pfizer Documents Do NOT Reveal 90% Of Pregnant Women Vaccinated Against COVID Lost Their Babies
Do Pfizer documents reveal that 90 percent of pregnant women vaccinated against COVID lost their babies, and that COVID vaccination is going to lead to "mass depopulation"? No, that's not true: There's no evidence to support that claim. E
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: CDC Did NOT Mandate Kids Get COVID-19 Vaccine For School — It’s Up To Each State
Did the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mandate that students get COVID-19 shots? No, that's not true: While an independent CDC advisory committee did vote on October 20, 2022, to add the COVID vaccine to its list of reco
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: U.S. Special Forces Did NOT Destroy ‘Boston University COVID-19 Research Lab’
Did U.S. Special Forces destroy a "Boston University Covid-19 research lab"? No, that's not true: This claim was made on a website known for publishing fabricated content. The claim appeared in an article published by Real Raw News on Oct
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Kaiser Did NOT State Risk Of COVID-19 Infection ‘Increases With Each Shot’
Did Kaiser Permanente, a major American non-profit healthcare provider, admit that the risk of COVID-19 infection "increases with each [vaccine] shot"? No, that's not true. Lead Stories spoke with the lead author of the study, an assessme
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: COVID MRNA Vaccine NOT Found To Cause 84% Increase In Death For Men Ages 18-39
Have COVID mRNA vaccines been found to cause an 84 percent increase in death for men ages 18-39? No, that's not true: Lead Stories asked medical experts about the claim and they said it is misleading and can be misinterpreted to imply tha
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: Pfizer Vaccine Clinical Trial NOT Intended To Test Transmission Prevention — That’s Not How Clinical Trials Work
Did a Pfizer representative "admit" the company erred when its COVID-19 vaccine was "never tested on preventing transmission" of the virus during clinical trials? No, that's not true. Vaccine clinical trials for drug approval are not mean
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: V-Safe CDC Data Does NOT Prove ‘Stunning Amount’ Of ‘Severe’ COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects
Does a "massive study" of "v-safe" data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) prove that the COVID-19 vaccine caused a "stunning amount" of severe side effects? No, that's not true: No such study occurred, and
Lead Stories→ Fact Check: This Video Does NOT Confirm That Vaccines Are ‘Mind Control Neuroweapon’ That ‘Can React To 5G Towers’
Did Karen Kingston present the new evidence confirming that vaccines against COVID-19 are a "mind control neuroweapon" that "can react to 5G towers"? No, that's not true. She only repeated the false claims previously debunked by Lead Stor