The biggest rumors and stories about Taco Bell from the last several decades.
Publication: Collection
Snopes→ Year in Review
What we did, how we did, and what readers liked best, according to the numbers. Plus, that time we were on TV!
Snopes→ Year in Review
What we did, how we did, and what readers liked best, according to the numbers. Plus, that time we were on TV!
Snopes→ Things Every Voter Should Know
Don't get caught off guard at the polls. Know where your state stands on these commonly confused voting rules.
Snopes→ Scary Urban Legends You Pretended Not to Believe
Did any of these scary stories haunt you as a kid? You were not alone.
Snopes→ 7 Scary Stories You Hope Aren’t Real
Readers beware: True horrors lurk among legends.
Snopes→ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A History in Rumor
The famed civil rights crusader has been the focus of many rumors and fake news pieces over the years. Here's our collection of some of them.
Snopes→ Harvey Disaster Relief Donation Rumors
In the wake of a massive hurricane, rumors abounded about public figures who have donated to victims.
Snopes→ Harvey Disaster Relief Donation Rumors
In the wake of a massive hurricane, rumors abounded about public figures who have donated to victims.
Snopes→ Moon Landing Urban Legends
A collection of urban legends about the 20 July 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing.
Snopes→ Moon Landing Urban Legends
A collection of urban legends about the 20 July 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing.
Snopes→ 4th of July Urban Legends
A collection of urban legends related to the events of America's Independence Day.
Snopes→ 4th of July Urban Legends
A collection of urban legends related to the events of America's Independence Day.