Ice melted as a result of exceptionally warm ocean temperatures.
Publication: climate change
Snopes→ After Fleeing State Over Climate Change Bill, Oregon GOP Still Absent
The GOP lawmakers insist they will stay away, while Democrats say the minority party was stirring up "dangerous sentiments."
Snopes→ Medical Groups Warn Climate Change is a ‘Health Emergency’
Public health groups are pressing elected officials and presidential candidates to "meet and strengthen U.S. commitments" under the 2015 United Nations climate agreement from which Trump has vowed to withdraw.
Snopes→ Emails: Trump Official Consulted Global Warming Rejecters
Last year President Trump rejected the warnings of a national climate change assessment by more than a dozen government agencies. "I don't believe it," he said.
Snopes→ US Officials Warn of Climate Risk as Trump Dismisses It
President Donald Trump has even belittled his own government's views.
Truth or Fiction?→ Did It Snow in Québec in June 2019?
On June 2 2019, a Facebook user shared the following image (archived here), purportedly showing a thick covering of snow that had fallen on that date in Québec. A reverse image search did not indicate that the user’s image of snow in Québec in
Truth or Fiction?→ Is a 1989 ‘U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked’ Article Authentic?
On May 14 2019, a Facebook user shared the following screenshot (archived here), purportedly showing a 1989 Associated Press item prognosticating “disaster” by the year 2000 if “global warming” remained unchecked: In the scree
Truth or Fiction?→ Are ‘Cow Fart Bags’ Being Used to Fight Climate Change?
On May 14 2019, a Facebook user shared the following post (archived here), purporting to show “cow fart bags” advocated as a climate change solution by “fringe leftists”: It was almost as if a post lamenting that “you
Truth or Fiction?→ Cyclone Idai Flooding
On April 15 2019, a Facebook user shared images and a status update (archived here) about purported deadly flooding in Mozambique after a huge cyclone ripped through southeastern Africa: The text shared with the photographs said: Did yall know tha
Snopes→ UK Climate Protesters Block Roads, Glue Themselves to Train
Police have arrested more than 300 people during protests by the group Extinction Rebellion.
Truth or Fiction?→ Did Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Forget to Vote for Her Own Green New Deal?
On March 29 2019 a Facebook page shared the following meme (archived here), asserting that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez failed to vote for her own bill (the “Green New Deal“): Across a photograph of Ocasio-Cortez (with a pejorative ter
Truth or Fiction?→ Monster Supercell in Burwell, Nebraska
On March 18 2019, a Facebook user shared the image below (archived here) with the caption “monster supercell, burwell, nebraska”: Several commenters expressed their concerns for the original poster’s safety, while others pointed out
Snopes→ Floods Show National Security Threat Posed by Climate Change
Late-winter floods that swept over Plains states — breaching levees, halting Amtrak trains, and killing at least three people — are also the second major inundation in less than a decade to hit the air base outside Omaha.
Snopes→ US Judge Blocks Oil, Gas Drilling Over Climate Change
The order marks the latest in a string of court rulings over the past decade that have faulted the U.S. for inadequate consideration of greenhouse gas emissions when approving oil, gas and coal projects on federal land.
Snopes→ UN: Environment is Deadly, Worsening Mess, But Not Hopeless
The sixth Global Environment Outlook, released at a U.N. conference in Kenya, painted a dire picture of a planet where environmental problems interact with each other to make things even more dangerous for people.
Truth or Fiction?→ Will Earth Lose Two-Thirds of its Animals by 2020?
In early March 2019, a Facebook user shared a screenshot (archived here) of a tweet sent the same day, which admonished followers of a scandal involving the Kardashian family. That post claimed that while readers were busy on Kardashian gossip, two-t
Truth or Fiction?→ Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Say ‘White Women’ Need to Have Fewer Children and ‘More Abortions’?
In early March 2019, a Facebook user shared the following indifferently-spelled meme (archived here), featuring Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a quote in which she purportedly insisted that “white women” ought to have ̶
Snopes→ School Lessons Increasingly a Target for Climate Skeptics
Science education organizations and climate scientists have blasted such proposals for sowing confusion and doubt on a topic of global urgency.
Snopes→ Did Pat Robertson Say Global Warming Won’t Affect America Because God Is Protecting Trump?
The 88-year-old Christian televangelist has never been a big fan of science.
Snopes→ Scary Warming at Poles Showing Up at Weird Times, Places
Scientists are seeing surprising melting in Earth's polar regions at times they don't expect, like winter.
Snopes→ Did Donald Trump Acknowledge the Threat of Climate Change to His Irish Golf Course?
The 45th president has been adamant and consistent in describing global warming and climate change as a "hoax."
Snopes→ UN Chief: Climate Change is “Most Important Issue We Face”
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued a dramatic appeal to world leaders to take the threat of global warming seriously and to act boldly to avert a catastrophic rise in temperatures before the end of the century.
About That Perfectly Rectangular Iceberg…
In October 2018, an image floating around the internet caused a stir. The photograph appeared to show something statistically implausible, if not impossible — a perfectly rectangular iceberg like a tabletop, serenely circling Antarctic waters: Iceberg floating in Antarctica is perfect rectangle | — RTÉ News (@rtenews) October 25, 2018 Although the oddly-shaped […]
The post About That Perfectly Rectangular Iceberg… appeared first on What’s True?.
Truth or Fiction?→ About That Perfectly Rectangular Iceberg…
In October 2018, an image floating around the internet caused a stir. The photograph appeared to show something statistically implausible, if not impossible — a perfectly rectangular iceberg like a tabletop, serenely circling Antarctic waters: Icebe
Snopes→ Do These Photographs Show the Same Spot in the Arctic 100 Years Apart?
A glacier comparison project documented some stark changes in the Arctic landscape across the span of a century.
Snopes→ Dutch Appeals Court Upholds Landmark Climate Case Ruling
The Netherlands, known for its historic reliance on windmills and ongoing use of bicycles, already is working to cut emissions, but the court said that the country needs to do more.
Snopes→ UN Report on Global Warming Carries Life-or-Death Warning
The Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its gloomy report at a meeting in Incheon, South Korea.
Snopes→ Facing Criticism Over Past Climate Reporting, BBC Commits to Reigning in “False Balance”
“You do not need a denier to balance the debate,” read a briefing sent to the BBC editorial staff.
Snopes→ Emails Show Cooperation Between EPA and Climate-Change Deniers
The newly-released emails reveal Environmental Protection Agency officials have worked to organize events and hearings with conservative groups such as the Heartland Institute.
Snopes→ Arctic Sea Ice Thins, So Do Polar Bears
Some polar bears in the Arctic are shedding pounds during the time they should be beefing up, a new study shows. It's the climate change diet, and scientists say it's not good.
Snopes→ Is Chocolate ‘On Track To Go Extinct’ in 40 Years?
Clickbait headlines suggesting a future without chocolate are based on a distorted reading of established science about cocoa in a warmer world.
Snopes→ Deadly, Bone-Chilling Cold Grips Wide Swath of United States
Authorities have attributed several deaths to exposure to the record-breaking temperatures.
Snopes→ Were Scientists Caught Tampering with Raw Data to Exaggerate Sea Level Rise?
Breitbart pushed an extremely flawed study as evidence of a widespread conspiracy to inflate sea level rise.
Snopes→ Does a Viral Video Show a Polar Bear Starving to Death?
Upsetting footage captured on Canada's Baffin Island is authentic, but the role of climate change in this particular animal's suffering is complicated.
Snopes→ How Unprecedented Is President Trump’s Politicization of Science?
Political interference in science is nothing new, but experts agree that what is happening to scientific integrity under Trump is unusual.
Snopes→ White House Releases Report Contradicting Its Own Position on Climate Change
There is no "convincing alternative explanation" for recent warming besides human activity, a congressionally mandated study reports.
Snopes→ Is This Time Magazine Cover About ‘Global Cooling’?
Despite all their bluster, climate denial blogs still do not appear to understand the difference between weather and climate.
Snopes→ Does an ‘Increase’ in Arctic and Greenland Ice Cast Doubt on the Reality of Global Warming?
Single data points presented without context do not interfere with the scientific consensus on climate change.
Truth or Fiction?→ Jennifer Lawrence Blames President Trump for Hurricanes Irma, Harvey-Misleading!
Jennifer Lawrence Blames President Trump for Hurricanes Irma, Harvey-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Actress Jennifer Lawrence blamed President Trump for Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey, claiming the storms were Mother Nature’s retribution
Snopes→ Did Jennifer Lawrence Say Hurricanes Are ‘Nature’s Wrath’ Against Trump?
Right-wing web sites misrepresented Lawrence's assertion that climate change is caused by human activity.