Despite fears of “deepfake” videos and other high-tech ways disinformation could potentially proliferate in the very near future, the stories that still get the most traction are often decidedly low effort. Take, for example, the case of a
Publication: christopher blair
Was Brett Kavanaugh’s Home Vandalized?
In early October 2018, the usual purveyors and pushers of disinformation were anxious to take advantage of the controversy surrounding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to ride the ad revenue wave from whatever satire or clickbait they could think up. Most of that centered around various outlandish rumors surrounding his multiple accusers, but at least […]
The post Was Brett Kavanaugh’s Home Vandalized? appeared first on What’s True?.
Snopes→ Did John Elway Fire Denver Broncos Players for Kneeling During the National Anthem?
A notorious producer of junk news attempted to make hay during Week 3 of the 2018 NFL season.
Snopes→ Did a New Hampshire Congressman Deface Donald Trump’s Limousine?
A prolific producer of fake news publishes yet another false meme about an 'Arnim Zola'.
Snopes→ Rumors and Hoaxes About the Future of ‘Roseanne’
According to one fake news purveyor, the cancelled sitcom was picked up by three different networks within a matter of hours.
Snopes→ Did California’s Governor Sign a Law Requiring All Students to Learn Spanish?
A notorious producer of fake news provokes yet more outrage with another fabricated meme.
Snopes→ Was Ivanka Trump Critically Injured After Being Shot by a Sniper?
A "satirical" web site run by a prolific purveyor of fake news publishes yet another distasteful and false story.
Snopes→ Did Alabama State Police Arrest Three Poll Workers in Birmingham?
Reports that poll workers had been detained in connection with voter fraud during Alabama's December 2017 special election are just fake news.
Snopes→ Were ‘Black People in Birmingham’ Caught Voting Multiple Times With Fake IDs?
A so-called "satire" site published a story falsely claiming black voters committed fraud in Alabama's special election.
Snopes→ Fake News Purveyors Apologize for ‘Satire’ Story Calling Fallen Soldier a Deserter
A false story labeled "satire" posted on the web site reported Sgt. La David Johnson "pulled a Bergdahl."