Publication: christianity
The Dispatch→ The Passing of America’s Pastor
Timothy Keller (Screenshot via Gospel in Life)Tim Keller possessed a unique blend of pastoral gentleness and theological rigor. Continue reading The Passing of America’s Pastor »
Logically→ No, Israel has not banned Christianity
Logically→ A Christian cross stands atop a historic pillar at India’s Rashtrapati Bhavan.
The Dispatch→ Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Congregants sing during a Sunday service at Blackrock Church on April 10, 2022, in Middleton, Wisconsin. (Photo by Bonnie Jo Mount/Washington Post/Getty Images)Emotionalism can lead believers away from faithful living, rather than toward it.The post Le
The Dispatch→ Who Are These ‘Cultural Christians’?
Interior view of Milan Cathedral, Duomo di Milano, with marble columns and high arches. (Photo by Frank Bienewald/LightRocket/Getty Images)Christian sensibility, but without the belief, is very little more than niceness inflated to the point of metaphy
Logically→ Images online show more than 80 Iranian Muslims accepted Christianity in Germany recently.
Older images of people being baptized on different occasions have been misrepresented as 80 Iranian Muslims converting to Christianity recently.
The Dispatch→ Christianity is Political, But Not in the Way You Think
(Photo by Wolfram Steinberg/picture alliance via Getty Images)Debates about Christian nationalism often misunderstand the fundamental role of the church. The post Christianity is Political, But Not in the Way You Think appeared first on The Dispatch.
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Dear Teacher’ Letter Explaining Christmas Goes Viral on Twitter
On December 13 2022, a Twitter account going by @JewWhoHasItAll published a satirical “Dear Teacher” letter, describing Christmas and Christian traditions to putative school employees. A Twitter bio for @JewWhoHasItAll provided context suf
Snopes→ Did a Youth Pastor Make an ‘I Heart Hot Youth Pastors’ Sticker?
"My best friend lives in South Carolina and sent me this screenshot from her local mom group and I just ... cannot," a tweet read.
Logically→ Pope Francis declared “Chrislam” as the One World Religion.
The Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions did not codify or ratify the creation of a new ‘One World Religion’.
Logically→ Millions of skulls, bones and human skeletons adorn the catacombs of the Vatican.
Photos claiming so are of various Chapels of Bones across Portugal and even a crypt of a monastery in Rome. They have nothing to do with the Vatican.
Snopes→ Does a Book Call Trump ‘The Son of Man, The Christ’?
A picture of a flyer showed the book title, "President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man - The Christ," followed by the author's name, Helgard Müller.
Logically→ Pope Francis praised Lucifer and announced his arrival.
A clip of Pope Francis singing the Easter proclamation in Latin during an Easter Vigil has been taken out of context to say the Pope hailed Lucifer.
Snopes→ Is the Lord’s Prayer Aramaic Translation on Facebook Legitimate?
A popular Facebook post claimed that Aramaic-language scrolls discovered by archaeologists in 1892 led to a different translation of the Lord's Prayer.
Snopes→ Did Adolf Hitler Say ‘Our Movement Is Christian’?
The quote in a viral meme with the Nazi leader's picture read: "We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian."
Logically→ The Easter Bunny is mentioned in the Bible.
There is no mention of the Easter Bunny in the Bible. The tradition is most likely imported to America by German immigrants in the 1700s.
Logically→ The word ‘Easter’ gets its name from Eastre, an Anglo-Saxon goddess.
The word ‘Easter’ is most likely derived from an old high german word for 'east', which comes from an old latin word for 'dawn'.
Truth or Fiction?→ ‘Louisiana Floods Destroy Home of Christian Leader Who Says God Sends Natural Disasters to Punish Gay People’
On January 14 2021, an Imgur user shared the following screenshot of a headline (“Louisiana Floods Destroy Home of Christian Leader Who Says God Sends Natural Disasters to Punish Gay People”), in a post titled “Such dramatic way of c
Truth or Fiction?→ Daniel Everett and the Amazonian Tribe that ‘Deconverted’ Him
A former evangelist’s journey to becoming an advocate for a tribe native to the Brazilian Amazon rainforest has endured not only through his own efforts, but through the reproduction online of a famous photograph of him. In October 2019, a Reddi
Truth or Fiction?→ Did the Democratic Party Pass a Resolution ‘Against Christianity’?
A far-right Christian blog exaggerated the language of a Democratic National Committee resolution expressing support for people who do not practice any religion, painting it as an attack on the Christian faith itself. The post on took issue
Truth or Fiction?→ Did Bernie Sanders Say ‘Christianity is an Insult to Muslims’?
On April 20 2019, a Facebook user shared a text-based status update to their personal timeline, claiming Bernie Sanders said that “Christianity is an insult to Muslims.” The text on the post read: Bernie Sanders Says Christianity Is An Ins
Snopes→ Did Second Lady Karen Pence Work at a School That Bans LGBT Teachers and Students?
The wife of Vice President Mike Pence resumed her work as an art teacher at the Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia in January 2019.
Snopes→ Did Florida State Rep. Kimberly Daniels Once Say, ‘I Thank God for Slavery’?
The Jacksonville Democrat's pronouncements as a preacher came under intense scrutiny in 2018.
Truth or Fiction?→ Did President Donald Trump’s Secretary of State Call Same-Sex Marriage ‘Evil’?
On December 27, 2018, a brief video appeared to show Trump administration Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussing homosexuality and referring to the Rapture, which according to certain sects of evangelical Christianity is the end of the world in whic
Snopes→ Did a Billboard in Missouri Show President Trump Alongside a Gospel Quote?
Some Christians expressed concern that a billboard near St. Louis seemingly equated the 45th president with Jesus Christ himself.
Truth or Fiction?→ House Democrats Draft Bill Making Eating at Chick-fil-A a Hate Crime-Fiction!
House Democrats Draft Bill Making Eating at Chick-fil-A a Hate Crime-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: House Democrats have introduce legislation to make eating at Chick-fil-A restaurants a hate crime. the Truth: A website that describes its content as ̶
Truth or Fiction?→ Pope Francis Orders White Women to Have Children with Muslim Migrants-Fiction!
Pope Francis Orders White Women to Have Children with Muslim Migrants-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Pope Francis supposedly encouraged white women to “breed” with Muslim migrants to counter declining birthrates. The Truth: The claim that Pope
Truth or Fiction?→ California Bill Requires Bibles to Be Registered as Assault Weapons-Fiction!
Christians in California Required to Register Bibles as Assault Weapons-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: The California Legislature has advanced a bill requiring Christians to register bibles as assault weapons. The Truth: The Babylon Bee, a website that id
Truth or Fiction?→ Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Members After Announcing Name Change-Truth! & Unproven!
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Members After Announcing Name Change-Truth! & Unproven! Summary of eRumor: After announcing it would change its name to Scouts BSA and start welcoming girls, Boy Scouts lost 425,000 members in just over a week. The Truth: Th
Truth or Fiction?→ Pope Francis Says Gun Owners Can’t Call Themselves Christians-Mostly Fiction!
Pope Francis Gun Owners Aren’t Christian, Calls to Ban All Weapons-Misleading! Summary of eRumor: Pope Francis said that gun owners and those who support gun rights can’t call themselves Christian anymore and are hypocrites. Pope Francis al
Snopes→ Did North Korea Agree to ‘Open Its Doors’ to Christianity?
A bogus story in a notorious fake news web site claimed without evidence that the country is now allowing open practice of Christianity.
Truth or Fiction?→ Theresa May Reminds U.K. Citizens That State Owns Their Children-Fiction!
Theresa May Reminds U.K. Citizens That State Owns Their Children-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: British Prime Minister Theresa May reminds U.K. citizens that the “all-powerful state” actually owns their children. The Truth: A website that publ
Truth or Fiction?→ “Hail Satan” Appears on In-N-Out Burger Cups-Fiction!
“Hail Satan” Appears on In-N-Out Burger Cups-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: A viral photo of an In-N-Out Burger cup with “hail satan” printed on the bottom has gone viral. The Truth: In-N-Out Burger cups don’t say “hail
Truth or Fiction?→ California Bill Would Ban the Bible-Disputed
California Bill Would Ban the Bible-Disputed! Summary of eRumor: A California bill banning gay conversion therapy on all citizens would essentially ban the Bible. The Truth: California Assembly Bill 2943 aims to ban the advertising or sale of gay conve
Snopes→ Would a Proposed Law ‘Ban the Bible’ in California?
A Republican politician and a right-wing television station grossly misrepresented California legislation that would amplify restrictions on "gay conversion therapy."
Snopes→ Did Apple Remove Easter From Its Calendars?
United States calendars on iPhone and Mac don't mark Easter holidays, but they do mark other Christian dates — although it's not clear whether this was a deliberate choice.
Truth or Fiction?→ President Obama Banned Nativity Scene at White House-Fiction!
President Obama Banned Nativity Scene Display at White House-Fiction! Summary of eRumor: Rumors that President Obama banned a nativity scene displayed in the White House’s East Room have been circulating since 2009. The Truth: President Obama did
Truth or Fiction?→ Hobby Lobby Refuses to Sell Jewish Holiday Items or Cater to Jewish People-Outdated!
Hobby Lobby Refuses to Sell Jewish Holiday Items, Cater to Jewish Customers-Outdated! Summary of eRumor: A viral meme claims that Hobby Lobby refuses to sell Jewish holiday items and refuses to cater to Jewish customers. The Truth: Reports from 2013 th
Snopes→ Oklahoma University Forced to Remove a Cross from Their Chapel?
East Central University in Oklahoma may ultimately have to remove Christian symbols from their non-denominational chapel, but that potential outcome is a long ways off.